第十七课: 在观光渡轮上。
Lesson 17: Out on the Ferry在这一课中,利奥带领杰克和蒙纳登上了一艘观光渡轮。我们从他们的对话中要学习如何提醒客人注意自己的安全,如何确认客人是否舒适以及在向客人介绍观光景点时可以使用的一些句型。
Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack1: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There’s a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I’m right, thanks.
让我再听一遍这段对话。我会在每句话之后将句子翻译成中 文。
利奥: 请跟我来。你们想坐在哪里?船舱里面还是外面?
Leo: Just follow me. Where would you like to sit? Inside or outside?
杰克: 你建议我们座哪里?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
利奥: 船舱外面,那里可以看到比较好的风景。
Leo: Outside. There’s a much better view.
利奥: 注意台阶。请小心那些缆绳。坐这里好吗?
Leo: Watch your step. Be careful of the ropes. What about here?
杰克: 这里看起来不错。
Jack: This looks fine.
利奥: 怀特女士,你坐得舒适吗?
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
蒙纳: 很好,谢谢。
Mona: Fine, thanks.
利奥: 您还需要什么东西吗?
Leo: Can I get you anything?
蒙纳: 不用了,谢谢。
Mona: I’m right, thanks.
利奥: 注意台阶。
Leo: Watch your step.
利奥: 请小心那些缆绳。
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
请注意,当我们提醒客人注意安全时我们通常可以使用的句型有以下几种: Be careful……, Watch your………或者 mindyour……, 至于应该使用哪个句型,则要看当时的具体情况而定。
Watch your…Watch your step.
Watch your back.
Mind your….
Mind your footMind your head.
Be careful.
Be careful of the ropes.
Be careful of the water.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Leo: Are you comfortable?
Leo: Are you comfortable?
Can I get you anything?
Can I get you anything?
Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There’s a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I’m right, thanks.
第十七课: 在观光渡轮上。
Lesson 17: Out on the Ferry我们继续学习新的对话内容。请注意听以下对话中出现的新的词汇和短语。
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial2 quarter.
Mona: And what’s that over there?
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanicgardens.
That’s where we’ll go tonight. We’ll have a clear view of the fullmoon.
利奥: 那边。。。在您的左边是殖民广场。
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
蒙纳: 那边是什么呀?
Mona: And what’s that over there?
利奥: 那边是夜市。您看那边。。。您的右边,那里是植物园。我们今天晚上要去那里,在那里我们可以清楚地看到满月。
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanicgardens.
That’s where we’ll go tonight. We’ll have a clear view of the fullmoon.
利奥: 那边。。。在您的左边是殖民广场。
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
利奥: 您看那边。。。您的右边,那里是植物园。
Leo: If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanicgardens.
在这几句对话中,利奥使用了 over on the left……. Up thereon the right……you can see…..等几个在旅游业中非常有用的短语。请跟着老师一起练习使用这些短语。我会先给出中文,请你在英语老师说出英语句型之后跟着重复。
Up there on the right.
Up there on the right, you can see the gardens.
Over on the left.
Over on the left, you can see the market.
If you look up there.
请看那边,您可以看到市场If you look up there, you can see the market.
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
Leo: That’s where we’ll go tonight.
在介绍一个地点的时候,比较简单的句型就是 that’s where…现在让我们跟着老师一起来练习一下这个句型。我还是先给出中文,请跟着英语老师重复英语句子。
That’s where the President lives.
That’s where the festival is held.
That’s where the monks3 pray.
Leo: Over there, on the left…Leo: …you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what’s that over there?
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
Leo: If you look up there, on the right…Leo: …you can see the botanic gardens.
Leo: That’s where we’ll go tonight.
Leo: We’ll have a clear view of the full moon.
现在让我们完整的听一遍这一课的全部对话Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There’s a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I’m right, thanks.
Leo: Watch your step. Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what’s that over there?
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanicgardens.
That’s where we’ll go tonight. We’ll have a clear view of the fullmoon.
That’s whereThat’s whereThat’s where the gardens areBe careful ofBe careful ofBe careful of the carThat’s whereThat’s whereThat’s where the gardens areBe careful ofBe careful ofBe careful of the car第十八课: 在观光渡轮上。
Lesson 18: Out on the Ferry各位听众朋友好。欢迎您收听 “旅游业英语”讲座。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台中文部的节目主持人马健媛。
第十八课: 在观光渡轮上。
Lesson 18: Out on the FerryLeo: Here, try this.
Mona: What’s in it?
Leo: It’s moon cake.
Mona: No, I asked what’s in it?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. It has walnuts4, sesame seeds andegg yolks in it.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It’s delicious.
Leo: It’s traditional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
利奥: 来,请尝尝这个。
Leo: Here, try this.
蒙纳: 这里面包的是什么?
Mona: What’s in it?
利奥: 这是月饼。
Leo: It’s moon cake.
蒙纳: 我是问这里面包的什么?
Mona: No, I asked what’s in it?
利奥: 噢,对不起,我没听明白您的话。这里面包的有核桃、芝麻和蛋黄。
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. It has walnuts, sesame seeds andegg yolks in it.
杰克: 谢谢你,利奥。这真好吃。
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It’s delicious.
利奥: 这是传统的食品。
Leo: It’s traditional.
蒙纳: 嗯,还不错。
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
利奥: 来,请尝尝这个。
Leo: Here, try this.
