AA: Im Avi Arditti with Rosanne Skirble, and this week on Wordmaster -- more about terrorism and language.
TAPE: CUT ONE -- BUSH"Now is the time to draw a line in the sand against the evil ones."RS: President Bush, speaking this past week. Geoff Nunberg is a linguist1, author and social commentator2. We asked him his thoughts about hearing our leaders refer to terrorists as "evil," a word with a strong moral overtone.
TAPE: CUT TWO -- NUNBERG"Evil is not a word that has been much used in the political arena3, and when it has been used, for example, when Reagan described the Soviet4 Union as an evil empire he was jumped on by a lot of people not just on the left, but moderates, and there really hasnt been that reaction to the use of evil in this context, perhaps because people feel there really is something evil about what happened."AA: He says a word that has drawn5 more attention among Americans is "homeland," as in President Bushs new Office of Homeland Security.
TAPE: CUT THREE -- NUNBERG"Americans dont usually think of themselves as having a homeland in that sense. Its like fatherland in German or patris in French. English and particularly American English doesnt have a word for that. We need some way to describe this part of America thats located here, and thats a very interesting usage. It has an Old World feel to it and its not the sort of way weve thought about our country. I dont know if it augers a change in the way we think of America itself or if its just a convenient or slightly awkward term that Bush grabbed for, but its certainly interesting."RS: Geoff Nunberg says that after the September eleventh attacks on the United States, politicians in particular seemed to reach back in time for their language.
TAPE: CUT FOUR -- NUNBERG/SKIRBLENUNBERG: "People were using the word nefarious6. Both Senator Schumer of New York and Governor Davis of California used the word dastardly. Now dastardly is the kind of word that you usually associate with the villain7 in a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Its not a word that people ordinarily use to describe events in everyday life. Bush used the word despicable which has a slightly Victorian cast to it.
"I dont know what the reason for this was, but I suspect that part of it had to do with the idea that that language -- words like dastardly, despicable, nefarious -- is associated with a Victorian moral order where there was right and wrong. And this way of casting the problem as a battle between good and evil, for example, also had that Victorian resonance8. And in that sense the ideology9 thats implicit10 in the use of this language does reflect more a kind of Victorian ideology than a twentieth century ideology where things arent black and white but all painted in shades of gray."RS: "These are words coming out of the mouths of politicians. What about the people on the street? What are we hearing from them?"NUNBERG: "Well, were hearing two kinds of language. Were hearing very angry language, very colloquial11 angry language. And were also hearing a kind of interestingly formal language to describe -- the word enormity has been used for a long time in English but tends to be used by most people now just to refer to things that are large and not things that are large and terrible, but somehow enormity has re-acquired its old sense of things that are great in their horribleness and their terror. The word horrific was on everyones lips for the week following the attacks, and that again is a slightly old-fashioned word, I think. So its as if people also are looking to the language of some earlier moral order, as if the language of ordinary English doesnt quite have the resources to deal with events of this magnitude."AA: Sometimes, though, he says, it seems like not having the right words is just the right thing.
TAPE: CUT FIVE -- NUNBERG"We use these words like unuterrable, indescribable, unspeakable. In a certain sense the most damning thing you can say about events is that they pass the powers of language to describe. Its a way of talking that was very much used in connection with the Holocaust12, for example. That words ought to fail us."RS: Linguist Geoff Nunberg, speaking to us from his home in San Francisco, California. Hes the author of a new book about language and culture, called "The Way We Talk Now."AA: The way to talk to us now is to send an e-mail -- our address is word@voanews.com. And thats all for Wordmaster this week. With Rosanne Skirble, Im Avi Arditti.

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n.语言学家;精通数种外国语言者 | |
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n.注释者,解说者;实况广播评论员 | |
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n.竞技场,运动场所;竞争场所,舞台 | |
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adj.苏联的,苏维埃的;n.苏维埃 | |
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v.拖,拉,拔出;adj.憔悴的,紧张的 | |
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adj.恶毒的,极坏的 | |
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n.反派演员,反面人物;恶棍;问题的起因 | |
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n.洪亮;共鸣;共振 | |
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n.意识形态,(政治或社会的)思想意识 | |
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a.暗示的,含蓄的,不明晰的,绝对的 | |
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adj.口语的,会话的 | |
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n.大破坏;大屠杀 | |
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