血字的研究 01福尔摩斯先生(1)
Chapter 1 第一章 MR. SHERLOCK HOLMES 歇洛克福尔摩斯先生 IN THE YEAR 1878, I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine of the University of London, 一八七八年我在伦敦大学获得医学博士学位以后, and proceeded to Netley to go
血字的研究 02福尔摩斯先生(2)
Choosing the latter alternative, I began by making up my mind to leave the hotel, 我选定了后一个办法,决心离开这家公寓, and take up my quarters in some less pretentious and less expensive domicile. 另找一个不太奢侈而又花费
血字的研究 03福尔摩斯先生(3)
As we made our way to the hospital after leaving the Holborn, 在我们离开侯本前往医院去的路上, Stamford gave me a few more particulars about the gentleman whom I proposed to take as a fellow-lodger. 斯坦弗又给我讲了一些关于那
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Dr. Watson, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, said Stamford, introducing us. 斯坦弗给我们介绍说:这位是华生医生,这位是福尔摩斯先生。 How are you? he said cordially, gripping my hand with a strength for which I should hardly have given
血字的研究 05福尔摩斯先生(5)
You seem to be a walking calendar of crime, said Stamford with a laugh. 斯坦弗不禁大笑起来,他说:你好象是犯罪案件的活字典。 You might start a paper on those lines. Call it the 'Police News of the Past.' 你真可以创办一份
血字的研究 06演绎法(1)
Chapter 2 第二章 THE SCIENCE OF DEDUCTION 演绎法 We met next day as he had arranged, and inspected the rooms at No.221B, Baker Street, of which he had spoken at our meeting. 按照福尔摩斯的安排,我们第二天又见了面,并且到上
血字的研究 07演绎法(2)
My health forbade me from venturing out unless the weather was exceptionally genial, 除非是天气特别晴和,我的健康情况又不允许我到外面去; and I had no friends who would call upon me and break the monotony of my daily existen
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I was on the point of asking him what that work might be, 我几乎就要问他,他的工作究竟是什么的时候, but something in his manner showed me that the question would be an unwelcome one. 我从他的态度中看出来,这个问题也
血字的研究 09演绎法(4)
During the first week or so we had no callers, 在头一两个星期中,没有人来拜访我们。 and I had begun to think that my companion was as friendless a man as I was myself. 我曾以为我的伙伴也象我一样,孤零零的没有朋友
血字的研究 10演绎法(5)
From a drop of water, said the writer, 作者说:一个逻辑学家不需亲眼见到或者听说过大西洋或尼加拉契布, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. 他
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And these other people? 还有另外那些人呢? They are mostly sent on by private inquiry agencies. 他们多半是由私人侦探指点来的, They are all people who are in trouble about something and want a little enlightening. 都是遇到些
血字的研究 12演绎法(7)
Have you read Gaboriaus works? I asked. 我问道:你读过加波利奥的作品吗? Does Lecoq come up to your idea of a detective? 你对勒高克这个人物的评价如何,他可算得上一个侦探么? Sherlock Holmes sniffed sardonical
血字的研究 13劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(1)
Chapter 3 第三章 THE LAURISTON GARDEN MYSTERY 劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案 I CONFESS that I was considerably startled by this fresh proof of the practical nature of my companion's theories. 我同伴的理论的实践性又一次得到了证明。
血字的研究 14劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(2)
Gregson is the smartest of the Scotland Yarders, my friend remarked; 我的朋友说道:葛莱森在伦敦警察厅中不愧是首屈一指的能干人物。 he and Lestrade are the pick of a bad lot. 他和雷斯垂德都算是那一群蠢货之中的
血字的研究 15劳瑞斯顿花园街的惨案(3)
Number 3, Lauriston Gardens wore an ill-omened and minatory look. 劳瑞斯顿花园街3号,从外表看来就象是一座凶宅。 It was one of four which stood back some little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty. 这里一连有
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