这是我们在向客人推荐食品时很常用的一句话。需要特别注意的是在这种情况下最好不要说 Here, eat this。因为这种说法有很强的命令口吻,有些不礼貌。当然,比较正规的说法应该是 Would youlike to try this? 您想尝尝这个吗?或者是Would you like totry some of this? 您想尝点这个吗?请听老师的示范并跟着重复。
Here, try this.
Here, try this.
Would you like to try this?
Would you like to try this?
Would you like to try some of this?
Would you like to try some of this?
您注意到了吗?利奥在这段对话中曾经一度没有听清楚蒙纳的问题蒙纳: 这里面包的是什么?
Mona: What’s in it?
利奥: 这是月饼。
Leo: It’s moon cake.
蒙纳: 我是问这里面包的什么?
Mona: No, I asked what’s in it?
利奥: 噢,对不起,我没听明白您的话。
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.
利奥开始以为蒙纳的问题是“ What is it?”“ 这是什么?”但其实蒙纳问的是 “What’s in it?”“ 这里面包的是什么?”请注意听当利奥明白他错误地理解了蒙纳的问题时是如何反应的。
利奥: 对不起,我没有听明白您的话。
Leo: Sorry, I misunderstood.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
当我们没有明白他人的问话时我们应该如何回应呢?现在就让我们一起来回顾一下我们曾经学过的几种说法。在以前的课文中,我们学过 Could you repeat that please? 请重复那句话,好吗?另外,我们也可以说 Sorry, I didn’t catch that. 抱歉,我没有听明白那句话。如果你希望对方慢慢地重复那句话,那么你就可以说,Could you say that slowly please? 您可以慢慢地重复一遍那句话吗? 请跟着老师一起练习这些句子。
Could you repeat that please?
Could you repeat that please?
Could you say that slowly please?
Could you say that slowly please?
Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Leo: Here, try this.
Mona: What’s in it?
Leo: It’s moon cake.
Mona: No, I asked what’s in it?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.
Leo: It has walnuts, sesame seeds and egg yolks in it.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It’s delicious.
Leo: It’s traditional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
Lesson 18: Out on the Ferry接下来的对话中,利奥注意到了蒙纳的新帽子。
Leo: That’s a beautiful hat, Ms White.
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I’m going to wear it to theMelbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
Leo: Yes, it’s a very famous horse race.
Leo: Careful!
Mona: My hat!
Leo: There it goes.
Mona: That hat cost $200!
Jack: Oh well.
Man overboard!
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
Jack: No, Mona. That’s Leo. He’s trying to save your hat!
利奥: 怀特女士,这顶帽子很漂亮。
Leo: That’s a beautiful hat, Ms White.
蒙纳: 谢谢你。这是我昨天才买的,我准备在参加墨尔本杯赛马会的时候佩戴这顶帽子。你知道这个赛马会吗?
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I’m going to wear it to theMelbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
利奥: 知道。这是一个很知名的赛马会。
Leo: Yes, it’s a very famous horse race.
利奥: 小心!
Leo: Careful!
蒙纳: 哎呀!我的帽子!
Mona: My hat!
利奥: 糟糕!帽子被吹走了!
Leo: There it goes.
蒙纳: 这顶帽子花了我两百元呢!
Mona: That hat cost $200!
杰克: 算了,算了。
Jack: Oh well.
有人落水了Man overboard!
蒙纳: 你看那边,爸爸!水里的是海豚吗?
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
杰克: 不是,蒙纳。那是利奥。他正在捞你的帽子呢。
Jack: No, Mona. That’s Leo. He’s trying to save your hat!
It’s traditional.
It’s a long way from here.
It’s a very famous horse race.
Leo: That’s a beautiful hat, Ms White.
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I’m going to wear it to theMelbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
Leo: Yes, it’s a very famous horse race.
Leo: Careful!
Mona: My hat!
Leo: There it goes.
Mona: That hat cost $200!
Jack: Oh well.
Man overboard!
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
Jack: No, Mona. That’s Leo. He’s trying to save your hat!
Leo: Just follow me. Where would you like to sit? Inside or outside?
Jack: What do you recommend?
Leo: Outside. There’s a much better view. Watch your step.
Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I’m right, thanks.
Leo: Over there, on the left, you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what’s that over there?
Leo: That’s where they have the night market.
Leo: If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanicgardens. That’s where we’ll go tonight. We’ll have a clear viewof the full moon.
Leo: Here, try this.
Mona: What‘s in it?
Leo: It’s moon cake.
Mona: No, I asked what’s in it?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. It has walnuts, sesame seeds andegg yolks in it.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It’s delicious.
Leo: It’s traditional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
Leo: That’s a beautiful hat, Ms White.
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I’m going to wear it to theMelbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
Leo: Yes, it’s a very famous horse race.
Leo: Careful!
Mona: My hat!
Leo: There it goes.
Mona: That hat cost $200!
Jack: Oh well.
Man overboard!
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
Jack: No, Mona. That’s Leo. He’s trying to save your hat!
I’m sorryI’m sorryI misunderstoodTry thisTry thisTraditional foodI’m sorryI’m sorryI misunderstoodTry thisTry thisTraditional food

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n.插座,千斤顶,男人;v.抬起,提醒,扛举;n.(Jake)杰克 | |
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adj.殖民地的,关于殖民的;n.殖民地,居民 | |
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n.修道士,僧侣( monk的名词复数 ) | |
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胡桃(树)( walnut的名词复数 ); 胡桃木 | |
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