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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生的第二份报告(14)

时间:2023-02-10 17:20来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  "I was doing no harm, sir. I was holding a candle to the window."“我这样做也没有什么害处啊, 爵爷, 我不过是把蜡烛拿近了 窗户啊!”

  "And why were you holding a candle to the window?"“可是你为什么要把蜡烛拿近窗口呢? ”

  "Don't ask me, Sir Henry -- don't ask me! I give you my word, sir, that it is not my secret, andthat I cannot tell it. If it concerned no one but myself I would not try to keep it from you."“不要问我吧, 亨利爵士——不要问我了! 我跟您说吧, 爵爷, 这不是我个人的秘密,我也不能说出来, 如果它与别人无关而且是我个人的事的话, 我就不会对您隐瞒了。”

  A sudden idea occurred to me, and I took the candle from the trembling hand of the butler.

  我突然灵机一动, 便从管家抖动着的手里把蜡烛拿了过来。

  "He must have been holding it as a signal," said I. "Let us see if there is any answer." I held itas he had done, and stared out into the darkness of the night. Vaguely I could discern the blackbank of the trees and the lighter expanse of the moor, for the moon was behind the clouds. Andthen I gave a cry of exultation, for a tiny pin-point of yellow light had suddenly transfixed the darkveil, and glowed steadily in the centre of the black square framed by the window.

  “他一定是拿它作信号用的,” 我说道, “咱们试试看是否有什么回答信号。” 我也象他一样地拿着蜡烛, 注视着漆黑的外面。 我只能模糊地辨别出重叠的黑色的树影和颜色稍淡的广大的沼地, 因为月亮被云遮住了。 后来, 我高声欢呼起来, 在正对着暗黑的方形窗框中央的远方, 忽然出现了 一个极小的黄色光点刺穿了 漆黑的夜幕。

  "There it is!" I cried.

  “在那儿呢!” 我喊道。

  "No, no, sir, it is nothing -- nothing at all!" the butler broke in; "I assure you, sir --"“不, 不, 爵爷, 那什么也不是——什么也不是!”管家插嘴道,“我向您保证, 爵爷……”

  "Move your light across the window, Watson!" cried the baronet. "See, the other moves also!

  Now, you rascal, do you deny that it is a signal? Come, speak up! Who is your confederate outyonder, and what is this conspiracy that is going on?"“把您的灯光移开窗口, 华生!” 准男爵喊了起来,“看哪, 那个灯光也移开了! 啊, 你这老流氓, 难道你还要说那不是信号吗? 来吧, 说出来吧! 你的那个同伙是谁, 正在进行着的是个什么阴谋? ”

  The man's face became openly defiant.


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