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  • 【英语时差8,16】手势(下)

    In some, she simply said the phrase without moving her hands. Peel the banana. In others, she made the kind of hand gesture most of us would make when saying thata sort of banana-peeling mime that matches the content of the phrase. In a third group,...

  • 【英语时差8,16】英国:英格兰 -2

    Andrea: Sometimes we forget that England is more than London and that there is a lot to see and do outside the capital. Someone talked about England's wine! We often hear about the beer in England but England does also produce wine. In fact often peo...

  • 【英语时差8,16】英国:英格兰 -3

    It's something that we all enjoy believing is there when there is the difference. We love to hate each other and it's part of the fabric of the society. But I don't think there is a real cultural difference. I think there is a north-south divide. Cer...

  • 【英语时差8,16】风电场影响气温?(下)

    When turbine blades spin, they create turbulence similar to how a motorboat churns up the water in its wake. Consequently, cooler air from higher in the atmosphere is pushed down. Meanwhile, warmer air lower to the ground is drawn up, where it mixes...

  • 【英语时差8,16】风电场影响气温?(上)

    Giant wind turbines are a sight to behold. Theyre big and majestic and, to some eyes at least, even beautiful. But not everyone likes wind turbines. Some people complain that they make too much noise. Others argue that they spoil the view. And yet an...

  • 【英语时差8,16】英国:英格兰 -4

    Up North they would say Why aye lad? which is a Geordie expression which means how are you doing? Andrea: A lad is another word for boy. Here's another difference in language between north and south. In Yorkshire they say tat for 'hat', i.e. On Ilkay...

  • 【英语时差8,16】英国:英格兰 -1

    Andrea: The United Kingdom's national anthem, 'God Save The Queen'. In this series we're going to be finding out a little bit about England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Andrea: Hello. I'm Andrea. Andrea: Buckingham Palace, Stratford-upon-Av...

  • 【英语时差8,16】如何对付恃强凌弱者-下

    So what is bullying in the workplace? According to the experts, it takes many forms, including unfary treated, public humiliation, being regularly threatened with the sack, and even character assassination. And in the modern world, the phenomenon of...

  • 【英语时差8,16】伐木致热带雨林土壤贫瘠(下)

    In any forest, dead organic matter falls to the ground, providing valuable nutrients for new growth. In cooler or drier climates, the nutrients build up in the soil. But in a rain forest, with its abundance and variety of life, those nutrients are re...

  • 【英语时差8,16】跳伞的科学依据(上)

    Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Well, you get to the ground much faster, and the trip down is a whole lot more interesting. Skydiving has become an increasingly popular sport, although most of us havent yet taken the plun...

  • 【英语时差8,16】空中舞蹈(下)

    By bending arms and legs or angling her bodypresenting more or less surface area to the groundshe can change her rate of fall, slowing or speeding up her terminal velocity around ten or twenty miles per hour. To fall as fast as two hundred miles per...

  • 【英语时差8,16】跳伞的科学依据(下)

    Why not? She has reached whats known as terminal velocity. This is when the upward push of air resistanceor the friction she experiences as she falls through the airis enough to exactly counterbalance the force of gravity. When she first jumped out o...

  • 【英语时差8,16】喝饮料与运动的共性(下)

    Dehydration is big problem in all these sports because you dont feel like youre losing water. If you run or lift weights, the sweat acts as a psychological reminder to drink, but as you climb out of a swimming pool, your first thought may not be of a...

  • 【英语时差8,16】怎样快速将汤变凉

    Why does blowing on hot soup help to cool it off? Its because of evaporation. Evaporation cools down a liquid because the most energetic molecules leap off the surface and leave the slower-moving molecules behind. Slower-moving means lower temperatur...

  • 【英语时差8,16】电子烟真的安全吗?(上)

    E cigarettes are battery-powered tubes that look like real cigarettes. But instead of inhaling and getting a lungful of tobacco smoke, you basically suck in vaporized nicotine. According to companies that make e cigarettes, since theres no tobacco sm...
