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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(1)

时间:2023-02-13 09:37来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  第十章 华生医生日记摘录

  So far I have been able to quote from the reports which I have forwarded during these earlydays to Sherlock Holmes. Now, however, I have arrived at a point in my narrative where I amcompelled to abandon this method and to trust once more to my recollections, aided by the diarywhich I kept at the time. A few extracts from the latter will carry me on to those scenes which areindelibly fixed in every detail upon my memory. I proceed, then, from the morning whichfollowed our abortive chase of the convict and our other strange experiences upon the moor.

  我一直都在引用以前寄给歇洛克· 福尔摩斯的报告。 可是叙述到这里, 我又不得不放弃这种方法, 再度依靠我的回忆, 借助于我当时的日记了。 随便几段日记就能使我想起那些详尽无遗的、 深印在我记忆之中的情景。 好吧, 我就从我们在沼地里徒劳无功地追捕了一阵逃犯和经历了那次奇遇的那个早晨谈起吧。

  October 16th. A dull and foggy day with a drizzle of rain. The house is banked in with rollingclouds, which rise now and then to show the dreary curves of the moor, with thin, silver veinsupon the sides of the hills, and the distant boulders gleaming where the light strikes upon their wetfaces. It is melancholy outside and in. The baronet is in a black reaction after the excitements ofthe night. I am conscious myself of a weight at my heart and a feeling of impending danger -- everpresent danger, which is the more terrible because I am unable to define it.

  十月十六日——今天是个阴晦多雾、 细雨蒙蒙的日子。 房子被滚滚而来的浓雾重重包围起来, 可是浓雾也不时上升, 露出荒漠起伏的沼地来, 山坡上有纤细的如同缕缕银丝似的水流, 远处突出的岩石的湿漉漉的表面, 被天光照得闪闪烁烁, 由表及里都沉浸在阴郁的气氛之中。 昨夜的惊恐在准男爵的身上产生了恶劣的影响; 我感到心情沉重, 有一种危险迫在眉睫的感觉——而且是一种始终存在的危险, 由于我形容不出来, 所以也就显得特别可怕。

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