I have walked through your towns and, while looking, failed to see. 当我经过你们的城镇,观赏时却什么也没看见。
I did notice in Stephenville, Texas, 我在德克萨斯州斯蒂芬威尔市注意到
that the town square was dominated by one lawyer's office after another, 那里的市中心广场是被连排的律师事务所霸占的,
because of all the people rotating in and out of the prison. 因为那些不断进出于监狱的人们。
I did notice the barren shops in Wagner, South Dakota, and the VFW gathering1 hall 我有注意到,在南达科他州瓦格纳市那些荒芜的商店和那些退伍军人的聚集场所,
that stood in mockery of a community's dream to endure. 坐落于城市梦想之上,却忍受嘲讽。
I did notice at the Lancaster, Pennsylvania Wal-Mart, 我有注意到,在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特市的沃尔玛超市中,
that far too many people in their 20s and 30s looked a decade or two from death, 太多二三十岁的年轻人看起来就像与死亡只差十几二十年,
with patchy, flared-up skin and thinning, stringy hair 有着色素沉积的皮肤,稀疏散乱的头发,
and browning, ground-down teeth and a lostness in their eyes. 泛黄磨损的牙齿,和迷离的眼神。
I did notice that the young people I encountered in Paris, in Florence, in Barcelona, 我注意到了那些在巴黎街头,在弗罗里达,在巴塞罗那的青年,
had degrees but no place to take them, living on internships well into their 30s, 身怀文凭却无处可去,年近30仍靠实习为生,
their lives prevented from launching, because of an economy that creates wealth -- just not jobs. 他们人生展翅高飞的机会被抹杀了,因为经济创造财富,而不是工作。

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n.集会,聚会,聚集 | |
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