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美国国家公共电台 NPR--A billion here, a billion there: A new book tells the story of J. Paul Getty

时间:2023-07-26 09:21来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

A billion here, a billion there: A new book tells the story of J. Paul Getty


J. Paul Getty with his pet lion, Teresa

Institutional Archives, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles

In this age of inflation, when people like Elon Musk2 and Jeff Bezos don't need to blink about rising costs, a new book about a Minnesota oilman and his dynasty seems timely. In his day, J. Paul Getty was known as "the richest man in America."

His father struck oil in 1903. J. Paul made his first million at age 23, and turned oil into gold by the billions. James Reginato's book, Growing Up Getty, is an exhaustive account of how the rich are different from you and me.

The book reveals that the Gettys were different from some of the dreadful rich families in movies and on television: the Guccis in House of Gucci, for example, or the oil-rich Texas Carringtons in Dynasty.

Biographer Reginato says he really doesn't "see any scoundrels" in the Getty family. They're close-knit, keep in touch and have regular family gatherings3. It sounds as if they won't get their own TV series, although there are enough of them to fill various screens for several seasons. J. Paul Getty had five wives, five sons, loads of lovers, 19 grandchildren (one an in-law of Elizabeth Taylor) and 47 great grandchildren. Today, there are 57 living Gettys on four continents — and you can bet not a one of them needs to worry about college tuition.

Clearly, the patriarch was a great businessman, buying up smaller companies — and big ones too, like Standard Oil — and making them part of the Getty Oil portfolio4. J. Paul had "good instincts, but also followed science," Reginato says. "He got the best geologists5 he could find, made educated decisions ... and a lot of old-time oilmen sneered6 at the idea that 'some damn bookworm could tell them where to drill for oil'."

As for his personality, J. (it stands for Jean) Paul was always described as cold, mean, a tightwad and a skinflint. "He was cheap. That was true," Reginato says. But he was more: "He was quite charming and funny." (You wouldn't know it from his photographs. He looks as if it hurts him to smile.)

Reginato says Getty was quite sophisticated. He loved art, travel and learning new things; he even mastered Arabic to do business in the Middle East. It sounds as if you'd like him for a dinner partner. But in a BBC documentary, Getty said, "I always wish that I had a better personality, could entertain people better, was a better conversationalist; always worry I might be a little on the dull side as a companion."

Reginato writes that the driven oilman was not a great father — he was always away on business — but he was a doting7 grandfather. Here's a 1966 entry from one of the diaries he kept all his life:

Ronnie, Karen and baby Chris here. A fine little fellow. Chris plays with the puppies Sugar and Spice. Valuation of Getty Oil is 2 billion 7 million dollars net. I have 79% of it.

That seems the essence of J. Paul Getty. A charmed life, touched by tragedy — a 16-year-old grandson kidnapped, eldest8 son dead at 49 from drug complications, other deaths, other drugs. But, there were many golden years of success and achievement, and pleasure from progeny9's progeny. Plus, that grand diary finale — what he was worth!


1 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
2 musk v6pzO     
n.麝香, 能发出麝香的各种各样的植物,香猫
  • Musk is used for perfume and stimulant.麝香可以用作香料和兴奋剂。
  • She scented her clothes with musk.她用麝香使衣服充满了香味。
3 gatherings 400b026348cc2270e0046708acff2352     
聚集( gathering的名词复数 ); 收集; 采集; 搜集
  • His conduct at social gatherings created a lot of comment. 他在社交聚会上的表现引起许多闲话。
  • During one of these gatherings a pupil caught stealing. 有一次,其中一名弟子偷窃被抓住。
4 portfolio 9OzxZ     
  • He remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio.他因为她带着一个大公文包而记住了她。
  • He resigned his portfolio.他辞去了大臣职务。
5 geologists 1261592151f6aa40819f7687883760a2     
地质学家,地质学者( geologist的名词复数 )
  • Geologists uncovered the hidden riches. 地质学家发现了地下的宝藏。
  • Geologists study the structure of the rocks. 地质学家研究岩石结构。
6 sneered 0e3b5b35e54fb2ad006040792a867d9f     
讥笑,冷笑( sneer的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He sneered at people who liked pop music. 他嘲笑喜欢流行音乐的人。
  • It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time. 成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。
7 doting xuczEv     
  • His doting parents bought him his first racing bike at 13.宠爱他的父母在他13岁时就给他买了第一辆竞速自行车。
  • The doting husband catered to his wife's every wish.这位宠爱妻子的丈夫总是高度满足太太的各项要求。
8 eldest bqkx6     
  • The King's eldest son is the heir to the throne.国王的长子是王位的继承人。
  • The castle and the land are entailed on the eldest son.城堡和土地限定由长子继承。
9 progeny ZB5yF     
  • His numerous progeny are scattered all over the country.他为数众多的后代散布在全国各地。
  • He was surrounded by his numerous progeny.众多的子孙簇拥着他。
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