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高级英语第一册听力 15.No Signposts in the Sea

时间:2010-12-17 03:06来源:互联网 提供网友:wokan222   字体: [ ]

  15.No Signposts in the Sea
  In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men; Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing, and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture that I can note the grace of her gestures, whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbours or takes a cigarette from her case with those slender fingers. I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impression that Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shiny in the tropical heat; in the evening she wears soft rich colours, dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind to her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.
  The tall Colonel whose name is Dalrymple seems a nice chap . He and I and Laura and a Chinese woman improbably galled Mme Merveille have made up a Bridge-tour and thus beguile ourselves for an hour or so after dinner while others dance on deck. The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs; he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly deferential , prefacing his remarks by 'Of course it's not for me to suggest to you…" and then proceeding to tell me exactly how he thinks some topical item of our dome, the or foreign policy should be handled. He is by no means stupid or ill-informed; a little opinionated perhaps, and just about as far to the Right as anybody could go, but I like him, and try not to tease him by putting forward views which would only bring a puzzled look to his face. Besides, I do not want to become involved in discussion. I observe with amusement how totally the concerns of the world, which once absorbed me to the exclusion of all else except an occasional relaxation with poetry or music, have lost interest for me even to the extent of a bored distaste. Doubtless some instinct impels me gluttonously to cram these the last weeks of my life with the gentler things I never had time for, releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact was always latent. Or maybe Laura's unwitting influence has called it out.
  Dismissive as Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane. Protests about damage to 'natural beauty' froze me with contempt, for I believed in progress and could spare no regrets for a lake dammed into hydraulic use for the benefit of an industrial city in the Midlands. And so it was for all things. A hard materialism was my creed, accepted as a law of progress; any ascription of disinterested motives aroused not only my suspicion but my scorn.
  And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensitive as any old maid doing water-colour s of sunsets! I once flattered myself that I was an adult man; I now perceive that I am gloriously and abolescently silly. A new Clovis, loving what I have despised, and suffering from calf-love into the bargain, I want my till of beauty before I go. Geographically I did not care and scarcely know where I am. There are no signposts in the sea.
  The young moon lies on her back tonight as is her habit in the tropics, and as, I think, is suitable if not seemly for a virgin. Not a star but might not shoot down and accept the invitation to become her lover. When all my fellow-passengers have finally dispersed to bed, I creep up again to the deserted deck and slip into the swimming pool and float, no longer what people believe me to be, a middle-aged journalist taking a holiday on an ocean-going liner, but a liberated being, bathed in mythological waters, an Endymion young and strong, with a god for his father and a vision of the world inspired from Olympus. All weight is lifted from my limbs; I am one with the night; I understand the meaning of pantheism . How my friends would laugh if they knew I had come to this! To have discarded , as I believe, all usual frailties , to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice , the desire to score off my neighbour, to enjoy this purification even as I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze on my skin and the cool support of the water. Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution .
  Sometimes Laura and I lean over the taffrail , and that is happiness. It may be by daylight, looking at the sea, rippled with little white ponies, or with no ripples at all but only the lazy satin of blue, marbled at the edge where the passage of our ship has disturbed it. Or it may be at night, when the sky surely seems blacker than ever at home and the stars more golden. I recall a phrase from the diary of a half-literate soldier, ‘ The stars seemed little cuts in the black cover, through which a bright beyond was seen.' Sometimes these untaught scribblers have a way of putting things.
  The wireless told us today that there is fog all over England.
  Sometimes we follow a coastline, it may be precipitous bluffs of grey limestone rising sheer out of the sea, or a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach, and no sign of habitation, very bleached and barren. These coasts remind me of people; either they are forbidding and unapproachable , or else they present no mystery and show all they have to give at a glance, you feel the country would continue to be flat and featureless however far you penetrated inland. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring. What plants of the high altitudes grow unravished among their crags and valleys? So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura's Character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.
  My fellow-passengers apparently do not share my admiration.
  ‘Drearee sorter cowst,' said an Australian. ‘Makes you Iong for a bit of green. '
  Darkness falls, and there is nothing but the intermittent gleam of a lighthouse on a solitary promontory .
  We rounded just such a cape towards sunset, the most easterly point of a continent, dramatically high and lonely, a great purple mountain overhung by a great purple cloud. The sea had turned to a corresponding dusk of lavender . Aloof on the top, the yellow light revolved, steady, warning; I wondered what mortal controlled it, in what must be one of the loneliest, most forbidding spots on Earth. Haunted too, for many wrecks had piled up on the reefs in the past, when there was no beacon to guide them.
  The Colonel joined us.
  ‘How would you care for that man's job?' he said.
  ‘I suppose he sets relieved every so often?'
