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 《打工姐妹花第二季》设定地点是在纽约市布鲁克林区,讲述两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings饰)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs饰)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。两人商量着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。本栏目包含音频MP3文件以及中英文本,是学习美剧中的经典英语表达,提高英语听说水平的好帮手。

  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第123期:辞掉露丝 Wow. You suck at this too.. 哇,你贴东西也好烂。 Sorry I'm late. 抱歉我来迟了。 I was having a dream that I was sleeping in, then I woke up, and I was. 我做梦梦到了我睡过头,醒来之后,才发现真睡过头了。 Who's
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第124期:没度就是无下限 Earl, time to play Marry, sleep with, or kill: Diner edition. Ladies, booth one? 厄尔,来玩结婚,上床,或杀掉游戏之餐厅版吧。一号卡座的妞们? Sleep with, sleep with, slept with. Nice. 上她,上她,上过她。厉害。
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第125期:大谈开幕派对 Oh, my God, look at the RSVP list for our opening party. 天啊,你看同意出席开幕派对的人数。 Max's homemade cupcakes is at capacity. 麦克斯自制小蛋糕店要塞不下啦。 Hey, we might even be overbooked, because in my experie
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第126期:苏菲豪宅建成 Hi, everybody! I got great news. 各位!我有个大好新闻。 What? You finally found the thing we lost in there? 你找出我们弄丢在里面的东西了吗? No. I knew we should've tied a string on it. 没呢。我当时就知道该拿线绑
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第127期:义务帮忙 Guys, thanks again for donating your time. 各位,谢谢你们的义务帮忙。 It's fundraisers like this that will help put an end to undescended testicles. 举办这样的隐睾症募款会,病友们才能有免受苦难的一天。 Hi! I'd l
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第128期:修炼表情 Max, the invited guests were all supposed to be business contacts. 麦克斯,邀请的宾客应该全是有生意往来的朋友啊。 See, this is why I didn't tell you sooner. You're a control freak. 你看,所以我才不想太早告诉你。你
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第129期:一切就绪 There's my cute boyfriend. Hey. How did everything go at spike's liquor? 我可爱的男人来啦。去酒店买酒的过程如何? Well, I got a little bit confused about what charity we're pretending to help, 我去买的时候有点搞不清我们
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第130期:蛋糕店爆满 Max, there's a line all the way down the hall. 麦克斯,队伍排满了整个走廊呢。 And I've given out, like, a hundred business cards! 我都发出去快一百张名片了! You know what that means? Being poor can suck it! 你知道这代表
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第131期:罗比来了 Excuse me, you know where I can find Max? 抱歉,请问麦克斯在哪? Yes, she's in the back. Cool. 她就在后头。好的。 Robbie, it's me, Caroline. 罗比,是我啊,卡洛琳。 Oh, sorry. Did we have sex? 抱歉,没认出来。我们
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第132期:强尼也来了 Just found out I paid for more sex than an arab businessman. 刚刚才知道我花在做爱上的钱比一个阿拉伯商人还多。 Maybe this wasn't the healthiest thing I could've done tonight. 或许我今晚不应该做这么神经的事。 So
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第133期:干柴碰烈火 Max, you look insanely good. 麦克斯,你今晚真美。 Thanks. Now, maybe you could repeat that to your wife, and where is she? 谢谢夸奖。要不要把这句话对你老婆复诵一遍啊,她人呢? We never got married. 我没有跟她结
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第134期:巧克力碎煎饼 Disclaimer: this is not my T-shirt, though I am all about the girl power. 我声明:这不是我的T恤,当然我也很支持女力的啦。 Disclaimer: it's not my T-shirt either. 我声明:这也不是我的T恤。 Some nerd left it in the dr
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第135期:巧克力碎煎饼(2) Well, Max, as far as the suck it plan goes, it looks like somebody sucked something. 麦克斯,你这个让人去死吧计划,没让某人死成,还自己成了你去吸吧。 Pancakes, pancake hole. He's a good guy. 煎饼,煎饼洞。他是个
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第136期:开业首日不顺利 What time is it? 10:20. 几点了?十点二十。 Well, it's the first day open. All those people are probably tired from the party. 开业首日嘛。大家可能昨晚都玩太累了。 Yeah. Oh, and look! We forgot to light it up. People don't k
  • 打工姐妹花第二季 第137期:麦克斯的反思 Tomorrow, we only need to sell 140 cupcakes. 明天,我们只需卖掉140个小蛋糕就行。 140 cupcakes! That's not so hard. How many did we sell today? 140个小蛋糕!不难嘛。我们今天卖掉了几个? Four. And all were to Johnny. 四