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英语口语教程(中级) UNIT 31-32

时间:2011-10-31 08:06来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Oral Workshop:    Discussion  lesson31-32(Text B) ;
[00:09.91]    Lesson 31 ;
[00:19.06]  Thoughts on the   Spring Festival     Text A ;
[00:24.81]My first Spring Festival in north China was a bit of a shock. ;
[00:30.58]Where was the spring? ;
[00:32.38]There was snow on the ground and ice on the Summer Palace lake ;
[00:35.69]and a north-west wind was blowing. ;
[00:37.76]In England,where I come from,we think of the flowers that bloom in the spring: ;
[00:42.13]the crocuses and daffodils and the flowering tress- purple lilac, ;
[00:46.60]yellow laburnum,rosy horse-chestnut,pink and white hawthorn or may. ;
[00:52.24]In fact we say"cast not a clout till may is out". ;
[00:56.98]That means don't leave off any clothes until the may flower is in bloom. ;
[01:01.61]By then it's warm, so you won't catch cold if you shed a garment. ;
[01:05.63]Then I had another problem.In Beijing, ;
[01:09.81]despite the snow and ice it's often sunny over the Spring Festival. ;
[01:13.34]So I liked to go out;to walk in the snow round the Summer Palace lake ;
[01:18.00]or to skate on Kunming Lake.Then we'd come home and find that old friends ;
[01:22.73]had called on us while we were out. ;
[01:24.46]So gradually we learnt the laws of the Spring Festival. ;
[01:27.80]The first day(chu yi) is for feasting at home with the family and very close friends ;
[01:34.49]the second and third days are for paying and receiving visits. ;
[01:38.13]So we changed our holiday life style ;
[01:40.38]and stayed at home or called on friends those days. ;
[01:43.40]Of course we could still go out on chu yi. ;
[01:46.56]These days we don't always stay in Beijing for the Spring Festival; ;
[01:50.79]sometimes we go on a trip to some other part of China. ;
[01:53.90]Last year we were lucky enough to go to Hainan Island. ;
[01:57.21]Instead of skating we went swimming. That was a treat. ;
[02:01.10]The water in February was warmer than it is in the middle of the summer in England. ;
[02:05.18]That made up for those snowy,icy, windy Beijing springs. ;
[02:09.24]1983 was another memorable festival for us. ;
[02:13.64]A friend of the Naxi national minority invited us to his home, ;
[02:17.21]in the mountains in northwest Yunnan, 2,000 metres above sea-level. ;
[02:21.05]What a wonderful place and,what wonderful people, ;
[02:24.50]how hospitable despite being far from wan yuan hu! ;
[02:28.08]They introduced us to their friends and relatives, ;
[02:30.37]as well as to their ancient culture. ;
[02:32.44]And it goes without saying that they wined nd dined us with their fiery hot food. ;
[02:37.37]One very special meal was a picnic by the graves of the ancestors. ;
[02:42.00]This was no English style picnic with a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of beer ;
[02:46.02]The Mongolian-style hotpot was carried up into the hills ;
[02:49.28]and there was a regular feast for all three generations. ;
[02:52.90]But the first cup of wine was placed by the grave of the clan ancestor. ;
[02:57.71]Why shouldn't he join the fun along with his descendants? ;
[03:01.03]Of course there was the usual exchange of gifts. ;
[03:03.77]The most precious one I received was a granddaughter- ;
[03:06.60]or at least a god-granddaughter nearly one year-old. ;
[03:11.61]I had nothing of comparable value to offer in return. ;
[03:14.68]In 1981 we went to Jiangxi and Fujian. ;
[03:19.29]The high point was walking in the Wu Yi Mountains, ;
[03:21.82]on the border of the two provinces. ;
[03:23.71]These mountains are not high by Chinese standards, ;
[03:27.08]though they are higher than any in Britain. ;
[03:29.29]But they are ideal for hiking,even when it snows, as it did when we climbed them ;
[03:34.46]The lower slopes are planted to tea bushes; ;
[03:37.65]above them tower spectacular crags, ;
[03:40.30]sheer precipices and massive rocks cleft by narrow paths. ;
[03:44.33]You can scarcely squeeze through them-especially ;
[03:47.14]after the continuous banqueting which is hard to avoid during the Spring Festival. ;