  ‘On the contrary, he refuses ever to leave. He is an Italian, and he has been there for years and years, with a native woman for his only company. Most people would think him crazy, but I must say I find it refreshing to think there are still a few odd fish left in the world.
  This is the unexpected kind of remark that makes me like the Colonel; there is a touch of rough poetry about him. I like also the out-of-the-way information which he imparts from time to time without insistence; he has traveled much, and has used his eyes and kept his ears open. I have discovered also that he knows quite a lot about sea-birds; he puts me right about the different sorts of gull, and tells me very nicely that that couldn't possibly be an albatross , not in these waters. The albatross, it appears, follows a ship only to a certain latitude and then turns back; it know show far it should go and no farther. How wise is the albatross! We might all take a lesson from him, knowing the latitude we can permit ourselves. Thus, and no farther, can I foIlow Laura. I suspect also that there is quite a lot of lore stored away in the Colonel's otherwise not very interesting mind. Laura likes him too, and although I prefer having her to myself I don't really resent it when he lounges up to make a third.
  In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship; the jolly dolphins and the scratchy little flying-fish have the vast circle all to themselves, 'the Flying Fish, who has a part with the birds, ' and doubtless are glad to see the last of the monster which bears us into and out of sight. Our wake closes up and we might never have been. But it does happen from time to "Time that an island appears on the horizon, nameless to us and full of mystery, the peak of a submarine mountain range, lonely, unblemished , remote. Does one like islands because one unconsciously appropriates them, a small manageable domain in a large unmanageable world? I cannot tell why it should give me such a queer sensation to reflect that that island has always been there (unless indeed it be no more than the work of the patient coral ) and will be there still, should I return to find it waiting for me. It is the same sensation as I have experienced in looking at a photograph of, say, some river valley of innermost China, and seen a boulder, and thought that if I could find myself transported to that spot I could touch the reality of that particular piece of rock ... It is there. For me. I could sit on that very boulder . I explain myself badly, and it is not a sensation I could expect anyone save Laura to understand, but of such incommunicable quirks is the private mind made up.
  Well, the islands. I divert myself by inventing the life upon them, and am amused to find my imagination always turning towards the idyllic. This is the new Edmund Carr with a vengeance. If we have seen a skiff sailing close in shore, I follow the fisherman as he beaches his craft in the little cove and gives a cry like a sea-bird to announce his coming. His woman meets him; they are young, and their skins of a golden-brown; she takes his catch from him. In their plaited hut there is nothing but health and love.
  One night we passed two islands, steeply humped against faint reflected moonlight; and on each of them, high up, shone a steady yellow gleam.
  ‘Not lighthouses.' I said to Laura. ‘Villages.'
  We gazed, as the ship slid by and the humps receded into darkness and even the lights were obscured by the shoulder of a hill, never to be seen by us again. So peaceful and secret; so self-contained .
  One of the ship's officers joined us, off duty.
  ‘Yes, 'he said, following our gaze. ‘One of them is a leper colony and the other a penal settlement.'
  God, is there no escape from suffering and sin?
  Laura and I amuse ourselves by watching for the green flash which comes at the instant the sun disappears below the line of the horizon. This does not happen every day, for sky must be entirely clear of cloud and clouds seem very liable to gather along the path of the setting sun, but we are as pleased as children when our game succeeds. Laura claps her hands. Only a second does it last, that streak of green light; we wait for it while the red ball, cut in half as though by a knife, sinks to its daily doom . Then come the twilight colours of sea and heaven (we have discovered the fallacy of saying that darkness falls suddenly in these latitudes, at any rate on sea level), the wine pink width of water merging into lawns of aquamarine , and the sky a tender of pink and blue. But the green flash is our chief delight.
  ‘creme de menthe , ' says Laura
  ‘Jade, ' I say.
  ‘ Emerald , ' says Laura. ' Jade is too opaque
  ‘Vicious viridian , ' I say, not to be outdone .
  'You always did lose yourself in the pleasure of words  Edmund. Say green as jealousy and be done with it.'
  ‘I have never known the meaning of jealousy.'
  I am sorry to see the sun go, for one of the pleasures I have discovered is the warmth of his touch on my skin. At home in London I never noticed the weather, unless actually inconvenienced by fog or rain; I had no temptation to take a flying holiday to the South and understood little when people spoke or wrote of sunlight on white walls. Now the indolence of southern latitudes has captured me. I like to see dusky men sitting about doing nothing. I like the footfall of naked feet in the dust, silent as a cat passing. I like turning a corner from the shade of a house into the full torrid glare of an open space. I put my hand on metal railings and snatch it away, burnt. But it is seldom that I go ashore.
