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英语口语教程(Oral Workshop)--初级


 Oral Workshop教材简介
外研社英语口语权威教程--《英语口语教程》(Oral Workshop)包含外研社《英语初级口语》、《英语中级口语》及《英语高级口语》为北京外国语大学吴祯福教授历时6年的呕心沥血之作,教材选取了丰富的口语素材,是国内最系统、最科学的一套全面提高英语口语的教材,并一直作各高校英语专业的首选口语教材。
中级部分35课,包括爱情友谊、生儿育女、公共道德、人际关系、个性特点。生活习惯、趣味爱好, 生活经历,体育运动、勤工俭学,学习方法、健康减肥、犯罪案例等内容。
高级部分28课,包括对各种问题的辩论,诸如青年人的思想情绪,广告的优劣、寻找对象的方式,妇女的地位。住房改造、对“大锅饭”的态度。对老板的态度、工作的意义、独生子女的教育、城乡差别、教育改革,时装美容。对钱的态度,批评与表扬,两代人的差 别、对时间的看法等内容。
1. 大学英语专业一、二年级或非英语专业的学生

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 1-8

    [00:00.00]Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 1-8 ; [01:02.10] Lesson 1 ; [01:04.71] Text A How Old Is She? ; [01:08.08]A woman was having some trouble with her heart, ; [01:11.61]so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor,and did not know her,...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 8-15

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 8-15 ; [00:05.40] Lesson 8 ; [00:08.55] Text B Interesting Pictures ; [00:13.86]Food really tastes good cooked over an open fire, ; [00:18.31]Lloyd remarked as he took another bite of his hot dog. ; [00:2...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 15-21

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 15-21 ; [00:07.23] Lesson 15 ; [00:14.00] Text B I'll Start in Three Months'Time ; [00:19.66]Rose left school when she was seventeen ; [00:23.23]and went to a college for a year to learn to type. ; [00:26...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 22-27

    [00:00.00]Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 22-27 ; [00:13.37] Lesson 22 ; [00:16.23] Text A If I Don't Do Anything Else ; [00:21.33]Yesterday morning Paul said to himself. ; [00:24.83]I've got to write that economics paper today. ; [00:28.17]If I d...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 23-32

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 28-32 ; [00:16.36] Lesson 28 ; [00:18.57] Text A Where to Find a Listener? ; [00:22.87]Mr Adamson enjoys playing the violin in his leisure time. ; [00:28.58]He is often carried away by his music.But it is...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 33-35

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 33-35 ; [00:12.11] Lesson 33 ; [00:14.45] Text A We Are Not Deaf! ; [00:18.83]Jane and Lise have had lunch with Uncle David and Aunt Janet. ; [00:24.62]The two old people are deaf and the girls are tired...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 36-37

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 36-37 ; [00:13.99] Lesson 36 ; [00:15.99] Text A Three Wishes ; [00:20.30]Once upon a time,there lived a woodman and his wife. ; [00:25.53]They were very poor, and they lived in a cottage on the edge of a...

  • 英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 38-40

    [00:00.00] Oral Workshop: Reproduction Lesson 38-40 ; [00:12.82] Lesson 38 ; [00:15.83] Text A Can't She Type? ; [00:20.74]The well-known banker, T.J.Ellington, ; [00:24.70]was at one time in his younger days the manager of a New York office. ; [00:3...