[03:51.40]But the biggest banquets are not always the best. ;
[03:55.40]Years ago,I remember,as the festival approached, ;
[03:58.83]there would be a dance in the students' dining hall, ;
[04:01.16]to which we teachers were invited.Then there was the finest feast of all: ;
[04:05.98]great buckets and cauldrons of steaming laba zhou, ;
[04:09.26]a thick,sweet porridge of glutinous rice full of green beans, ;
[04:12.77]candied fruit, peanuts and lotus kernels. ;
[04:15.78]It wasn't these ingredients alone which made the laba zhou delicious. ;
[04:19.77]It was the jolly atmosphere,with students,teachers, ;
[04:23.07]cooks and cadres all enjoying themselves together. ;
[04:26.41]In 1980 we spent the Spring Festival in Chengdu and there I got another shock. ;
[04:32.95]On the first day of the lunar new year- we visited a famous temple. ;
[04:37.46]The street outside the main gate was lined with sellers of incense. ;
[04:41.19]People were queuing up by the hundred to buy it ;
[04:44.65]and burn the incense and chant and bow, even to kowtow, ;
[04:48.89]as they made the rounds of the temple statues.At first I felt sad. ;
[04:54.06]Here we were,over 30 years after Liberation,in a socialist country, ;
[04:59.07]and people were still doing this! ;
[05:01.36]We discussed it and concluded that it had its good side. ;
[05:05.24]It takes time to create a scientific world outlook ;
[05:08.37]and these ancient practices and beliefs had evidently never been rooted out. ;
[05:12.46]They had simply gone underground, ;
[05:14.52]especially during the days of the Gang of Four. ;
[05:17.12]Now,four years after the gang's overthrow the people felt free and unafraid, ;
[05:22.64]to do in the open what had been hidden in their hearts and homes. ;
[05:26.15]In any case,these incense burners were not a cross-section of the people. ;
[05:30.54]They were mostly old ladies with little bound feet, ;
[05:33.37]who'd been deprived of education.But then with them were their grandchildren, ;
[05:37.96]some wearing red scarves.That seemed terrible. ;
[05:41.68]Young Pioneers worshipping idols! In the end I realized ;
[05:46.07]that the children didn't believe the idols controlled their fate. ;
[05:49.20]They were looking after their grannies, ;
[05:51.17]helping them over the temple thresholds and showing them the way. ;
[05:54.63]So I thought,that's what they'll do as they grow up. ;
[05:58.00]They'll show their grannies the way into a modernized, socialist China. ;
[06:03.01]    Text B    Christmas Day ;
[06:07.52]Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on the twenty -fifth of December. ;
[06:13.18]The Christian calendar starts in the year in which Jesus was born. ;
[06:17.00]The letters A.D.with a year mean "Anno Domini" or "in the year of Our Lord". ;
[06:23.45]Christmas Day is a very happy day for many boys and girls. ;
[06:27.74]Before the term ends in some schools,the children act a nativity ;
[06:31.88]or "birth"play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable. ;
[06:35.77]Many of the celebrations at Christmas are old customs. ;
[06:39.73]Some fathers dress up in a red cloak and put on a long white beard. ;
[06:43.68]They pretend to be Father Christmas,or Santa Claus, ;
[06:47.58]and put presents by the beds of their children. ;
[06:50.02]The words Santa Claus are a way of saying Saint Nicholas, ;
[06:54.38]a good man who helped poor people and gave presents to them ;
[06:57.50]more than 300 years after Jesus was born. ;
[07:00.67]To most Christians in Europe and America, ;
[07:04.10]Christmas Day finishes the year, ;
[07:05.76]although there are still a few days left after it. ;
[07:08.30]Shop windows are decorated with Christmas trees some months before December ;
[07:12.24]and notices are put up saying"68 shopping days to Christmas" ;
[07:16.21]or "21 shopping days to Christmas". ;
[07:19.02]Cotton wool is stuck on to the shop windows to look like snow, ;
[07:22.37]and holly and mistletoe are hung up. ;
[07:24.70]Parents buy presents for their children. ;
[07:27.26]Then they have to hide them in the house to stop the children from ;
