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时间:2016-05-13 07:52来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Todd: OK, Raphael, you were saying you lived in Paris.
Rapheal: Yes, I made my studies there.
Todd: Paris is just an amazing city. Can you talk about Paris?
Rapheal:Yes! Well, the biggest difference I noticed with Tokyo is the size. Like Paris is nice in that way, you can go anywhere by walking. It might take at maximum an hour and a half if you want to go to a very far place, but basically1 it's a city like made for walkers and you can really go anywhere just by walking, I mean it's quite pleasant cause you can see many, you know, nice buildings and places and things, just by walking.
Todd: Wow, that's nice. How many people live in Paris?
Rapheal:Including the suburbs2 it's 8 million now. Maybe getting increasing, but the inner3 city is only one million, so it's not overcrowded at all. Yeah!
Todd: So, what else would you say is different about Tokyo and Paris?
Rapheal:Well, specially4, Paris you mean? The Transport is less expensive. This is important.
Todd: Yeah
Rapheal:Yeah, Yeah.
Todd: It's more expensive?
Rapheal:No, it's less, sorry, it's less expensive. Anyway, the, I was surprised because Tokyo is not that expensive finally, I mean you can, you can live in a very expensive way if you want but you can save a lot as well. It's really up to you. But in Paris is quite hard to save. I mean, the food is very expensive, and if you want to go out, just, a restaurant or anything, it's really more expensive than in Japan. A restaurant for example, like prices in Japan start from a thousand yen5, maybe less, like 600 yen, and in France like the cheapest restaurant you can find is 15 Euro which is around 2000 Yen
Todd: Whoa! That is expensive.
Rapheal:Yeah, it's more expensive, wherever you go it's more expensive if you want to go out but on the contrary the cinema is really cheap, so so many people go to the cinema, I mean, the cinema is really, it's a part of Paris nightlife, like, people used to go to cinema once a week at least, almost everyone. Yeah, cause it's really cheap. A ticket is 1000 yen, maybe less.
Todd: So, what about sports, like what kind of sports do you like to do?
Rapheal:Yeah, anything. Anything, yeah! You have a lot of facilities, like gymnasium6, swimming pools, clubs, yeah, you can practice a lot. Especially, I was a student so, I had this very easy student life because France has a lot of students, whatever it is, so they give you a bit of money, and you get discount on almost anything, so sport is specially favorized in Paris when you are a student, you canalmost like do whatever you want, as a sport almost free, sometimes, so, it's, you can do a lot of things. Actually, I did Aikido. I did swimming pool, squash7, tennis, yeah, uh, basketball, yeah, a lot of things actually.
Todd: Active guy. And what about the traffic if you want to drive in Paris?
Rapheal:I never tested, because as I told you it's so nice to just walk, that, and I didn't own a car but it's quite tough for people living in the suburbs cause they need a car to come, the train system is not really good. It's not like, there's a lot of delay, trains and things like that, so if you live in the suburbs you need a car, and driving through Paris in the mornings or evening is really difficult, so I just didn't want to test, you know.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
in that way
In Paris, you can go anywhere by walking; it's nice in that way.
You can use the phrase 'in that way' to show you are talking about a specific characteristic of a place or person and not speaking in general terms. Notice the following:
He's always on time, so in that way he's a good employee.
There is always something interesting happen, so in that way it is exciting.
The inner city's population is only one million, so it's not overcrowded at all.
If a place is 'overcrowded' there are too many people to move around comfortably. Notice the following:
It can get a little overcrowded in this bar when there is live music.
This coffee shop is always loud and overcrowded.
In France, the cheapest restaurant you can find is fifteen Euro, which is around two thousand Yen.
When we give a number that is not exact just to give a general idea we use the word 'around.' It is an approximate8 number. Notice the following:
The average salary is around $3,000 per month here.
We need you to be here around ten AM.
on the contrary
The food is expensive in France; but on the contrary, the cinema is really cheap.
'On the contrary' is used to introduce information that is the opposite of what is being discussed or is different from what people would assume9. Notice the following:
He is an extremely tall man, but on the contrary his wife is very short.
On the contrary, traveling by train is really relaxing.
Sports is favored in Paris when you are a student.
Something that is 'favored' is preferred or considered very important.  Notice the following:
My parents have always favored my younger brother.
The teacher definitely10 favors the smart students in the class.


1 basically 7POyW     
  • His heart is basically sound.他的心脏基本上健康。
  • Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。
2 suburbs 9112fbe5b7505b1970f54b03ee463b57     
n.郊区,城郊( suburb的名词复数 );四乡;隧;四郊
  • The poor suburbs traditionally formed the bedrock of the party's support. 贫穷的郊区在传统上构成了支持该党的牢固基础。
  • The new college will be located in the suburbs. 这所新建的学院将设在郊区。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 inner 96Mxs     
  • The label is on the inner side of the box.标签贴在盒子内侧。
  • Other people seek the mountains for renewal of their inner lives.另一些人到深山中去,寻求新的精神生活。
4 specially Hviwq     
  • They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.它们经过特别包装以便于堆放。
  • The machine was designed specially for demolishing old buildings.这种机器是专为拆毁旧楼房而设计的。
5 yen JfSwN     
n. 日元;热望
  • He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen.他想将美元换成日币。
  • He has a yen to be alone in a boat.他渴望独自呆在一条船上。
6 gymnasium be9xh     
  • Our school has a big gymnasium.我们学校有座大型体育馆。
  • The game will be staged in the gymnasium.竞赛将在体育馆举行。
7 squash 6reyG     
  • He is drinking lemon squash.他正在喝柠檬露。
  • She sprained her ankle playing squash.她在打软式墙网球时扭伤了脚踝。
8 approximate DvEzp     
  • The builder gave an approximate cost for fixing the roof.房屋修建商给修理房顶粗略地估计了一个价钱。
  • The approximate date of his departure is next month.他大约在下个月动身。
9 assume 6Ouyn     
  • I assume that he won't cheat you.想来他是不会骗你的。
  • We can't assume anything in this case.在这种情况下我们不可能做出假设。
10 definitely RuJzx0     
  • The team will definitely lose if he doesn't play.如果他不参加比赛,这个队肯定会输。
  • I shall definitely be home before six o'clock.6点以前,我一定回家。
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