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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 设网(6)

时间:2023-02-14 10:52来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


"I think I will muzzle him and chain him all right if you will give me your help."“我想只要您肯帮助, 我就一定能给它戴上笼头, 套上铁链。”

"Whatever you tell me to do I will do."


"Very good; and I will ask you also to do it blindly, without always asking the reason."“很好, 我还得要求您盲目地去做, 而不要老是问为什么, 为什么。”

"Just as you like."


"If you will do this I think the chances are that our little problem will soon be solved. I haveno doubt "

“如果您这样做, 我想咱们的小问题不久就能解决了。 我确信——”

He stopped suddenly and stared fixedly up over my head into the air. The lamp beat upon hisface, and so intent was it and so still that it might have been that of a clear-cut classical statue, apersonification of alertness and expectation.

他突然住口不说了, 凝神注视着我头顶以上的地方。 灯光照在他的脸上, 那样的专心,那样的安静, 几乎象是一座古代典型的轮廓鲜明的雕像——机警和企望的化身。

"What is it?" we both cried.

“什么啊? ” 我们两人都站了起来。

I could see as he looked down that he was repressing some internal emotion. His featureswere still composed, but his eyes shone with amused exultation.

当他两眼下望的时候, 我看得出来, 他是在抑制着内心的激动。 他那表情虽还依然镇静自若, 可是他的眼睛里却闪烁出狂喜的光芒。

"Excuse the admiration of a connoisseur," said he as he waved his hand towards the line ofportraits which covered the opposite wall. "Watson won't allow that I know anything of art but thatis mere jealousy because our views upon the subject differ. Now, these are a really very fine seriesof portraits."

“请原谅鉴赏家的赞赏吧。” 他一边说着一边挥手指着挂满对面墙上的一排肖 像,“华生是不会承认我懂得什么艺术的, 可是, 那不过是嫉妒罢了, 因为我们对一件作品的看法总是不同的。 啊, 这些人像画得可真是好。”

"Well, I'm glad to hear you say so," said Sir Henry, glancing with some surprise at my friend.

"I don't pretend to know much about these things, and I'd be a better judge of a horse or a steerthan of a picture. I didn't know that you found time for such things. "“噢, 您这样说, 我听了很高兴,” 亨利爵士说道, 一面以惊异的眼光望了望我的朋友,“对于这些东西, 我不敢假充内行。 我对马或是阉牛要比对一张画会品评得多了 。 我真不知道您竟能有时间搞这些玩艺儿。”

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