[07:30.21]finding out what "Father Christmas" is going to bring them. ;
[07:33.31]On the twenty-fourth of December,all children are very excited. ;
[07:38.26]Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. ;
[07:42.99]The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney ;
[07:46.67]or fireplace,so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. ;
[07:50.31]The greedy ones even hang up a pillow- case or a sack ;
[07:53.92]to try to get more presents.Later that night, ;
[07:57.19]Father or Mother will put presents inthe sock, ;
[08:00.00]and leave others at the side of the bed. On Christmas morning, ;
[08:04.93]the children wake up very early.Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, ;
[08:09.37]and most of them are awake by six o'clock although it is not light in England ;
[08:13.13]for another hour or two at this time of the year. ;
[08:15.77]Children look for their presents, ;
[08:18.01]and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. ;
[08:20.78]At about one o'clock in the afternoon,the Christmas dinner is brought in. ;
[08:24.89]The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. ;
[08:27.60]Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it ;
[08:31.31]The rest of the day is full of games and eating ;
[08:33.92]until the happiest of all Christian holidays comes to an end. ;
[08:37.90]    Additional    Information ;
[08:40.10]Now that the Spring Festival is over,I only have school to look forward to. ;
[08:45.44]It's really funny,I find myself looking forward more and more to school. ;
[08:50.46]As usual I can get little work done during the winter vacation. ;
[08:54.56]For one thing,the Spring Festival is always a big distraction, ;
[08:58.40]and for days before and after nobody can get any work done. ;
[09:02.50]It's all right if you really have a nice time,as I used to. ;
[09:06.34]But now I find myself enjoying it less and less. ;
[09:09.24]I stopped enjoying fireworks and firecrackers years ago. ;
[09:12.54]The firecrackers especially get on my nerves. ;
[09:15.44]I really think we should stop making them, ;
[09:17.51]as every year many children have their eyes hurt or even blinded. ;
[09:21.61]Even worse sometimes fires are started and whole buildings get burned down. ;
[09:26.77]Still I suppose we'll continue to make them as long as there is a market for them. ;
[09:31.38]And the food! People spend days queuing and buying. ;
[09:36.09]The result-too much and too rich food which does nobody any good. ;
[09:40.50]Chicken,duck,fish, pork,beef,mutton,-- name what you will. ;
[09:46.02]What's more they become tasteless too. ;
[09:48.74]Too much of a good thing,as we say.And this visiting business too. ;
[09:53.20]It's all right for a few really good friends to get ;
[09:55.76]together and chat over some tea or drinks.But mere acquaintances ;
[09:59.81]and the usually not too neighbourly neighbours dropping in to say hello-well ;
[10:04.63]I suppose these are well-intended gestures, ;
[10:07.00]but I find them a pain in the neck. ;
[10:08.92]Usually there is nothing to talk about except some meaningless platitudes ;
[10:13.14]Mum is looking very tired,and no wonder Dad too,I think, ;
[10:17.28]found the whole thing a strain. ;
[10:18.98]The only two who really enjoyed the Spring Festival are Granny ;
[10:22.43]and Xiao Hong.Still Spring Festival comes only once a year. ;
[10:26.52]Oh yes,I did enjoy myself skating on the nearby lake quite a few times. ;
[10:31.83]The ice is not too good now and getting very thin. ;
[10:34.97]I stopped going before the Spring Festival. ;
[10:37.36]But there are people who are either too reckless or too ignorant or both, ;
[10:42.21]and we hear about people falling through thin ice every year. ;
[10:48.16]    Lesson 32 ;
[11:27.62] Do You Know Your   Own Character?     Text A     THE OX ;
[11:36.42]You're a hard and conscientious worker if you were born in the year of the Ox ;
[11:41.49]and you set about everything in a methodical and determined manner. ;
[11:45.68]You're a strong leader-tough and uncompromising. ;
