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  • 【英语时差8,16】电针除痣(下)

    Although touted by infomercials as pain free, electrolysis can produce anywhere from mild irritation to sharp pain since pain-sensitive nerve endings are right next to hair follicles. Furthermore, since electrolysis only destroys one follicle at a ti...

  • 【英语时差8,16】吸血蝙蝠

    Anyone who reads gothic fiction will tell you that vampires are bad news. People who read modern medical journals, however, might disagreein fact, they think vampires just might help save lives. The kind of vampire Im talking about is Desmodus rotund...

  • 【英语时差8,16】训狗(下)

    But it was hard for wolves. Wolves that have been raised by people should have had the same success at finding the sealed container, but they didnt. Even chimpanzees, which are very smart animals indeed, werent as fast at finding the food as dogs. Wh...

  • 【英语时差8,16】地幔(下)

    Now, however, with the help of sophisticated computers, scientists have discovered what seem to be superplumes, more intense thunderstorms, if you will. The computers produced 3D images of the mantle that suggest the existence of a superplume under A...

  • 【英语时差8,16】喉管胶布治疗疣(上)

    Have you ever used duct tape to tape a duct? Do you even know what a duct is? Maybe not. But you definitely know what duct tape is, and youve probably used it to fix everything from glasses to flashlights. Now, thanks to one study, we can officially...

  • 【英语时差8,16】地幔(上)

    For some time now, scientists have understood that the earths crust is divided into plates that move about at the rate of a few inches a year.But over time, form mountain ranges and volcanoes. They have also known that the earths mantle, the layer be...

  • 【英语时差8,16】喉管胶布治疗疣(下)

    After soaking the wart in water and gently scrubbing it with pumice stone, the procedure was repeated for up to two months, or until the wart disappeared. The cryotherapy patients received a maximum of six treatments over the same time period. By the...

  • 【英语时差8,16】青少年吸毒(上)

    What makes adolescents so vulnerable to developing addictions to substances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs? More vulnerable than any other age group. Is it a result of peer pressure? Of wanting to fit in? In a word, no. Socio-cultural elements do...

  • 【英语时差8,16】剑尾鱼(下)

    Researcher Molly Cummings and her coworkers at the University of Texas at Austin placed a female swordtail in a tank with two males visible at either end. One of the males, however, was surrounded by filtering glass that blocks UV light. They found t...

  • 【英语时差8,16】剑尾鱼(上)

    So you want to attract a mate. After all, passing on your genes is what evolution is all about. To do that you need offspring, and to get a lot of those you need to be attractive. The flashier the better. Hey, look over here! Sexy me. Ah, but theres...

  • 【英语时差8,16】M&M巧克力豆与遗传漂变(下)

    Every time an animal mates, its offspring receives a mixed bag of genes, half from its mother and half from its father. If the father and the mother share many of the same genes, their offspring will receive doubles of some of them. The doubles dont...

  • 【英语时差8,16】有益细菌

    Some of the microbes in our gut are there for a valid reason. Well, theres a bacterium called thetaiotamicron in the intestines that lives off the food we eat. In return, it helps us digest certain foods by breaking them down into sugars and vitamins...

  • 【英语时差8,16】青少年吸毒(下)

    That may not sound so bad in theory, but downside about this region of the brain is that along with adolescent inhibitions may come experimentation and abuse of addictive drugs. In addition, because of the immature state of this brain region, adolesc...

  • 【英语时差8,16】成吉思汗(上)

    Today, Afghanistan is a war-torn region, battled over by military forces and world-spanning empires. Eight hundred years ago things were much the same. Only then, there was only one ruler: Genghis Khan. Khan is one of the greatest conquerors who ever...

  • 【英语时差8,16】成吉思汗(下)

    Researcher Tatiana Zerjal, from the University of Oxford in England, and a team of geneticists took genetic samples of over twenty-one thousand men from all over Asia. They were looking for variations in certain genetic markers, or sequences of genes...
