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【英语趣味课堂】怎样发行电影?-How to Pitch a Film?

时间:2016-05-31 02:48来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Todd: OK, now Jeff, you've been talking about your documentary1. Can you talk about how do you actually pitch your documentary? How do you get it out there so people can see it on television?
Jeff: Because like I said before, it's independent so we have no one distributing this for us or we didn't sell this first before we shot the documentary which is usually the regular process so it just requires straight salesmanship, going door-to-door, talking to different channels and stations and seeing if they're interested, really trying to be convincing and making them think that this is something that the audience really wants. Just door-to-door.
Todd: OK, so let's say you go into a television studio and you have your documentary on hand, what do you say? Like, how do you get someone to even look at it?
Jeff: Yeah, that's very difficult. Usually in this world a good saying is everything is who you know and without having a foot in the door somehow, you're usually rejected, so and the good thing is that I do know a few in a few different countries so I can usually get a connection somehow who works in a studio or in the television station somewhere and they're recommended, we're recommended to them by our friend, so usually it's a foot in the door or someone else.
Todd: OK, and actually, let's talk about money. Like how did you actually pay for this documentary? I mean, did you put it on a credit cards or what?
Jeff: Well, doing a documentary is very expensive, very very expensive, and luckily there's three of us, three brothers who did this so we split2 the costs and one of the reasons we chose India is because it's one of the cheapest places in the world, which allowed us a little bit of mobility3 to stay as long as we did, and film as long as we did because everything is so cheap there so. And then yeah, we just put it on credit cards. All our savings4. Spent all our savings on this documentary.
Todd: So for a filmmaker, or documentary personnel5, how do you get your money back?
Jeff: Getting your money back in not easy. Getting a portion of your money back in not easy. If you're lucky, if it's a good documentary and it's a good idea and it's something and audience wants, then you can sell it. You can manage to sell it, but it's a gamble6. It's a gamble. It's like anything else. You might sell it or you might not sell it, so if you do sell it you get your money back. If you don't, it's a loss so be prepared for that.
Todd: Well, I hope you strike it rich.


1 documentary wsxx5     
  • This case lacked documentary proof.本案缺少书面证据。
  • I watched a documentary on the Civil War.我看了一部关于内战的纪录片。
2 split avXwG     
  • Who told you that Mary and I had split up?谁告诉你玛丽和我已经离婚了?
  • The teacher split the class up into six groups.老师把班级分成6个小组。
3 mobility H6rzu     
  • The difference in regional house prices acts as an obstacle to mobility of labour.不同地区房价的差异阻碍了劳动力的流动。
  • Mobility is very important in guerrilla warfare.机动性在游击战中至关重要。
4 savings ZjbzGu     
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
5 personnel YMsxM     
  • The personnel are not happy to change these rules.全体工作人员对改变这些规定很不高兴。
  • Personnel has lost my tax forms.人事部门把我的税收表格给弄丢了。
6 gamble 4hgxG     
  • Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble.开办这样的公司有点冒险。
  • Drive carefully and don't gamble with your life.小心驾驶,别拿你的生命冒险。
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