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  • 【英语对话对对碰】你在想什么

    Joanne: Hey, you look concerned. What's on your mind? Harry: The final exam. I'm not fully prepared yet. Joanne: Well, don't worry too much. You still have three days. Harry: Yeah, but three days will fly past in a wink. Joanne: Well, you still have...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】甚至提到他的名字我就来气

    Clara: What happened just now, Mark? You werne't very kind when you were talking with Ted. What do you have against him? Mark: I just don't like him at all. Clara: Why? Is there something in particular? Mark: Well, he has such a mean streak in him! I...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】我再也无法忍受他了

    Mary: Thanks for lunch! It was delicious! Shelly: It's OK. Mary: Next time lunch is on me. Shelly: Don't be silly. Mary: I'm serious. Shelly: All right. Next time you'll treat....

  • 【英语对话对对碰】为你和未来的妻子干杯

    Hostess: Pompas. How may I help you? Ron: Yes. I'd like to reserve a table for dinner. Hostess: How large a group are you expecting? Ron: Six couples. Hostess: Would you like to reserve a private dinning room? Ron: That sounds like a good idea. Hoste...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】你多久在外面吃一次

    Michelle: John, can you do me a favor? Can you help me cut this chicken? John: At your service. How do you want me to cut it? Michelle: I would like half of it cut into slices, and the other half diced. John: OK. Half sliced and the other half diced....

  • 【英语对话对对碰】点早餐

    Waiter: What would you like to order? Kate: I'd like ham and eggs, please. Waiter: How do you want your eggs? Kate: What are my choices? Waiter: Scrambled, sunny side-up, over-easy, and over-hard. Kate: Scrambled, please. Hm, no, I think I want sunny...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】牛排吃几分熟

    How do you want your beef? Maria eats out together with her friend. She orders roast beef and the waitress asks her how she wants her beef done .... Waitress: Are you ready to order now? Maria: Yes. I'll have some salad, roast beef, and mashed potato...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】东西太好吃

    I couldn't help it. They were so good! Cindy is a little hungry. She wants to eat some cookies she bought last night, but she finds that all the cookies are gone.... Cindy: John, where are the cookies? Don't tell me you ate them all! Again! John: Yes...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】食物变馊了

    It tastes stale! The two people in the dialogue below want to fix pork chops for dinner, but they later find out that the meat has gone bad.... Wayne: What are we going to eat for dinner? Lilia: I'm going to fix some pork chops. Wayne: I'm afraid the...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】别拐弯抹角的

    Don't beat about the bush! Jack: George, may I talk with you for a minute? George: Sure. What's on your mind? Jack: Hmmm...nothing, really. Hey! Nice weather, isn't it? George: Come on! Don't beat about the bush. Just tell me what's on your mind!...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】电话注销

    Customer Service: Pacific Bell. May I help you? Jefferey: I'd like to have my phone disconnected. Customer Service: May I ask why? Jefferey: Well, I'm graduated and am moving to California for a new job there. Customer Service: Congratulations! Jeffe...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】安装电话

    Sean: I'd like to have a phone installed, please. Customer Service: May I have your name and address, please? Sean: Sure. My name is Sean Kobluk. K-O-B-L-U-K. My address is 1600 Iowa Avenue, Apartment 16. Customer Service: May I have your date of bir...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】电话业务服务

    Operator: Pacific Bell. May I help you? Dave: Yes, I'd like to set up a telephone service, please. Operator: Do you presently have service? Dave: No, this is new. Operator: All right! I'll connect you with our customer service department. Please hold...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】让他等一下

    Timothy: Stanley, there's a Mr. Miller on the phone who wants to talk to you. Stanley: I'm busy at the moment. Can you ask him to hold? Tell him I'll talk with him in a few seconds. Timothy: Sure. He's on Line 2. Stanley: Thanks, Timothy!...

  • 【英语对话对对碰】过后给你回电话

    Jose: Pamela, can you come to a meeting on Friday? Pamela: I'm not sure. Let me check my schedule. What time are you having it? Jose: We're planning on having it around noon. Pamela: Let me get back to you in a few minutes. Jose: Sure! If I'm not in,...