  I would never have believed in the simple bliss of being, day after day, at sea. Our ports of call are few, and when they do occur I resent them. I should like this empty existence to be prolonged beyond calculation. In the ship's library stands a large globe whose function so far as I am concerned is to reveal the proportion of ocean to the landmasses of the troubled would; the Pacific alone dwarfs all the continents put together. Blue, the colour of peace. And then I like all the small noises of a ship: the faint creaking, as of the saddle-leather to a horseman riding across turf , the slap of a rope, the hiss of sudden spray . I have been exhilarated by two days of storm, but above all I love these long purposeless days in which I shed all that I have ever been.
  (from No Signposts in the Sea, 1961)

  第十五课海上无路标 (节选)
  ※   那个名叫达里波的高个子上校看样子是个好相处的人。他和我同劳拉及一个竟被人称呼为麦尔维尔夫人的中国妇女凑成一桌桥牌,四人搭档。这样,晚饭后,当其他的人在甲板上跳舞时,我们便用打牌来消遣个把小时。上校不是个令人讨厌的帝国的卫道士,他经常找我谈论一些国家大事。他说他以前常读我写的文章;他说话温文尔雅,彬彬有礼,一开口总是先来上一句"当然,我没有资格建议您……"接下来他就会明确地谈他该如何处置关于某项国内或外交事务的意见。他决不算愚笨,也绝谈不上孤陋寡闻,只是可能有一点偏执,政治思想上极端右倾保守,但我对他颇有好感,因而尽量不提出一些只会使他露出困惑的神色的见解,以免使他难堪。况且,我也不想陷入讨论的旋涡。我有趣地发觉,自己过去除偶尔借诗歌或音乐消遣放松一下外,一心专注的世界大事现在不仅是索然无味,而且简直是令人厌烦了。这无疑是自己受某种本能的驱使,要贪婪地用一些过去无暇享受的赏心乐事来填补自己生命中的最后几周,释放那些在过去虽受到压抑但一直潜伏在自己心中的欲望。也许是劳拉的无意的影响唤起了我心中的欲望。
  ※   过去,我像法利赛人一样自以为是,轻视别人。只要别人的生活不像我这么讲求实际,我就把他们看作月球居民。对于人们因"大自然的美"遭到破坏而提出的抗议我嗤之以鼻,因为我相信文明的进步的合理性。对于为了利用水力使内地某个工业城市受益而在某个湖泊上筑起拦湖大坝这种事情我根本不觉得遗憾。对一切事物我都是这种态度。我信仰绝对的实用主义,并将其看作是人类进步的自然法则。任何人若标榜自己的行为出于无私的动机,那不仅会引起我的怀疑,而且会引起我的轻蔑。
  ※   今夜的一弯新月仰面斜躺在天空,这是月亮在热带地区常见的姿势。在我看来,这种姿势对一个少女来说虽说有些不雅,但却还是适宜的。没有哪一颗星星不愿飞射下来接受邀请做她的情人。当船上的其他乘客最后一个个都回舱就寝之后,我一个人又悄悄爬上空荡荡的甲板,滑人游泳池,在水面上浮游着。这时我已不再是人们所熟悉的那位在远洋海轮上度假的中年记者了,而是一个无拘无束的沐浴着天池神水的自由快乐的人,就像神话中那位有天神作父亲并有一双奥林匹斯山诸神所赐的观察人世的慧眼的年轻健壮的恩底弥翁。我只觉身体四肢轻飘飘的没有任何重量,并且和夜的世界合为一体。我悟出了泛神论的真正意义。我的那些朋友们若知道我已变成这样,他们不知会笑成什么样子!在享受着这暖风浴肤,凉水托体所带来的清新快感时,我相信我的心灵也得到了净化,丢弃了凡人皆有的种种弱点,变得不会嫉妒,没有野心,没有恶意,与世无争。照我想象,那些虔诚的教徒在做完庄严的忏悔仪式离开忏悔室时,他们心灵得到净化的感觉一定就像我此时的感觉一样。
  ※   有时,劳拉和我一起倚在船尾栏杆上,这对我是一种幸福。倘是在白天,我们凭栏远眺大海,只见海面上时而翻卷起白色的浪花,时而平静得宛若一幅微微飘动起伏着的蓝色缎面,完全见不到翻起的浪花,只有我们的轮船驶过之处才泛起一道道如大理石般的波纹。若是在夜晚,我们翘首望天,这儿的夜空比故乡的更黑,星光却显得更加璀璨。此时此景令我不由想起一个粗通文墨的士兵在日记中写的这样一句话:"星星看起来就像一个黑锅盖上挖的许多小窟窿,透过这些小窟窿可以看见锅盖外面的亮光。"有时候那些没念过书的人信笔涂鸦写的东西倒也有那么两下子。
  ※   有时,我们的轮船沿着海岸线航行。时而是突拔而起的石灰岩峭壁,时而是地势低洼连绵数英里的茫茫沙滩,渺无人迹,凄惨荒凉。这种海岸景象使我联想到这样一些人,他们或者是令人望而生畏,难以接近,或者是无秘可隐,让人一眼就可看穿。看见这些海岸,你会产生这样的感觉:不论你向内陆腹地深人多远,那里的土地都将和岸边一样平淡无奇。我最喜爱的是岸边的那些悬崖峭壁及其背后的那高耸云端、神秘莫测的峰峦叠嶂,那山峰只有最英勇无畏的人才能够攀登上去。在崇山峻岭之间人迹未至的石隙和幽谷中生长着的是一些什么样的高原植物呢?我也这样地让自己的想象力尽情地探索劳拉性格深处的秘密。她的性情表面上严肃冷峻,但她内心里却蕴育着丰富温柔的情感,宛如娇嫩的花朵,等待着勇士去发现。
  ※   夜幕降临,四野茫茫,唯见一处荒凉的岬角的一座灯塔上的航标灯忽明忽暗地闪烁着。
  ※   日落时分,我们的轮船正好绕过这样一个海角,它位于一块大陆的最东端,是一座孤峰高耸的紫色大山,山顶上笼罩着大片紫色的云雾。海水也相应地变成了淡紫色。山顶上,黄色的航标灯不停地旋转着,向过往船只发出警示信号。我心中好奇,在这也许称得上世界上最荒僻最危险的地方,究竟是什么样的人在那里看守着灯塔呢?那一带还是鬼魂出没的地方,因为在过去没有指航灯指航的岁月里,那儿的礁石上堆满了遇难船只的残骸。
