He didn't mind! - No.So Jeremy Renner You present with Jeremy, he got so much flack for what he said, 他一点都不在意 -没错 杰瑞米·雷纳 你和杰瑞米一起上台颁奖 他说的话引起了不少议论
He said something about your "Golden Globes".Yeah, I know, I said I have the nails. 他提到了你的"一对金球" 对 我知道 我说我有指甲
Cause he was supposed to open the envelope,and I said "you want to open the envelope?" 因为本来应该是他开信封的 所以我说"你想打开信封吗"
He goes "no, you open it." and I said "yeah, I have the nail" 他说"不 你开吧" 然后我说"好吧 我有指甲"
So I opened it with my nails, and then he said, 然后我用指甲划开信封 然后他说
"Yeah, you have the Globes"Meaning my... - Globes. "没错 你有球" 指的是我的 -一对球
And so I thought that was funny. - It was. 我觉得还蛮搞笑的 -是挺搞笑的
I was gotta to be little bit warm cause I was embarrassed, 我还因为尴尬觉得有点热
I didn't think he should get flack for that No, he shouldn't. - Yeah 我想他不应该因为这个被别人指责 对 不应该 -没错
I think those are the things that happen at the Globes. 我觉得这样的事只会发生在金球奖中
that don't happen at the Oscars.Funny? Right? - You should be able to be in the moment. 奥斯卡就不会有这样的事 很有趣 对吧 -你应该能享受每一刻
It's a loose setting2 there. Anyway,And now you were with your co-Star in the new movie, 不管怎么说整个氛围都很轻松 你现在正在拍一部新电影
Ryan Guzman?Ryan Guzman, yeah.Alright, he is a good-looking guy. - He is very cute.Yeah, have you seen this guy? 和瑞安·古兹曼一起对吧 瑞安·古兹曼 对 他是个帅气的小伙 -他蛮帅的 对 你们见过他吗