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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>英语分级听力-From easy to difficult>英语第4级听力-English Level 4>
  • 【英语4级听力】丢失的宠物-Missing Pets

    Kenneth Baker woke up early Sunday morning. A terrible thing had happened. His cat was missing. He must have run away again, thought Kenneth. He went around asking neighbors for information. That's odd, said his neighbor Sandra. My Chihuahua went mis...

  • 【英语4级听力】一次糟糕的远足-The Sad Hike

    Deborah and Paul Evans loved nature. They especially liked hiking. They hiked the mountain almost every evening. They always took their dog Buddy. Buddy loved his owners. Hiking was one of his favorite things, too. One day, the news reported a cougar...

  • 【英语4级听力】陶器作坊只是女孩去的地方-Pottery is For Girls

    Sharon Carter wanted to take a pottery class. She didn't want to go alone. She invited her husband to go with her. I don't want to do that! said Mr. Carter. Pottery is for girls! This made Sharon very angry. She could not believe he said that. That's...

  • 【英语4级听力】新服务员-The New Waiter

    Mark Smith needed to get a job. There was one problem. Mark was a bit lazy. He wanted to do something easy. I know! he said. I can be a waiter! I don't think that's the best job for you, said his mom. Why not? Mark replied. He thought the job looked...

  • 【英语4级听力】学会骑车-Learning to Ride

    It was a big day for Ms. Wilson. She had just gotten her paycheck. She was on her way to buy her first bicycle. Ms. Wilson grew up in a poor family. They could never afford to buy her a bicycle. Ms. Wilson was now 30 years old. She had a good job and...

  • 【英语4级听力】减肥-Losing Weight

    Michael Phillips is overweight. He wants to lose a lot of weight because he is not happy with how he looks. He is also very unhealthy. His last doctor's appointment was scary. He was told he was at risk of heart disease. Mr. Phillips knows that his d...

  • 【英语4级听力】新鞋-New Shoes

    Mary Green wanted a new pair of shoes. She wanted some blue heels. They cost $150. Mary asked her dad for money. Are you crazy? said Mr. Green. You don't even wear heels! Mary couldn't stop thinking about the heels. She kept bothering Mr. Green about...

  • 【英语4级听力】感冒-The Cold

    Daniel caught a cold. He had fever and chills. His nose was running all day. He couldn't even stop sneezing. Daniel visited the doctor. He was told to rest and relax. Stay in bed for three days, said the doctor. Daniel did not listen. His friends wan...

  • 【英语4级听力】爱猫人士-Cat Lovers

    Jenny White loved her cats. She owned six of them. Jenny spent all her days with the cats. Her friends worried about her. You should go out more, they said. I can't stand leaving my cats alone, replied Jenny. One day, Jenny met a man at work. He was...

  • 【英语4级听力】回到学校-Back to School

    Mr. Gonzales was a janitor. He was unhappy with his career. He was a smart man. He knew he could do more with his life. Mr. Gonzales wanted to go back to college. He had always dreamed of becoming a teacher. If he finished college, this could come tr...

  • 【英语4级听力】我们被抢劫了-We've Been Robbed

    Mr. and Mrs. Smith had a fun night out. They had been dancing all night. They did not get home until 3 a.m. They found their front window broken. They ran inside. Everything was thrown on the floor. Their televisions were missing. Their laptops were...

  • 【英语4级听力】最后一根烟-The Last Cigarette

    Mr. White had a bad habit. He was a chain smoker. Mr. White knew his addiction was unhealthy. He couldn't even take walks anymore. He spent all day coughing. Mr. White spent one year trying to quit smoking. He would always buy a pack and promise hims...

  • 【英语4级听力】小鸡宠物-The Pet Chicken

    Andrew Williams got a new pet. It was a baby chick. His parents brought it home one day. At first, Andrew did not like the chick. He wanted a different pet. All of my friends have dogs or cats, he complained. The chick followed Andrew everywhere. She...

  • 【英语4级听力】一顿你可以随便吃的自助餐-All You Can Eat

    Robert's family got together every Sunday. They always had lunch together. Each week, they went to the same restaurant. It was an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. Robert's family loved eating. This was the perfect restaurant for them. Robert's mom always ate...

  • 【英语4级听力】汽车影院-Drive-In Theatre

    Helen had nothing to do one Saturday night. Let's go to a Drive-In theatre, said Donna. Helen had no idea what that was. Donna told her she would love it. Helen agreed to go. Drive-In theatres play movies outdoors. People park their cars in front of...