  ※   在这一片无比宁静的大海上,我们就连一艘其他的船只也难得见到。欢乐的海豚和那些吱吱叫的小飞鱼是这片广阔天地的主人。当它们再也看不到那载着我们驶入它们的视线又很快消失的怪物时,"这些与鸟儿有点相似的小飞鱼"肯定高兴得很。船过水合,毫无痕迹,似乎我们从未经过那儿似的。但是,偶尔也会有一座岛屿出现在远处地平线上,我们不知其名,令人充满着神秘之感,它是海底山脉之顶峰,显得孤独、无暇、遥远。人们喜爱岛屿,是不是因为在难以驾驭的广袤的世界之中有这么些易于治理的小块领地,就不知不觉地要占为己有呢?想到那座岛屿一直屹立在那里(除非它确实只不过是耐心的珊瑚虫的作品),而且仍将继续屹立在原地不动,假若我们能返回原地,将会发现它还在那里等待着我们。当我想到这些时,我有一种奇特的感觉,为什么会这样,我也说不清。当我看到一幅照片,比如说中国内地某河谷的照片并发现一块大漂石时,我也会产生这样的感觉。我想,如果能把我送到那块大漂石的所在地,我就能实实在在地触摸一下那块大漂石……那块漂石屹立在原地,等待着我,我可以坐在那块漂石上。我不善于表达自己的感受,我所要说明的这种感觉我也不敢指望除劳拉外的任何人能理解。但人的心灵深处本来就充满着这样一些不可言传的隐秘古怪的念头。
  ※   劳拉和我还有一种白娱的方法,就是等着观看太阳从地平线上消失的那一瞬间产生的一道绿色的闪光。这种绿色的闪光不是每天都能看到的,只有当天空没有一丝云彩时才能看到,而云彩却又特别喜欢沿着日落的轨道聚集。每当我们的这一游戏成功(即看到绿光)时,我们就会像孩子般的兴高采烈,劳拉还会不住的拍手。那道绿色光芒一闪即逝。我们等着看这道绿光时,太阳宛如被刀子切去一半的红球,随即坠落到每日的归宿之处。接着便见大海和天空上出现一片茫茫的暮色(有人说,在这种纬度的地区的海面上,夜幕总是突如其来地降临,我们发现这种说法是错误的),深红色的海面渐渐变成了一块块蓝绿色的草坪,天空则变成了一块柔和的浅红色和蓝色的调色板。但最使我们喜悦的还是那道绿色的闪光。
  ※   看到太阳落下去了,我感到惋惜,因为我发觉温暖的阳光照到皮肤上是令人舒心惬意的。在家乡伦敦时,我从来不去注意天气情况,除非是雨和雾确实给我带来了不便。我又从未想过去南方作一次短暂的旅行,因此也不大理解别人谈论或描写阳光洒满白墙的情景。而现在南纬地带懒洋洋的气氛深深地吸引着我。我喜欢看那些晒得黑黝黝的男人无所事事地闲坐着的样子,我喜欢听人们打赤脚踩踏在尘土中所发出的像猫儿一样轻的脚步声,我喜欢绕过一个屋角时从房屋的阴影中一步跨人在烈日照射下赤热耀眼的空旷场地时的感觉。我刚把手搭到金属栏杆上立刻便缩了回来,烫得要命。但我很少上岸。
  ※   若非有了这一回的亲身经历,我永远也不会相信日复一日地航行于大海上竟会是这样的其乐无穷。我们的船停靠的港口很少,真正停靠港口时,我也只感到厌烦。我宁愿这种洒脱的海上生活永无休止地持续下去。船上的图书室里放着一架巨大的地球仪,照我看来,它的作用就是展示海洋与动荡不安的世界上的陆地之间的比例,仅一个太平洋就比所有的大陆加在一起还要大。蓝色,和平的颜色。而且我也喜欢船上的一切轻微的声响:那如同草地上奔驰的骑手耳中听到的鞍皮发出的吱嘎声,绳索的拍打声以及浪花飞溅的嘶嘶声。两天的暴风雨使我欣喜万分,但我首先喜欢的还是这漫长的无所事事的日子,在这些日子里,我抛弃了旧我,脱胎换骨,获得了新生。
  signpost ( n.) :a post bearing a sign;guidepost广告柱;路标
  supple ( adj.) :able to bend and move easily and nimbly;lithe;limber柔软的;可塑的;能轻易弯曲的
  beguile ( v.) :cause(time)to pass without being noticed消磨(时间
  deferential ( adj.) :showing deference;very respectful表示敬意的,恭敬的
  opinionated ( adj.) :holding unreasonably or obstinatedly to one's own opinions固执己见的;固守成见的
  gluttonous ( adj.) :inclined to eat too much and greedily贪食的
  latent (adj.) : present but invisible or inactive;lying hidden and undeveloped within a person or thing,as a quality or power;potential潜在的;潜伏的
  unwitting ( adj.) :not intended;unintentional无意的;非有意的
  dismissive ( adj.) :haughty or contemptuous傲慢的,目中无人的;轻蔑的,轻视的
  hydraulic ( adj.) : operated by the movement and force of liquid水力的;液压的
  ascription ( n.) :regarding as belonging to or coming from someone归属;归因、;归咎
  adolescent ( adj.) : of characteristic of adolescence; youthful,exuberant,immature,unsettled,young,etc.青春期的,青年的;发育未全的;未成熟的
  calf-love ( n.) :immature love that adolescent boys and girls may feel for each other;puppy love雏恋,幼恋
  disperse ( v.) :break up and move in different directions;scatter分散,散开;散去
  pantheism ( n.) :the doctrine that God is not a personality(as in Christianity)but that a11 laws,forces. manifestations, etc.,of the self-existing universe are God泛神论
  malice ( n.) :active ill will;desire to harm another or to do mischief;spite敌意;怨恨
  voluptuous ( adj.) :giving a fine delight to the senses;giving a satisfying feeling of rest and enjoyment令人舒服的;安逸的
  pious ( adj.) :showing religious devotion and zealous in the performance of religious obligations虔诚的
  confessional ( n.) :a small,enclosed place in a church. where a priest hears confessions(教堂中神父听取忏悔的)忏悔室
  absolution ( n.) :remission(of sin or penalty for it):specif., in some churches,such remission formally given by a priest in the sacrament of penance(罪或惩罚的)赦免
