Topics: Rich Dad Poor Dad, how the US government works, sneak previews, this/that/these/those, so to speak, by all means, to begin with, under a spell, down to earth Words: self-help scheme executive legislative judicial congress branch supreme bill...
Topics: American Idol, Phoenix, aced out, content or contents?, to delay, if vs. whether Words: idol to look up to undiscovered spin off television season audition panel contestants round toll-free number harsh blunt rejection desert tech to migrate...
Words: content to go away I don't suspect blog to dumb down opinion poll random sample Gallup Poll pollution global warming Green Party recycle proper nouns COB = Close of Business...
Topics: New movie by Spike Lee, Ice Age, how Americans buy groceries, Catch 22, can vs. to be able to, no longer, period vs. bottom line, freak on a leash Words: Inside Man Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee movie) bank heist bank teller to stick up a ban...
Topics: Easter bunny, Income Tax Day, immigration protests in the US, actually, zero vs. nil, to be on your last legs, third straight time, despite versus in spite of. Words: Lent rabbit mall secular to deduct 1040 to prepare tax returns Benjamin Fra...
Topics: Illinois, checks and bills, periods and full stops, April Fools Day, just vs. only, to make up ones mind, in the eye of the beholder, behind vs. beyond, MIA, for vs. on my part, pronouncing sheep/ship, feet/fit Words: clip Lake Michigan Windy...
Topics: Political parties in the US, How to begin an email, Even vs. odd, Unless, Six feet under Words: Democratic Democrat Republican liberal conservative left-wing right- wing 3rd party Green Party Ralph Nadar consumer advocate legislature title Mr...
Topics: Spring Break, Movie Ratings in the US, Stay tuned, Frightened vs. Afraid, Customer vs. Consumer Words: rowdy resorts Cancun Mazatlan Easter binge drinking motion picture MPAA G = General PG = Parental Guidance PG-13 = Parents Strongly Caution...
Topics: Smoking Bans, British and American English II, they and he, wage vs. salary, blue vs. white collar, now vs. right now Words: secondhand smoke boots golashes Wellies trunk bonnet hood pants underwear trousers manual...
Topics: St. Patrick's Day, British versus American English, A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Going to vs. will, Pod Words: patron AD missionary convert Harvest Festival public school coach = bus Tube, The Underground = subway lorry = truc...