This support pack accompanies:
Big City Small World – Series 3 Episode 7
This support pack contains the following materials:
Big City Small World S3 E7 – Dumped!
1. Before you listen: Vocabulary match up
2. Audio script
3. Comprehension Task 1
4. Comprehension Task 2
5. Vocabulary Task
6. Grammar Task
Before you listen
We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and
do the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
Match the words and phrases in the boxes to their definitions.
a) Dump
someone (v.) b) See each other (v.) c) Proper (adj.)
d) A couple (n.) e) Capital (n.) f) Take it easy (expression)
1. Two or three
2. Be calm
3. Date
4. Stop dating someone
5. Money to invest
6. Correct
Big City Small World S3 E7 – Dumped!
Carlos: Listen, Sarah, I just don’t get what the
only be for a bit, Tony’ll be back next week.
Sarah: I just thought you wanted more than to make
sandwiches in a little café.
Carlos: It’s quite a nice café!
Sarah: Well, yeah, I know it is, I mean it’s a good
place for us all to meet up and hang out, but, well,
you know ... I thought you wanted to own a proper
Carlos: I do!
Sarah: And when’s that going to happen?
Carlos: I ... I don’t really know ... when I’ve got
enough money.
Sarah: And when will that be?
Carlos: Don’t really know ... soon – I hope!
Sarah: Well, let me know when it happens!
Carlos: Sarah – I’m not sure what you mean.
Sarah: I just, I just think perhaps we should take it
easy for a bit, maybe stop seeing each other for a
Carlos: Oh. Well ... OK ... I guess ... Whatever.
Sarah: Bye now ... I’ll see you around, OK?
Fadi: Hi, Carlos!
Carlos: Hello there.
Fadi: What’s up, mate?
Carlos: Oh ... Nothing.
Fadi: Don’t believe you. Go on!
Carlos: I’m just a bit fed up of working here.
Fadi: Well, Tony’s back next week, isn’t he?
Carlos: Yeah. That’s not all.
Fadi: What else?
Carlos: Sarah doesn’t want to go out with me any
Fadi: Oh. Sorry to hear that ... Well, never mind.
Perhaps you’ll make it up.
Carlos: Yeah. Maybe. Hope so.
Fadi: Olivia! Hi! Just the girl I wanted to see!
Olivia: Why’s that?
Fadi: Well, a couple of reasons ...
Olivia: Go on.
Johnny are starting?
Olivia: “FindLondon”? The tourist help service?
Fadi: Yeah, that’s it. Well, we need some more
capital. I wondered if you wanted to be in on it.
Olivia: Thanks, but no thanks! Like I already said,
Fadi, I’ve got enough to do running my own
Fadi: OK, fair enough.
Olivia: What was the other thing?
Fadi: Oh, yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to
come out on Friday night? Go see a movie, go for a
drink maybe ...
Olivia: Oh ... Thanks, Fadi, but it’ll have to be a no
on that one too – I’m looking after Joe on Friday.
Fadi: Joe, your nephew? Oh. He’s always around,
isn’t he?
Olivia: Family is important, Fadi!
Fadi: You sound like my dad. Listen, you do want us
to carry on seeing each other, don’t you?
Olivia: Yeah ... But nothing serious, eh? Let’s just
keep it casual.
Fadi: OK ... Hey, Carlos! I think that’s two of us!
Comprehension Task 1
Big City Small World S3 E7 – Dumped!
Who thinks or says these things? Write the name of the characters!
Tony Sarah Fadi Johnny Carlos Olivia
1 ......................... “I’m only working in the café for a while.”
2 ......................... “I’m annoyed with Carlos for not being more ambitious.”
3 ........................ “I’m returning to work next week.”
4 ......................... “Will Olivia go out on a date with me?”
5 ......................... “I’ve invested money in Fadi’s new business venture.”
6 ........................ “I’m babysitting on Friday night.”
Comprehension Task 2
Complete the summary using the words below.
Sarah and Carlos are talking about Carlos’s job at the _______. Sarah doesn’t like him working
there because she thought he wanted to open his own_________. As a result, she _______ with
him. Fadi comes into the café, and notices Carlos is_______. He asks him what’s______, and
Carlos tells him Sarah has dumped him. Olivia then arrives, and Fadi asks her if she wants to give
him some ______for his tourist business. Olivia isn’t interested, and also turns Fadi down when
he asks her out on a____. Fadi thinks that, like Carlos, he has been_________.
Grammar Task
Look at these two sentences and complete the grammar rule with the words in the box.
I have got enough money to invest in the business.
He is good enough to work as a professional chef.
before after
We use enough (a) .................. nouns but (b) ...................... adjectives.
Big City Small World S3 E7 – Dumped!
Now order the words to make sentences.
1 there everyone enough Are chairs for ?
2 cake I got time haven’t to make a enough .
3 good me It isn’t enough for .
4 for him isn’t enough The challenging job .
5 for meal have to money pay the got enough I .
6 warm you enough Are ?
Vocabulary Task
Complete the sentences using a preposition from the box.
out out back in around on up up
1 I’m only helping ........... here in the café.
2 It’s a good place for us all to hang .............
3 I’ll see you ........., OK?
4 What’s ......., mate?
5 I wondered if you wanted to be ......... on it.
6 You do want us to carry ............ seeing each other, don’t you?
7 I was wondering if you wanted to meet ........ on Friday night?
8 Tony’ll be ......... next week. Answers Pre-listening:
1. d; 2. f; 3. b; 4. a; 5. e; 6. c
Comprehension Task:
1. Carlos; 2. Sarah; 3. Tony; 4.
Fadi; 5. Johnny; 6. Olivia;
Comprehension Task 2:
café; restaurant; breaks up; fed up;
wrong; capital; date; dumped
Grammar Task:
(a) before; (b) after
1. Are there enough chairs for
everyone?; 2. I haven’t got enough
time to make a cake.; 3. It isn’t
good enough for me.; 4. The job
isn’t challenging enough for him.;
5. I have got enough money to pay
for the meal.; 6. Are you warm
Vocabulary Task:
1. out; 2. out; 3. around; 4. up; 5.
in; 6. on; 7. up; 8. back

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n.抄本,誊本,副本,肄业证书 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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vt.掠夺,蹂躏,使苦恼 | |
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