[11:50.06]You know what you want and don't let anything stand in your way! ;
[11:53.69]You take responsibilities very seriously ;
[11:56.55]and place a great deal of trust in friends and colleagues. ;
[11:59.85]But if you feel someone has let you down,you'll erupt! ;
[12:04.53]You're a loner who cherishes your independence. ;
[12:08.72]You can be stubborn and obstinate. ;
[12:10.99]You're a poor loser who takes setbacks badly As an Ox, ;
[12:15.52]you're often rather studious and not renowned for your sense of humour. ;
[12:18.96]You love tradition and are suspicious of anything new. ;
[12:23.05]Your home is very important to you- it's your private sanctuary. ;
[12:27.34]You make sure that members of your close-knit family ;
[12:30.29]do their share of the work!You're neat and well-organised, and very punctual. ;
[12:35.43]Nothing infuriates you more than being kept waiting. ;
[12:39.07]Yes,you are a hard task-master! ;
[12:42.70]Given the opportunity, ;
[12:44.68]you'd live in the country and spend hours pottering around a large garden. ;
[12:48.78]Not surprisingly, Oxen do well in agriculture or politics. ;
[12:52.93]You are also very gifted in the arts and music ;
[12:56.27]and many of you enjoy considerable success as musicians and composers. ;
[13:00.66]Female Oxen are caring and kind. ;
[13:04.11]You're a loving parent and excellent organiser. ;
[13:07.22]You're very determined and often get what you want in life! ;
[13:10.81]Sincere,loyal and unpretentious,Oxen are very down-to- earth characters. ;
[13:17.17]You can,however,be rather reserved and some may see you as distant and aloof. ;
[13:22.12]Underneath that quiet nature,though, you're strong-willed and ambitious. ;
[13:26.98]So you have the courage of your convictions and are ;
[13:29.60]often prepared to stand up for what you believe. ;
[13:33.61]    THE TIGER ;
[13:36.36]Born under the sign of courage, ;
[13:38.94]you're charismatic and usually have firm views and beliefs. ;
[13:42.56]You do everything with energy and enthusiasm. ;
[13:45.59]A highly original thinker,you're nearly always brimming with new ideas. ;
[13:50.11]You adore a challenge and love getting involved. ;
[13:53.21]At least once in a lifetime you'll throw caution to the wind and ;
[13:56.82]go off and do your own thing. With your restless nature, however, ;
[14:00.62]your enthusiasm can soon wane. ;
[14:02.93]You're impulsive and sometimes regret your actions-you need to think things through. ;
[14:07.66]Fortunately,you're lucky in most enterprises but, ;
[14:10.62]when things don't work out,you suffer bouts of depression. ;
[14:13.92]Although your life is a series of ups and downs you're very adaptable. ;
[14:18.75]With your restless spirit,you rarely stay in one place for long. ;
[14:22.38]You're open and honest and hate hypocrisy. ;
[14:26.29]So you can be rebellious at times, which can lead you into conflict. ;
[14:30.51]You're never one to shrink from arguments.Tigers are natural leaders ;
[14:35.82]and you should rise to the top of your profession, ;
[14:38.14]though you don't like bureaucracy and hate obeying orders. ;
[14:41.40]And despite your great leadership qualities,you can be indecisive and ;
[14:45.73]overly sensitive to criticism. Tigresses are lively and witty, ;
[14:51.87]and you're great hostesses. ;
[14:53.78]You take care over your appearance and are good with children. ;
[14:57.22]You have great teaching qualities, too. ;
[14:59.55]You have a very caring and generous nature. ;
[15:02.81]Tigers have many commendable qualities ;
[15:06.38]and you are often an inspiration for other people. ;
[15:09.38]You'll have full and satisfying lives ;
[15:12.26]-provided that you can curb those wild excesses! ;
[15:17.08]    THE RABBIT ;
[15:19.08]Intelligent and well-mannered, ;
[15:21.64]rabbits prefer a quiet existence so you hate any sort of unpleasantness ;
[15:26.00]and will try to steer clear of arguments and disputes. ;
[15:28.99]You're a pacifist and tend to have a calming influence on those around you. ;
[15:33.46]With your wide inter- ests you appreciate the arts and finer things in life. ;
[15:38.09]You know how to enjoy yourself ;
