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  • 爆笑英语口语 第152期:吃货的世界 Language Points foodie 吃货 I always want to things: lose weight and eat. Ways to my heart: buy me food, make me food, be my food. I'm not hungry, but I'm bored. I won't be impressed with technology until I can download food. There's no we in food.
  • 爆笑英语口语 第153期:找什么样的男朋友 Language Points He likes my playlist(歌单). I am now in a relationship on facebook. Dad approved of him. He is my shopping companion. He is the best at mending things. My cat tolerates him. He is the reason I shave. Free ride at 4 am. He motiva
  • 爆笑英语口语 第154期:段子手是如何炼成的 Language Points 1. I tried to catch fog yesterday.Mist. 2. Why does a chicken coop have two doors? If it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan. 3. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised. 4. I went to a really
  • 爆笑英语口语 第155期:单身太久中毒症状 Language Points 1.Please be as weird as me.(weirdo) 2.I'm afraid I've already meet the man of my dreams but probably told him to fuck off.(prince charming Mr. Right) 3.Guys I find atrractive: famous, taken, twice my age, don't know I exist, not r
  • 爆笑英语口语 第156期:让你开心的几个场景 Language Points 1.Your coffee comes exactly as you like it, with the precisely right ratio of cream to sugar 2.You make all the stop lights when youre in a hurry 3.You come back from the bathroom at a restaurant and your delicious meal is already at
  • 爆笑英语口语 第157期:小时候的爸爸 Language Points Dads are always ready to protect us from anything. Whether it's the bullies at school or the monsters under our beds. Dads are never araid of doing impossible things for us, learning to brade our hair for example. When you are with da
  • 爆笑英语口语 第158期:女生为什么撒谎 Language Points I lied to my best friend about not being a virgin anymore, so that she would get off my back about not losing it yet. I'm nineteen and constantly lie about my virginity.I feel childish when I say I'm wiating for the one. I lie about n
  • 爆笑英语口语 第159期:为什么不喜欢裸睡 Language Points Girls think it's wierd. But I hate being naked. So when it comes down to sex I always need an artile of clothing on. Never full nude. I don't like being naked or even looking at myself naked, because I'm so self-conscious. I hate bein
  • 爆笑英语口语 第160期:全世界最毒舌的评委 Language Points 1. You didn't beat the competition you crushed the competition! 2. You made the others look like good amateurs... You looked like a returning pro. 3. There are no airs and graces about her... I like her. 4. Come back and wow us next y
  • 爆笑英语口语 第161期:你的每个动作 Language Points 1. Every time you shake your hips Baby, I go crazy 2. When you kiss me on my lips Baby, I go crazy 3. When you call me on the phone Your sexy talking turns me on 4. You make it tough just holding on 5. You got me going crazy 6. I see
  • 爆笑英语口语 第162期:一句话概括一部电影(1) Language Points 1. 泰坦尼克号 Everyone tries the ice-bucket challenge. 2. 暮光之城 A love tri-angle between an eighteen-year-old girl, a hundred-year-old guy and a dog. 3. 指环王 Group spent nine hours returning jewelry. 4. 荒野猎人 L
  • 爆笑英语口语 第163期:妈妈到底有多爱你 Language Points 1. she carried you for more than 9 months. 2. she worries about you, all the time. 3. she watches over you while you sleep. 4. you made her cry, often. 5. every time you cried it broke her heart. 6. to her you'll always be number one.
  • 爆笑英语口语 第164期:爱狗和养狗的区别 Language Points 1. 爱狗者: We love all dogs equally. 2. 养狗者: All dogs are great,but yours is absolutely, 100% the greatest dog who ever doggee. 3. 爱狗者: You get to sleep through the night uninterrupted dreaming sweet puppy dreams. 4. 养狗
  • 爆笑英语口语 第165期:子女教育 Language Points 1. I remember during sex ed a kid asked if you could pee while having s*x. 2. I remember in s*x ed when a guy asked if a girl eats a taco will she taste like a taco? 3. Omg I just remembered in my s*x ed class last year a guy asked if
  • 爆笑英语口语 第166期:你永远得不到想要的发型 Language Points 1. Every day of your life is a surprise, and you never know how your hair is going to wake up. 2. But more often than not, it absolutely does not cooperate. 3. Sometimes it feels like your whole life is spent combing wet hair. 4. Your