  taffrail ( n.) :the rail around the stern of a ship or boat船尾栏杆
  ripple ( v.) :cause to ripple使起细浪;使波动(或飘动)
  pony ( n.) :a small horse矮种马;小马
  satin ( n.) :a kind or very fine smooth cloth mainly of silk. which is shiny on the front and dull on the back缎子
  marble ( v.) :stain or color to look like mottled or streaked marble把……弄上大理石花纹
  scribbler ( n.) :a person who writes illegibly or carelessly 笔迹潦草的人
  precipitous ( adj.) : dangerously steep:frighteningly high above the ground陡峭的;险峻的;悬崖峭壁般的
  bluff ( n.) :a high,steep,broad-faced bank or cliff陡坡;悬崖
  arid ( adj.) :(of land or a country)having so little rain as to be very dry and unproductive(土地等)干旱的;贫脊的
  bleach ( v.) :(cause to)become white or whiter(使)变白,漂白
  ravish (v.) :take 0r carry away by force;rape强抢;强夺;强奸
  recess ( n.) :(often pl.)a secluded,withdrawn,or inner place(常用复数)深处;幽深之处
  austere ( adj. ) :having a severe or stern look,manner,etc.;forbidding严厉的,严峻的;严肃的;苛刻的
  intermittent (adj.) :happening,then stopping,then happening again,with pauses in between;not continuous断断续续的,间断的
  promontory ( n.) :a peak or high land that juts out into a body of water;headland岬(角);海角
  lavender ( n.) :a pale purple colour淡紫色
  albatross ( n.) :any of various large strong,mostly white seabirds famous for their ability to fly long distances信天翁
  lore ( n.) :knowledge or wisdom,especially of an unscientific kind,about a certain subject学问;知识(尤指某门学科知识)
  lounge ( v.) :stand,move,sit,lie,etc.in a relaxed or lazy way;loll(懒散地)站(走,坐,躺)
  serenity ( n.) :the quality or state of being serene;calmness;tranquillity宁静;晴朗
  espy ( v.) :catch sight of;make out;spy;descry(偶尔)看见;发现;探出;窥见
  dolphin ( n.) :a type of toothed sea-animal 2-3 metres long,which swims about very quickly in groups。going over and under the surface of the water in curves海豚
  blemish ( v.) :mar,as by some flaw or fault;spoil the perfection of损害;损伤;玷污;有损……的完美
  boulder ( n.) :any large rock worn smooth and round by weather and water巨石
  quirk ( n.) :a peculiarity,peculiar trait,or mannerism怪癖,古怪行为
  skiff ( n.) :any light rowboat轻舟,小舟
  leper ( n.) :a person having leprosy麻风病患者
  aquamarine ( n.) :the colour of bluish-green蓝绿色
  creme de menthe ( n.) :[Fre.]a sweet liqueur,usually green in colour,flavoured with mint[法语]薄荷酒
  emerald ( n.) :bright green翠绿色
  opaque ( adj.) :not reflecting light;not shining or lustrous;dull or dark不反光的;不发亮的;暗的
  vicious viridian ( n.) :very intense bluish-green colour墨绿色
  indolence ( n.) :the quality or state of disliking or avoiding work;the state of being idle or lazy懒惰;懒散;无所事事
  torrid ( adj. ) :so hot as to be parching or oppresive;scorching灼热的;酷热的
  bliss ( n.) :great joy or happiness极大的快乐;完美的幸福
  turf ( n.) :a surface layer of earth containing grass plants with their matted roots;sod;sward草皮;草地
  exhilarate ( v.) :make cheerful,merry,or lively使高兴;使快乐;使快活
  短语 (Expressions)
  take to sth./doing sth:   begin to do sth.as a habit逐渐惯于做某事
