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2015年CRI 东京审判庭审证据公布

时间:2017-12-01 06:02来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


The Tokyo Trial, running from 1946 to 1948, charged 28 Japanese military and political leaders with Class A war crimes.

It was a collective trial implemented1 by 11 countries to deal with Japan's militarism, and brought several Japanese war criminals to justice.

However, mainly due to political reasons, China had almost no academic books focused on this period of history.

Meanwhile, for the past a few decades, many right-wing Japanese politicians and historians doubt the justice of the trial and thus distort the reality, and even try their best to reverse the verdicts, since they think the Tokyo Trial represents a blow to the country's national confidence.

Liu Tong, a professor of the Center for the Tokyo Trial Studies of Shanghai Jiaotong University, explains that relevant files on Tokyo Trial have been brought to light out of a sense of a historian's responsibility to uncover the truth in past events.

"Currently, the Japanese right-wing groups are making aggressive comments, while we've hardly done anything academically on the basic research of Tokyo Trial. Thus, bearing a historian's responsibility, we founded the Center for the Tokyo Trial Studies. After that, the first step is to carry out basic research, and specifically collect original documents."

Liu adds that they have gone through a series of hardships, since many Japanese military officers have tried their best to destroy the relevant documents concerning their war crimes, thus those original files are difficult to come by.

The collection of the Tokyo Trial's evidence includes 50 volumes in Japanese and 3 volumes of indexes in Chinese.

Liu says the index is just like a key for readers and historians to look for what they want in the large amount of information.

The book is the second published by Shanghai Jiaotong University after its previous work 'The Proceedings2 of International Military Tribunal for the Far East' was published two years ago.

Liu Tong says that the two books complement3 each other.

"You couldn't try and sentence without any evidence. However, most of this evidence might not be listed in the trial records, or might have mentioned just a few words after being submitted. Thus, the 80-volume of trial records and the 50-volume evidence collection are both irreplaceable historical files for research into the Tokyo Trial. "

The two books have both been regarded as precious basic files for researchers who are looking for dependable evidence of Japan's war crimes.

Liu Tong explains that to settle clear Japan's war crime is a very meticulous4 work that requires a high degree of specificity.

"In order to fight against Japanese right-wing groups, you have to present something more convincing to refute them. Those academic results must derive5 from original historical data. Only through the original, basic historical data could we write original treatises6 to refute the Japanese right-wing groups."

Liu adds that their next step will be translating all those contents about Japanese troops' war crimes to China into the Chinese language, thus making it more convenient for Chinese researchers to use. 

For CRI, this is Sophie Williams.


1 implemented a0211e5272f6fc75ac06e2d62558aff0     
v.实现( implement的过去式和过去分词 );执行;贯彻;使生效
  • This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper. 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented. 如果不实施影响深远的改革,经济就面临崩溃的危险。 来自辞典例句
2 proceedings Wk2zvX     
  • He was released on bail pending committal proceedings. 他交保获释正在候审。
  • to initiate legal proceedings against sb 对某人提起诉讼
3 complement ZbTyZ     
  • The two suggestions complement each other.这两条建议相互补充。
  • They oppose each other also complement each other.它们相辅相成。
4 meticulous A7TzJ     
  • We'll have to handle the matter with meticulous care.这事一点不能含糊。
  • She is meticulous in her presentation of facts.她介绍事实十分详细。
5 derive hmLzH     
  • We derive our sustenance from the land.我们从土地获取食物。
  • We shall derive much benefit from reading good novels.我们将从优秀小说中获得很大好处。
6 treatises 9ff9125c93810e8709abcafe0c3289ca     
n.专题著作,专题论文,专著( treatise的名词复数 )
  • Many treatises in different languages have been published on pigeons. 关于鸽类的著作,用各种文字写的很多。 来自辞典例句
  • Many other treatises incorporated the new rigor. 许多其它的专题论文体现了新的严密性。 来自辞典例句
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