Lesson40 Depression
Everyone wants to be happy, but many things happen in our lives to make ussad. Our favourite pets can die, we can do poorly at school, closefriends can move out of town. When a loved one dies or when we deal withdivorce or other serious difficulties in life, we all feel sad for a time,and grieving can help us work through the problem. Sadness is an importantway to cope with loss or tragedy.There's a difference, though, between the “depression” that most of ustalk about when we talk about feeling sad, and the kind of depressionthat's very serious and sometimes life —threatening. The depression thatmay threaten our life is also known as clinical depression. It is aboutfeeling so sad and hopeless that you sometimes can't imagine being happy.It's about being miserable1 so much of the time that you don't feel likeparticipating in life. People who are chronically2 depressed3 usually havephysical problems like stomachaches, headaches, and lack of energy. Asyou probably know, some people experience such deep depression that theybelieve suicide is the only way out of their pain.
depression ? 抑郁
divorce ? 离婚
grieving ? 悲痛
tragedy ? 灾难
clinical 临床的
participate ? 参加,参与
chronically 长期的
suicide ? 自杀

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adj.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的 | |
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ad.长期地 | |
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adj.沮丧的,抑郁的,不景气的,萧条的 | |
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