[15:39.75]and gravitate to the best restaurants and night spots. ;
[15:43.00]You're a witty and intelligent speaker ;
[15:45.44]and love being involved in a good discussion, ;
[15:47.62]when your views and advice are often sought. ;
[15:50.35]You rarely raise your voice in anger and will even turn a blind eye to matters ;
[15:54.65]which displease you just to preserve the peace. ;
[15:57.69]You can be a sensitive soul and take any form of criticism badly. ;
[16:02.40]A quiet,efficient worker,you have an extremely good memory. ;
[16:07.03]You're often astute in business and finance ;
[16:09.39]but hate making quick decisions. ;
[16:11.62]You're a planner who doesn't like to take risks. ;
[16:15.01]Because you're conscientious you will do well in your chosen profession- ;
[16:18.92]you're an excellent diplomat and would make a good lawyer or shopkeeper. ;
[16:22.98]You're a great collector, ;
[16:24.62]and many Rabbits derive pleasure from stamps or antiques. ;
[16:28.78]Your home is important to you ;
[16:31.30]and you spend time and money on maintaining and furnishing it. ;
[16:34.55]Female Rabbits have caring,considerate natures ;
[16:37.52]and you do everything in your power to keep your home happy and loving. ;
[16:41.43]You're sociable and enjoy entertaining. ;
[16:44.43]With your great ability to get the maximum out of your time, ;
[16:47.74]you involve yourself in numerous activities ;
[16:50.41]but always find time for a chat.The Rabbit is usually lucky in life. ;
[16:55.63]You often have the happy knack of being in the right place at the right time! ;
[17:00.15]You're talented and quick witted ;
[17:02.31]but sometimes put pleasure before work! ;
[17:06.65]    THE DRAGON ;
[17:09.80]You're a proud, lively character born under the Dragon- ;
[17:14.02]and you have tremendous self-confidence. ;
[17:16.77]Dragons are highly intelligent and you're quick to take advantage of ;
[17:20.28]any opportunities that occur.You're a perfectionist ;
[17:23.59]who sets yourself high standards- you won't suffer fools gladly. ;
[17:27.97]You're blunt and forthright,though occasionally gullible. ;
[17:31.54]When crossed,you can take quite a long time to forgive and forget. ;
[17:35.52]You enjoy being in the limelight ;
[17:38.02]and you're at your best when confronted by sticky problems. ;
[17:41.41]In some respects you're a showman, and you rarely lack an audience. ;
[17:45.69]Your views are highly valued ;
[17:47.41]and you invariably have something interesting to say! ;
[17:50.80]Dragons have considerable energy ;
[17:53.85]and you're often prepared to work long and unsocial hours. ;
[17:57.18]You can,however, be rather impulsive ;
[17:59.91]and don't always consider the consequences of your actions. ;
[18:03.11]As you tend to live for the moment, delays irritate you more than anything. ;
[18:07.40]You rely tremendously on your own judgment ;
[18:09.89]and can be scornful of others' advice. ;
[18:12.16]You cherish your independence to such a degree ;
[18:15.68]that you may remain single throughout your life. ;
[18:18.17]However,Dragons often have lots of admirers ;
[18:20.96]who are attracted by your flamboyance and your striking good looks. ;
[18:25.20]The female Dragon knows what she wants in life, ;
[18:29.30]and sets about things in a very determined manner. ;
[18:32.11]No job is too small for you and you're often prepared to work extremely hard, ;
[18:36.80]though you hate being bound by routine You do tend to speak your mind,too. ;
[18:42.36]If you're an adventurous Dragon ;
[18:44.98]you'll love to go travelling off the beaten track. ;
[18:47.76]Though you're rather demanding, ;
[18:49.68]you have many friends and you're nearly always the centre of attention. ;
[18:54.24]    Text B   WHAT'S AHEAD     -     THE OX ;
[19:00.80]It's going to be a busy and immensely satisfying year for you, ;
[19:05.31]during which hard work will pay off- in a big way! ;
[19:08.61]One turn of events may be resented at first,but this will work out well. ;
[19:13.43]Generally,it will be a ear of surprises during which you should ;
[19:16.67]seize opportunities which present themselves, ;
