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访谈录 美国副总统拜登或竞选总统 将对希拉里构成挑战

时间:2015-08-17 03:24来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Big news in the race for the white house now -- Vice-president Joe Biden considering a challenge to Hillary Clinton. His third run for the White House as Clinton launches the first TV ads of her campaign. ABC's Jon Karl tracking all the latest. Good morning, Jon. Good morning, George. It is starting to look like we just might have a real race on the democratic side. With Bernie Sanders already giving Hillary Clinton a stronger-than-expected challenge, there are indications that Joe Biden might get into the race as well. When Obama Care passed in 2010, the Vice-president voiced his approval in a way only Joe Biden can. “This is a big Deal.”

Now Biden is at the center of what might be the next big deal in democratic politics, potentially taking on Hillary Clinton for the White House. ABC News has confirmed a New York Times’ report that Biden's chief of staff has been quietly talking to supporters and democratic donors about the possibility of the Vice-president jumping into the 2016 race. While Biden is not authorized any specific moves, his advisers say he is seriously considering a run. And Biden told George earlier this year there was always a chance he'd get into the race. “Yes. There's a chance. I don't think you have to make up your mind until summer.”
Since then Biden faced the tragic loss of his beloved son Beau to brain cancer in May. New York Times’ colonist Maureen Dowd reported this weekend that before his death, Beau “had a mission: he tried to make his father promise to run, arguing that the White House should not revert to the Clintons.”
While the latest polls show Hillary Clinton still has a commanding lead, there could be an opening for Biden. He leads Clinton in one critical category, 58% of Americans view him as honest and trust worthy, compared to only 37% who say the same of Clinton. “When I think about why I'm doing this, I think about my mother.” In an apparent bid to soften her image, Hillary Clinton released her first campaign ads overnight, both featuring her mother. “…but people showed her kindness, gave her a chance.”
Those ads will start running tomorrow in Iowa and New Hampshire, part of a $2 million advertising blitz by the Clinton campaign between now and Labor Day in those two critical first primary states, George. So, Jon, president Obama right behind you in the White House right now, his former vice-president considering a run against -- his vice-president considering a run against his former secretary of state. That would put him in a tight spot. Oh, it sure would, George. President Obama has already basically been treating Hillary Clinton as an heir apparent. If Biden gets in, he won't be able to do that. He will have to stay above the fray in this -- that is his loyal Vice-president, way above the fray. No question about that, okay, Jon Karl, thanks very much.
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