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时间:2016-06-01 07:03来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
Lindsay: So if you buy a game, how long does it take you to beat the game? One year or fifteen hours or what?
Jake: Well, maybe the shortest one are only about six hours but it all depends on how much you're playing it. If it's something I really like, sometimes I can't put it down and I just keep playing it and I finish it in a few days and sometimes, well, it's alright but I can't get myself to keep playing it so sometimes it can take me a few months to finish a game.
Lindsay: Oh, OK. So do you think you're a very skillful1 video game player?
Jake: No, I'm pretty bad sometimes, especially at the newer games. I'm better at the old ones.
Lindsay: One final question, do you think it's more important to beat the actual video game or when you're playing with someone to beat the person that you're playing with?
Jake: What do you mean?
Lindsay: So, you know, when you're friend comes over and you're both playing the video games together and you're competing against one each other, or is it better to actually like beat the video game itself? Does that make sense? Don't you usually against your friend?
Jake: Yeah, sometimes I play against my friends, but it seems like there's less goal to it when you're playing against someone else. You win sometimes and you lose sometimes, but once you finish the game, then you can feel like you've accomplished2 something.
Lindsay: Oh, OK. Have you ever been so addicted3 to a game, and then you finished it and you were disappointed4 because you liked the game so much?
Jake: Actually, that happens a lot. Sometimes you finish a game that you really like and you wish there were more games that you could keep playing it.
Lindsay: OK, that happens to me but that's when I am reading a book, or yeah, usually when I'm reading a book or finish a long project but I can't imagine that happening with a video game.
Jake: It's exactly the same as with a book or with a TV series5 or something else that you really enjoy. When it's finished...
Lindsay: It's bitter6 sweet, right?
Jake: Yes, exactly.


1 skillful Vxiwk     
  • Soon they became very skillful in answering such questions.很快他们就会很熟练地回答这种问题了。
  • It was very skillful of you to repair my bicycle.你修好了我的自行车,技术真好。
2 accomplished UzwztZ     
  • Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
  • Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
3 addicted dzizmY     
  • He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17.他17岁的时候对海洛因上了瘾。
  • She's become addicted to love stories.她迷上了爱情小说。
4 disappointed I9wyP     
  • He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request.当那个人拒绝了他的要求时他看起来很失望。
  • He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless.他屡次失望,以致变为了绝望。
5 series 1zzw1     
  • The students have put forward a series of questions.学生们提出了一系列问题。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
6 bitter wt0zc     
  • The bitter winter was coming.寒冬到了。
  • The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports.这两个国家在有关进口问题的激烈争吵中闹翻了。
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