  例: He took t0 gardening in his retirement.他退休后就搞起了园艺。
  lose oneself in sth:   be totally absorbed in sth.专心致志于某事物
  例: I soon lost myself in the excitement of the film.影片中的刺激情节很快就把我吸引住了。
  with a vengeance:   to a greater degree than is normal,expected or desired比正常的,预期的或想要的程度更深或更甚
  例: to a greater degree than is normal,expected or desired比正常的,预期的或想要的程度更深或更甚
  to the exclusion of:   so as to keep out,leave out,exclude排除(其他的一切)
  例: He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests.他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。
  abridge ( v.) :shorten by using fewer words but keeping the main contents;condense(在保留主要内容的同时)减少……的篇幅;删去;简写,精简(文章等)
  custodian ( n.) :a person who has the custody or care of something,as of a private library;caretaker;keeper(私人图书馆等的)管理员,看管人
  tally ( n.) :anything used as a record for an account,reckoning,or score记帐或记分用物
  abstain ( v.) :decline to use vote(投票时)弃权
  horsefly ( n.) :any of a number of related large flies(Tabanidae),the female of which sucks the blood of horses,cattle,etc.虻
  quill ( n.) :the hollow,horny stem of a feather;calamus羽毛管
  inkwell ( n.) :a container for holding ink,usually set in the top of a desk,inkstand,etc.(镶在桌上或墨水台上的)墨水池
  holler ( v.) :[colloq.]shout or yell[口]叫喊,呼喊
  mill ( v.) :[AmE]move slowly in a circle,as cattle,or aimlessly,as a confused crowd(often with around or about)[美](人、家畜)成群地兜圈子;乱哄哄地推挤(常与around或about连用)
  Quaker ( n.) :a popular name for a member of the Society of Friends:Friend 贵格会教徒(基督教新教的教友派或"公谊会"教徒的别称)
  distill ( v.) :remove,extract,or produce by distillation用蒸馏法提取(或生产),由蒸馏而得;提纯;精制
  rum ( n.) :an alcoholic liquor distilled from fermented sugar cane,molasses,etc.朗姆洒(甘蔗汁制的一种甜酒)
  dammit ( interj.) :amn it(used to express annoyance,disgust,impatience)该死的;他妈的
  tria juncta in uno :[Latin]three joined in one[拉]三人意见统一
  wart ( n.) :an imperfection,failing,flaw,etc.缺点;缺陷;瑕疵
  portly ( adj.) :stout;corpulent肥胖的;粗壮的;魁梧的
  hawkish ( adj.) :of or like a hawk像鹰一样的
  bespectacled ( adj.) :wearing spectacles戴眼镜的
  sycophant ( n.) :a person who seeks favour by flattering people of wealth or influece谄媚者,拍马者
  gout ( n.) :disease with inflammation of joints,esp. of big toe [医]痛风
  drowse ( v. ) :sleep lightly;be half asleep;dose打瞌睡,打盹
  pappy ( n.) :[dial.or colloq.]father[方或口]爸爸
  vehement ( adj.) :having or characterized by intense feeling or strong passion;fervent;impassioned,etc.热情的;热烈的;激情的
  quietude ( n.) :a state of being quiet;rest;calmness平静,宁静
  pedantic ( adj. ) :like or of a pedant学究气的,书呆子似的
  festivity ( n.) :[pl.]festive proceedings;things done in celebration[复]庆祝活动,庆典
  swat ( v.) :[colloq.]hit with a quick,sharp blow[口]重拍,猛击
  whoop ( n.) :a loud shout,cry高叫声,呼喊声
  absolve ( v.) :free(from a duty,promise.etc)解除(或免) 除…的(责任);使不受(诺言等)约束
  allegiance ( n.) :the obligation of support and loyalty to one's ruler, government, or country(对统治者、政府、国家)效忠
  dissolve ( v.) :end by or as by breaking up;terminate使结束,使中止
  second ( v.) :indicate formally one's approval。r support of (a motion,nomination,etc.)赞成;支持(动议等)
