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  • 2009-02-04&02-06 福克斯red eye脱口秀周年版

    So Red Eye viewer Beth Navarra wrote to me yesterday, saying God, did I ever hate your show when it first came out. But its like smoking. It makes you sick at first, but then you are hooked. You are my cigarette. Well, thanks, Beth. Can I say to you...

  • 2009-02-01&02-03 我要捐出我的大脑

    Ted Johnson does not hide in the sun anymore. His head, once as battered as the helmet he wore as a New England Patriots linebacker for ten seasons, no longer hurts every day. Get a nick there. But it took three years to stop. I got some championship...

  • 2009-01-28&01-31 缅甸遭遇粮食危机

    The UN has just issued a report saying that six million people in Myanmar need food right now. How critical is the situation? It's a real paradox, because in the same year that Cyclone Nargis devastated the, what had been the rice bowl of Myanmar, th...

  • 2009-01-25&01-27 奥巴马的希望

    Now the change is in him. Just days from inauguration, Barack Obama is striking a different tone. The soaring campaign rhetoric, America, this is our moment. This is our time. has given way to grim reality. With the country mired in an ugly recession...

  • 2009-01-22&01-24 车展的绿色趋势

    Just a month ago, it was unclear whether the American auto industry would survive, but thanks to a federal bailout, the industry this week is able to look to the future and the cars that could help drive it into better days. CNBC's Phil Lebeau was at...

  • 2009-01-19&01-21 我同情以色列

    These anti-Israeli protests are, are great example. They are an excellent example of growing antisemitism in the world. I am not saying that everyone is an antisemite. I am saying that there is, it seems as though there is a fueling anger towards the...

  • 2009-01-16&01-18 美国加沙问题的弃权票

    It was the raised American hand that raised eyebrows. Why did US Secretary of State Rice abstain on a UN Gaza ceasefire resolution she worked so hard to craft with European allies, and whose goals she announced she agreed with? Publicly, Rice says th...

  • 2009-01-13&01-15 布什任内最后一年的回顾

    George W. Bush hoped his last year as president would be remembered for scenes like these: troops poised to come home in triumph from Iraq where bloodshed is dramatically down. You have shown that there is no task too difficult for the United States'...

  • 2009-01-10&01-12 小学生对奥巴马说

    Dear President-elect Obama... Dear Mr. Obama... Dear President-elect Obama... I have a few questions that I would like to ask you if you dont mind answering. First you said that you were going to get a puppy for your girls. When are you gonna get the...

  • 2009-01-07&01-09 史上最牛的童子军

    Shawn Goldsmith is the most highly decorated (that) an eagle scout can be: 18 year old and earned every single merit badge there is, all 121 of them. Everyday was something different and these are skills that I will remember for the rest of my life....

  • 2009-01-04&01-06 中国整形皇后

    Theres no mistaking who runs this plastic surgery clinic in Beijing, theres her lifelike mannequin in the foyer, her oversized photo on the wall, oh, and there she is, Shi Sanba, 56 years old, divorced and walking billboard for almost every cosmeti...

  • 2009-01-01&01-03 节前的最后一次购物

    You here at the mall the day before Christmas Eve. You're not finished yet? No! No, I'm not! I still have my mom left to give for? Is she difficult? Tell us the truth. Yeah. She is. Now are those gifts for other people? Yeah, yes. Mostly my mom(Yeah,...

  • 访谈录 2008-10-17&10-18 做个聪明的病人

    Well, he was one of the special men among the women of Sex and the City. But actor Evan Handler has a winning role off the screen as well as hes trying to change the way the hospitals do business and CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen explain...

  • 访谈录 2008-12-26&12-28 长寿秘诀

    Accountant Sydney Brookman loves two things, working, which hes been doing since 1937.I dont wanna retire, I wanna keep working as long as I can live. And telling jokes. I can rattle off 100 jokes, 50 I can tell, just by memory. He is 97 years old.A...

  • 访谈录 2008-12-29&12-31 送什么给女友?

    Choosing the perfect present for your loved ones can be stressful especially for that special someone. What do women really think of the gifts they receive this time of the year? What is she really going to think? What's going though her head. Joini...
