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【英语趣味课堂】从一个城市到另一个城市-City to City

时间:2016-05-17 06:59来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Ruth: So, Akane, you're from Canada, right?

Akane: That's right.
Ruth: Tell me about where you live.
Akane: Well, I grew up in Toronto, and it's quite a big city. In the greater Toronto area, there's about, I think3 1/2 million people just now and it's very multicultural1 and that's one of the things that I really like about Toronto is that there're many different people from many different countries.
Ruth: And do you live in Toronto now?
Akane: No, actually, I haven't lived there for a year now I think, almost, actually more than that, because I've been travelling and working and what not.
Ruth: Oh, right. What's your job?
Akane: I'm actually a teacher.
Ruth: Do you teach children or adults?
Akane: Usually I do. I am mostly trained to teach younger children, but recently I've begun teaching2 older students, or young adults, and I quite enjoy it actually.
Ruth: So which do you prefer?
Akane: Well, they both have good parts and bad parts and I think in the future I would like to do a bit of both.
Ruth: Do you know where you would like to live in the future?
Akane: I have no idea. I would like to travel to different places and maybe I'll eventually settle3 back down in Toronto, where I'm from.
Ruth: Do you have family in Toronto?
Akane: Not at the moment, no. My parents moved to Vancouver and that's where they live right now.
Ruth: Ah, Vancouver, is that in Canada was well?
Akane: That's right. It's on the West Coast of Canada and the weather is much warmer there and that's why my parents like it there.
Ruth: Oh, wow, it sounds nice.
what not
I haven't lived there for a year now, because I've been traveling and working and what not. 
You can use the phrase4 'what not' to show that other similar things can be added5 to your list, but you don't want to say all of them.  Notice the following:
The stores are full of Valentine's Day decorations and what not.
We will have hamburgers and what not, but if you want anything special, you should bring it.
young adults
I'm trained to teach younger children, but recently, I've begun teaching older students, or young adults. 
'Young adults' are people from 18 to 30.  Notice the following:
A lot of young adults still receive a lot of help from their parents.
This apartment building has mostly young adults.
I have no idea
I have no idea where I would like to live in the future. 
You can use the phrase 'I have no idea' when you don't know the answer to a question or you haven't really thought about it. Notice the following:
I have no idea where my keys are.  I'm going crazy looking for them.
I have no idea where we could buy something like that.
settle down
I would like to travel to different places and maybe settle down back in Toronto. 
'Settling6 down' usually includes having a reliable7 job, your own place to live, getting married, and having children.  When you settle down, you commit8 to living in a particular area.  Notice the following:
His parents are always asking him when he's going to settle down.
They settled9 down when they were very young.
moved to
My parents moved to Vancouver and that's where they live right now. 
When you 'move' from one city to another, you are changing the location10 of where you live.  Notice the following:
He just moved to his new apartment last week.
It was very stressful to move from East Coast to the West Coast.


1 multicultural qnIzdX     
  • Children growing up in a multicultural society.在多元文化社会中长大的孩子们。
  • The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum.这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。
2 teaching ngEziT     
  • We all agree in adopting the new teaching method. 我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。
  • He created a new system of teaching foreign languages.他创造了一种新的外语教学体系。
3 settle azRwE     
  • I have to settle my affairs before leaving here.离开这儿以前,我得把一些私人的事情安排妥当。
  • She has decided how she should settle the matter.她已做出决定如何来了解这件事。
4 phrase 6N2x7     
  • The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。
  • That's exactly the phrase I was looking for.这就是我一直找的那个短语。
5 added mzJzm0     
  • They have added a new scene at the beginning.在开头他们又增加了一场戏。
  • The pop music added to our enjoyment of the film.片中的流行音乐使我们对这部电影更加喜爱。
6 settling e7d5c7459221865f3a1a218f8b91dbc3     
  • They were behindhand in settling their debts. 他们没有及时还清债务。
  • Settling the dispute required great tact and diplomacy. 解决这个争端需要十分老练和娴熟的外交手腕。
7 reliable 6Vlxe     
  • I'm afraid the information is not reliable.恐怕消息不可靠。
  • Do you think she's reliable?你看她这个人可靠吗?
8 commit NXvzU     
  • He couldn't commit himself on any issue.他不愿在任何问题上表态。
  • A thinking person must commit himself to working for peace.一个有头脑的人必须致力于为和平而工作。
9 settled 4iszma     
  • The dispute was settled without acrimony. 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。
  • a settled way of life 安定的生活方式
10 location R0BxC     
  • It is a suitable location for a new school.那是建一所新学校的合适地点。
  • I have to find a convenient location for the shelves.我得找一合适的地方放这些书架。
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