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  • Eztalk美语【166】写商业书信 剧码: Office Talk 产品正在开发中 1. 我们很高兴(今天∕十月二十八日)收到您的汇款。 2. 这个产品正在开发中。 3. 请提供车种、品名和正厂号码,或者提供样品。 4. 请确认您的订单,若无任
  • Eztalk美语【167】给老客户的e-mail 给老客户的e-mail....... Dear Ms. Reynolds: Thank you for your remittance of October 28 for your order XX-1234. We are currently processing this order, which we expect to have ready for shipment by J-Quick Shipping Company within two weeks. Our s
  • Eztalk美语【168】基本咖啡,基本美语 剧码: Coffee!!! 入门篇基本咖啡,基本美语 1.浓缩咖啡 espresso I'd like a double / triple espresso. 我要双份∕三份的意大利浓缩咖啡。 2.摩卡咖啡 caffe mocha I don't want any whipped cream. 我不要鲜奶油。 或者
  • Eztalk美语【169】订制你的独特咖啡 进阶篇订制你的独特咖啡 到国际连锁咖啡店点咖啡,常常会看到咖啡的杯子后面,有一些选择表,这到底是什么东西?其实这是店员做记号,填入客人个人化口味选择的表格。现在就来看看,
  • Eztalk美语【170】I'm burnt out累得口吐白沫 剧码: Coffee!!! Ann, James, and Jess are ordering coffee in the Kitty Cafe James: Any new ideas on the Mr. Fro case? How can we give this motor oil a new brand identity? Ann: Let me get my morning coffee to get my brain working again. James: I co
  • Eztalk美语【171】choice and fresh 精选又新鲜 Sitting down with their drinks James: My latte looks like that shoe polish we did an ad for last month. Jess: And this espresso looks like...oil! James:[Taking a sip] It still tastes fine, though. Jess: These days, I can't think of anything but motor
  • Eztalk美语【172】A match made in heaven.真是天作之合啊 Ann: That's brilliant! We can name the grades of motor oil by where they come from. James: [Joking] Mr. Mechanic, I'd like a nice Venezuelan blend this morning. Ann: I think the Saudi Arabian will hit the spot today. James:But really, maybe this can
  • Eztalk美语【173】he have a lot of nerve他还真有胆子 The next day, at the Kitty Cafe Jess:I can't believe Mr. Fro didn't buy it. Who does that guy think he is anyway? Bill Gates? Ann: He had a lot of nerve telling us our ads sucked. Jess:Time to order. [to barista] Barista, today I want a skinny triple
  • Eztalk美语【174】coffee snob 咖啡专家 Ann is ordering Ann: Barista, pull me a ristretto. Jess:What? You're suddenly some kind of coffee snob now? What's a ristretto anyway? Ann: It's basically a very strong espresso. Half the water pulled through the same amount of beans. Pure coffee ess
  • Eztalk美语【175】最近已经不流行喝那堤了 James:Ann, stop bugging Jess and help me order something new. Lattes are so passe these days. Ann: Why don't you try an Americano? Espresso with water. James:Sounds a little weak. Ann: Go with a hammerhead then-espresso mixed with drip coffee. James:
  • Eztalk美语【176】这是世上最稀有的咖啡! Jess:This motor oil case is still really slippery. Ann: Yeah, time for more coffee! Jess:Sure, why not? I think I want a chocolate chip cookie, too. Ann: By the way, I heard Kitty's just got in a shipment of Jamaican Blue Mountain. Jess:So what? Ann:
  • Eztalk美语【177】girly drink 女性化的饮料 In the Kitty Cafe, ordering at the counter Jess:Barista, I'll have a frappuccino. Ann: What a girly drink. I'll take a bag of the Blue Mountain and a decaf breva... Jess:You and your fancy Italian names. Ann: Isn't frappuccino Italian, too? [to baris
  • Eztalk美语【178】It's worth a shot值得一试 Sitting around the coffee table Ann: I know why Mr. Fro didn't like our ad idea! He doesn't know the first thing about coffee. James:True. I always see him drinking instant. Ann: Let's take him some of Kitty's best and make the pitch again. James:Do
  • Eztalk美语【179】an all-new buzz 全新的切入点 Making the pitch to Mr. Fro Fro:This'd better be good. I'm about to fire you all and find another company. James:We've brought you a little something from the place down the street, Kitty Cafe-Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans! Fro:Mmm, smells good
  • Eztalk美语【180】It tastes funny尝起来怪怪的 Fro:Look, there's no way we can convince people they need fresh motor oil every morning. Ann: No, but you can let them know that yours is the cream of the crop-the purest motor oil in the world. [handing a cafe breva to Fro] Careful, hold it by the j