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  • 访谈录 2010-09-01&09-03 布拉德·皮特献爱心

    We are back on a Friday night and our Making a Difference report comes from right here in the Lower Ninth Ward. Katrina destroyed this neighborhood, completely flooded. There were barges and boats on these streets. There were trucks tucked under hous...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-27&08-31 “以骨还骨”弄断凶手脊椎

    Human rights groups have appealed to Saudi authorities not to deliberately sever the spinal cord of a man who allegedly paralyzed someone else in a fight. Amnesty International has said that would violate United Nations Convention on Torture as well...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-24&08-26 美国第一所穆斯林大学?

    Tuesday is the first day of class at Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California. Christian and Jewish colleges have long been a part of the American education system. But Zaytuna wants to become the very first accredited Muslim college in the US. And co...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-19&0821 Iain Duncan Smith 提升就业率的计

    And the key problem is that people who are out of work are trying to go into work. They are not clear at all that going into work actually pays. Because what happens is that you're going to work, the withdrawal rate for individual benefits as are sai...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-16&0818 美参议员指责英国官员

    In the case of BP, it's hard to imagine that a company on such thin ice with the American people after devastating our Gulf Coast would not fully cooperate in getting to the bottom of the release of a terrorist who murdered 189 Americans. It is appar...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-13&0815 BP老板短访谈

    It became clear both for the board and for Tony, that in going forward, in rebuilding the companys strength and in rebuilding its reputation, we needed a fresh leadership and that's what we are announcing today. Why do you need fresh leadership if he...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-11&08-12 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    Hi! I'm Crystal Renn and I'm a plus size model. It wasn't always this way. I actually suffered from an eating disorder and anorexia for three years and it nearly took my life. And today I can speak about health at any size because I really lived it t...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-09&08-10 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    I'm Meme Roth and it's not OK to be fat, because of obesity is toll on the human body, because of the human suffering that comes from obesity. And because of the financial burden to us all. It makes me feel so sad in my heart, but pitying people hasn...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-07&08-08 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    A lot of people say, You look great. I would never know you were 350 pounds,either. Hi, my name is Kim Bensen. I lost a lot of weight, more than 200 pounds and I've been able to keep it off, working really hard at it. The question today is, is it OK...

  • 访谈录 2010-08-05&08-06 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    My name is Maryann Kirby. Hi!And I am going today to say that yes, fat is OK. There is nothing wrong with being fat. It's totally OK, I promise. I read Meme's website for a while. It's not the most fun thing ever. I mean body autonomy is an incredi...

  • 访谈录 2010-07-31&08-04 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    The comment I wanna make is why focus on, why does medicine focus on weight, and not focus on blood pressure, cholesterol, some of the things that are correlated with weight over a lifetime. And I think its really important that we move away from a t...

  • 访谈录 2010-07-26&07-30 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    Ok, so the argument about me or the obese people costing more with the insurance, and the healthcare costs. I understand that the physical and medical consequence of weight cycling is very severe. And it adds these costs, and I also, it's my understa...

  • 访谈录 2010-07-21&07-25 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    Information is good, and information in context is very good. The calories, I'm a big fan of calories post on menu board, but most people think they are supposed to eat 2000 calories because nutritional labels are always based on 2000 calories a diet...

  • 访谈录 2010-07-16&07-20 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    When I stopped dieting, my weight stabilized. You know I have permanently screwed up my metabolism because I dieted from the age 7 to the age 27. You know when you put pre-pubescent children on diet, we dont really know what that does to them. I mean...

  • 访谈录 2010-07-11&07-15 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-

    Yes, so there's been a lot of science talk going on, some of which I'm very familiar with, the study that you quote from University of Pittsburgh I'm not familiar with. But I would take issue with your comment about the studies all being funded by th...