[19:18.88]branching out into new areas. ;
[19:21.09]The year won't be without awkward problems,though, ;
[19:24.18]and you may find yourself having to deal with something distasteful. ;
[19:27.70]You should be wary of acting without the backing of others. ;
[19:31.42]Failure to do so could leave you feeling isolated. ;
[19:34.77]Family matters will keep you busy ;
[19:36.99]and you'll also be involved in major home improvements- ;
[19:40.06]these could be much bigger than you first realised. Financially, ;
[19:44.00]it will be a very lucky year and you should think seriously about ;
[19:47.04]starting a long term savings policy as a shrewd investment in years to come. ;
[19:51.67]Generally,1988 will be a good year and if you follow your own judgment, ;
[19:57.05]it will be very fulfilling for you indeed. ;
[20:00.44]   WHAT'S AHEAD     -     THE TIGER ;
[20:04.87]Tigers are going to be very lucky in many ventures. ;
[20:08.58]You'll find yourself in demand.You need to resist distractions however ;
[20:12.74]and concentrate on one thing at a time. At home you should tread carefully. ;
[20:17.65]Someone close to you may sometimes resent being kept out of your activities. ;
[20:21.85]Time spent with your family will be enjoyable and rewarding ;
[20:25.31]and more friends will come into your circle. ;
[20:27.54]You'll have a very busy social life this year ;
[20:30.09]and several influential people will help your career. ;
[20:33.12]It's highly romantic year,too,and you may become engaged or married. ;
[20:38.41]Financially,you need to restrain your spending ;
[20:41.40]and should seek professional advice before committing any money. ;
[20:44.69]Over-exertion could lead to headaches ;
[20:47.76]and you'll need time for recreational activities, ;
[20:49.94]with a few short breaks every now and then.Even Tigers need a rest! ;
[20:54.07]Generally,you'll be very pleased with your achievements during 1988. ;
[20:59.51]    WHAT'S AHEAD     -     THE RABBIT ;
[21:03.13]New and more demand- ing responsibilities lie ahead for Rabbits ;
[21:07.23]when you'll consolidate recent gains. ;
[21:09.69]Although generally quiet souls, ;
[21:11.87]you should not be afraid of making your views known. ;
[21:14.73]You are also going to be successful in financial matters ;
[21:17.92]but should avoid becoming overconfident ith investments. ;
[21:20.84]However,you will make several fortunate purchases. ;
[21:24.25]You will experience a few difficulties in your home life ;
[21:27.77]and these can best be sorted out by being open and frank. ;
[21:31.46]To keep healthy, you should stick to a balanced diet ;
[21:34.56]and take plenty of exercise. ;
[21:36.58]You'll be spending a lot of time at home carrying out alterations. ;
[21:40.21]Generally,Rabbits will be pleased with any accomplishment this year. ;
[21:44.21]You may not be at ease with everything around you ;
[21:46.52]but you'll make lots of progress. ;
[21:49.61]   WHAT'S AHEAD     -     THE DRAGON ;
[21:53.80]As a Dragon you're going to enjoy the next 12 months- after all, ;
[21:58.47]it is your year! Never one to let the grass grow under your feet, ;
[22:02.59]you'll realise some of your cherished ambitions. ;
[22:05.48]Almost straight away there will be news of a promotion or a better job. ;
[22:10.41]It promises to be an exciting,innovative year ;
[22:14.15]and you will have to take full advantage of the opportunities ;
[22:16.97]At home you'll be busy,too,with a possible addition to the family. ;
[22:21.43]You may have to spend time with someone who is not in the best of health- ;
[22:25.17]you are renowned for your kindness and devotion.But try not to overdo things. ;
[22:30.06]In this busy year, though,you'll visit places you've longed to see. ;
[22:34.05]With your tendency to speak your mind, ;
[22:36.96]you also should guard against entering into ;
[22:39.37]controversial discussions and making tactless remarks. ;
[22:43.17]Neither should you rush into any home move. ;
[22:46.38]Financially,you should have few problems, ;
[22:49.13]but avoid"get rich quick" schemes. ;

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