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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 华生医生日记摘录(13)

时间:2023-02-13 09:43来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

  "It's all these goings-on, sir," he cried at last, waving his hand towards the rain-lashedwindow which faced the moor. "There's foul play somewhere, and there's black villainy brewing,to that I'll swear! Very glad I should be, sir, to see Sir Henry on his way back to London again!"“就是这些不断发生的事, 先生, ” 他终于对着被雨水冲刷着的向沼地而开的窗户挥舞着手喊了起来,“我敢肯定那里在进行着暗杀的勾当, 正在酝酿着一个可怕的阴谋! 先生,我真希望亨利爵士能回到伦敦去呢。”

  "But what is it that alarms you?"

  “可是, 使你这样惊恐不安的有什么事实根据呢? ”

  "Look at Sir Charles's death! That was bad enough, for all that the coroner said. Look at thenoises on the moor at night. There's not a man would cross it after sundown if he was paid for it.

  Look at this stranger hiding out yonder, and watching and waiting! What's he waiting for? Whatdoes it mean? It means no good to anyone of the name of Baskerville, and very glad I shall be tobe quit of it all on the day that Sir Henry's new servants are ready to take over the Hall."“您看查尔兹爵士的死! 就拿验尸官所说的那些话来说, 就已经够糟糕的了。 您再看夜间沼地里的怪声, 日落之后, 就是您给多少钱也没有人肯从沼地里走过去。 还有藏在那里的那个人, 他在那里窥伺等待着! 他等待什么呢? 用意又是什么呢? 所有这些, 对巴斯克维尔家的任何人说来, 都绝不是什么好兆。 到亨利爵士的新仆人们来接管庄园的那一天, 我是会很乐于离开这一切的。”

  "But about this stranger," said I. "Can you tell me anything about him? What did Selden say?

  Did he find out where he hid, or what he was doing?"“可是关于沼地里的这个陌生人, ” 我说道,“你能告诉我些什么吗? 塞尔丹说过什么?

  他找到了他的藏身之所或是发现了 他正在干什么吗? ”

  "He saw him once or twice, but he is a deep one and gives nothing away. At first he thoughtthat he was the police, but soon he found that he had some lay of his own. A kind of gentleman hewas, as far as he could see, but what he was doing he could not make out."“塞尔丹看到过他一两次, 可是他是个很阴险的家伙, 什么情况也不肯暴露。 起初他想那人是个警察, 可是不久他发现了那人自己另有计划。 据他看来, 那人象是个上流人物, 可是他弄不清楚他究竟在干些什么。”

  "And where did he say that he lived?"

  “他说过那人住在什么地方吗? ”

  "Among the old houses on the hillside -- the stone huts where the old folk used to live."“在山坡上古老的房子里——就是那古代人住过的小石头房子。”

  "But how about his food?"

  “可是他吃饭怎么办呢? ”

  "Selden found out that he has got a lad who works for him and brings all he needs. I dare sayhe goes to Coombe Tracey for what he wants."“塞尔丹发现有一个为他服务的小孩, 给他送他所需要的东西。 我敢说, 那小孩是到库姆· 特雷西去弄他需要的东西的。”

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