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【英语趣味课堂】糟乱的房间-Messy Room

时间:2016-05-16 06:52来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

My bedroom is very messy1 at the moment. I'm not too happy with it. I'm just looking around and trying to work myself up to actually cleaning it. Em, but I don't like cleaning my bedroom. Sometimes I like it when I tidy things up and I find things that I've forgotten that I had in the first place, that's quite nice, especially when you find maybe money or, I don't know, a voucher2 or something. That happened to me once that I found a voucher for a bookshop that a friend of mine had given me months before but I'd completely3 forgotten that I had it, so that was a nice surprise but generally, generally, it's not a good thing, is it, to clean your bedroom? At the moment, just looking around, there are so many things that I need to tidy up. I've got lots of, lots of books everywhere, in piles, in neat piles, but maybe too many piles, all over the floor, I think. Then I've got lots of newspapers and CDs, out of their, their covers, of course, because that would be too neat! Tapes, what else? I think the worst thing for me is all the paper that I tend to accumulate4, notebooks, and printouts from work, and lesson plans, and ideas I have for other lessons, so that before I know it, there's a little paper mountain on my floor. So, usually I have one paper mountain and that's not so bad, but at the moment, I have three. That's not good at all. The thing with a paper mountain is it can take you absolutely hours to get through it, before you can sort it into one category5 or another, and I hate throwing things away. I think that's my problem. I'm a real pack-rat, I think people call them, or a hoarder7. I tend to hoard6 things, so hoarding8 mean keeping things even though they're not really useful anymore. So, I'm a definite9 hoarder. I also have loads of photographs and boxes, and, my God, way too many things. I think maybe I'd better start cleaning.


My bedroom is very messy at the moment. I'm not too happy with it. I'm just looking around and trying to work myself up to actually cleaning it. Em, but I don't like cleaning my bedroom. Sometimes I like it when I tidy things up and I find things that I've forgotten that I had in the first place, that's quite nice, especially when you find maybe money or, I don't know, a voucher or something. That happened to me once that I found a voucher for a bookshop that a friend of mine had given me months before but I'd completely forgotten that I had it, so that was a nice surprise but generally, generally, it's not a good thing, is it, to clean your bedroom? At the moment, just looking around, there are so many things that I need to tidy up. I've got lots of, lots of books everywhere, in piles, in neat piles, but maybe too many piles, all over the floor, I think. Then I've got lots of newspapers and CDs, out of their, their covers, of course, because that would be too neat! Tapes, what else? I think the worst thing for me is all the paper that I tend to accumulate, notebooks, and printouts from work, and lesson plans, and ideas I have for other lessons, so that before I know it, there's a little paper mountain on my floor. So, usually I have one paper mountain and that's not so bad, but at the moment, I have three. That's not good at all. The thing with a paper mountain is it can take you absolutely hours to get through it, before you can sort it into one category or another, and I hate throwing things away. I think that's my problem. I'm a real pack-rat, I think people call them, or a hoarder. I tend to hoard things, so hoarding mean keeping things even though they're not really useful anymore. So, I'm a definite hoarder. I also have loads of photographs and boxes, and, my God, way too many things. I think maybe I'd better start cleaning.


1 messy DCCxN     
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She found herself in a messy spot.她发现自己陷入了窘境。
2 voucher ELTzZ     
  • The government should run a voucher system.政府应该施行凭证制度。
  • Whenever cash is paid out,a voucher or receipt should be obtained.无论何时只要支付现金,就必须要有一张凭据或者收据。
3 completely lvmzzZ     
  • She never completely gave up hope.她从不完全放弃希望。
  • I feel completely in the dark on this question.这件事使我感到茫然。
4 accumulate dyrzE     
  • We let the mending accumulate until Wednesday.我们让需缝补的衣服一直积存到星期三。
  • We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。
5 category Lrezg     
  • These questions may be included in the same category.这些问题可以归入一类。
  • Class the books in this category.按目录把书分类。
6 hoard Adiz0     
  • They have a hoard of food in the basement.地下室里有他们贮藏的食物。
  • How many curios do you hoard in your study?你在你书房里聚藏了多少古玩?
7 hoarder 10328f98a2f28290dfd881b4dfac51ce     
  • Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? 是我变成了一个古怪的收藏者吗? 来自互联网
8 hoarding wdwzA     
n.贮藏;积蓄;临时围墙;囤积v.积蓄并储藏(某物)( hoard的现在分词 )
  • After the war, they were shot for hoarding. 战后他们因囤积而被枪决。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Actually he had two unused ones which he was hoarding up. 其实他还藏了两片没有用呢。 来自英汉文学
9 definite YzBza     
  • It's definite that he will come to help us.他肯定会来帮助我们。
  • We demand a definite answer.我们要求明确的答案。
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