  motion ( n.) :a proposal;suggestion;a proposal formally made in an assembly or meeting提议;动议;会议提案
  weasel ( n.) :a sly,cunning,or sneaky person狡猾的人,奸刁的人
  intone ( v.) :speak or recite in a singing tone or in prolonged monotones;chant吟咏;吟诵;以拖长的音调说话或朗诵
  brunt ( n.) :the heaviest or hardest part正面的冲击;主要的压力
  skeptical ( adj.) :not easily persuaded or convinced;doubting;questioning难以说服的;好怀疑的
  itch ( v.) :have a restless desire or hankering渴望,追求
  sever ( v.) :part or break off,as by cutting or with force;cut in two切断,割断
  cripple ( v.) :make unable or unfit to act,function effectively,etc.;disable使损伤,使丧失活动能力;削弱
  muster ( v.) :gather together and display;collect;summon鼓起;振作(常与up连用)
  forsake ( v.) :abandon抛弃,遗弃
  anarchist ( n.) :a person who believes in or advocated anarchism无政府主义者,无政府主义鼓吹者
  redress ( v.) :set right;rectify or remedy,often by making compensation for(a wrong,grievance,etc.)纠正,矫正;补偿
  treason ( n.) :violation of the allegiance owed to one's sovereign or state;betrayal of one's country叛国罪;叛逆行为
  pound ( v.) :deprive of money or property by violence;loot 掠夺(某地)的财物;抢劫(某人)的财物
  stifle ( v.) :suppress or repress;check,stop,inhibit,etc.抑制;扑灭;镇压
  spawn ( vt.) :bring forth or be the source of酿成,引起
  status quo :the existing state of affairs(at a particular time)(also"status in quo")现状(亦作status in quo)
  seditious ( adj.) :engaging in resistence or rebellion against the government in power叛乱的
  fugitive ( n.) :a person who flees or has fled from danger,justice,etc.逃亡者,逃犯
  chaos ( n.) :extreme confusion or disorder纷乱,混乱(状态),无秩序
  reek ( vi.) :be permeated with anything very unpleasant充满(某种极不愉快的东西)(通常与of,with连用)
  roach ( n.) :any of an order(Blattalia)of insects with long feelers and a flat soft body(some species are common house-hold pests)蟑螂
  aye ( adv.) :yes;yea是;当然
  infernal ( adj.) :[colloq.]hateful;outrageous[口]可恨的,可恶的,讨厌的,该死的
  incendiary ( n.) :a person who willfully stirs up strife. riot,rebellion,etc.煽动者
  demagogue ( n.) :a person who tries to stir up the people by appeals to emotion,prejudice,etc.in order to win them over quickly and so gain power煽动者,鼓动者;蛊惑人心的政客
  fribble ( n.) :any trifling act or thought无聊的行为或思想
  whack ( vt.) :[colloq.]strike or slap with a sharp。Resounding blow[口]使劲打;重击
  bedlam ( n.) :any place or condition of noise and confusion渲闹或混乱的地方或状态
  ascetic ( adj.) : self-denying;austere苦行(主义)的,禁欲的
  emblem ( n.) :a sign,badge,or device标记;徽章;像章
  ditto ( n.) :the same(as something said or appearing above or before)同上,同前
  felicity ( n.) :a quality or knack of appropriate and pleasing expression in writing,speaking,painting,etc.(措词等的)恰当,恰如其分;贴切;巧妙
  anteroom ( n.) :a room leading to a larger or more important room;waiting room前厅;(来宾)接待室
  inalienable ( adj.) :that may not be taken away or transferred不可剥夺的;不能转让的
  levy ( v.) :wage(war)发动(战争)
  bonny,bonnie ( adj.) :[now chiefly Scot.or Eng.dial.]fine;pleasant[现主苏格兰或英方]好的,愉快的,快活的
  mercenary ( n.) :a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army外国雇佣兵
  kilt ( n.) :a pleated skirt reaching to the knees;esp.,the tartan.skirt worth sometimes by men of the Scottish Highlands苏格兰高地男子和苏格兰兵团士兵穿的、方格呢制的褶裥短裙
  antagonize ( v. ) :incur the dislike of;.make an enemy of招…的怨;引起…的反对;使…与自己为敌
  august ( adj.) :inspiring awe and reverence;imposing and magnificent威严的,威风凛凛的;(建筑物等)庄严雄伟的
  contention ( n.) :a statement or point that one argues for as true or valid(争论中的)论点;争论点
  apoplexy ( n.) :apoplexy sudden paralysis with total or partial loss of consciousness and sensation,caused by the breaking or obstruction of a blood vessel in the brain;stroke[医]中风
  piddle ( v.) :dawdle or trifle(sometimes with away)鬼混;游荡;偷懒(有时与away连用)
  abdicate ( v.) :give up formally(a high office,throne,authority,etc.)(国王)退(位);辞(职)
  incite ( v.) :urge to action;stir up;rouse促成;激励;怂恿;鼓动
  prostitute ( v.) :sell(oneself,one's artistic or moral integrity,etc.)for low or unworthy purposes出卖(名誉等);为(钱)而自甘堕落
  aroma ( n.) :a characteristic quality or atmosphere格调,风格,风味,韵味
  seafaring (adj.) :of or engaged in life at sea航海的;海上生活的
  elate ( v.) :raise the spirit of;make very happy,proud,or joyful使精神振奋;使欢欣鼓舞;使得意洋洋
  glum ( adj. ) :feeling or looking gloomy,sullen,or morose忧郁的,闷闷不乐的,愁眉不展的
  bastard ( n.) :a person regarded with contempt,hatred,pity,resentment,etc.or sometimes with playful affection讨厌鬼;坏蛋;家伙(有时用于开玩笑的场合)
  tavern ( n.) :saloon;bar酒馆
  credential ( n.) :[usu.pl.]a letter or certificate given to a person to show that he has a right to confidence or to the exercise of a certain position or authority(常用复)证明书,介绍信;信任状;(大使等的)国书
  jeopardize ( v.) :put in jeopardy;endanger使处于险境;危及,危害
  fishwife ( n.) :a coarse,scolding woman粗野的女人,泼妇,悍妇
  obnoxious ( adj.) :very unpleasant;objectionable;offensive令人非常不快的;引起反感的;讨厌的
  pageant ( n.) :a spectacular exhibition,elaborate parade,etc.,as a procession with floats华丽的展览;壮观的行列
  dilemma ( n.) :any situation in which one must choose between unpleasant alternatives窘境,左右为难
  demigod ( n.) :[myth.]a lesser god;minor deity[神话]半人半神
  poll (v.) :[AmE.]require each member of(a jury,committee,etc.)to declare his vote individually[美]个别征求…中成员的意见
  nonentity ( n.) :a person or thing of little or no importance无足轻重的或无用的人或物
  anonymity ( n.) :the condition or fact of being anonymous不知名,无名
  reconciliation ( n.) :a reconciling和解;调解
  flourish ( n.) :a decorative or curved line or lines in writing(手写花体字上的)花边,曲线
  belfry ( n.) :a bell tower,esp. one that is part of a building,placed at the top(尤指建筑物顶上的)钟塔,钟楼
  短语 (Expressions)
  stand(或get)in the way:   prevent妨碍
  例: She is determined to succeed and won't let anything get/ stand in her way.她决心要成功,不让任何事情妨碍她。
  in aIl fairness:   You use this phrase when you are about to add a com. ment that corrects a falsa or unfair impression.完全出于公平起见。
  例: In all fairness to Jack,he was just trying to be helpful.为杰克说句公平话,他只是想帮忙。
  take a chance:   take a risk冒险
  例: You don't get anywhere in life without taking chances.在生活中,你不冒险就会一事无成。


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