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  • 【英语趣味课堂】说英语好的秘诀-The Secret of Speaking Good English

    Todd: Peter, your English is amazing. It's really good and people from Sweden, your country, also often speak really good English. Could you talk about your secret? Why is your English so good? Peter: First, I would like to thank you for your comment...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】老师们-Teachers

    Todd: So, you know, you have a very small school. Have you ever worked for a large school before? Conrad: Yes, I've worked basically every different type of school possible to work here in Japan, starting with the kindergarden, junior high, senmongak...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】英语语言学校-A Small English Language School

    Todd: So, Conrad, you have a new business. Can you talk a little about your new business? Conrad: Sure, I have a small English language school called Conrad's English House here in Odawara, where we're sitting here, and by the way, thanks for helping...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】瑞典的冬天-Winter in Sweden

    Todd: OK, Peter, can you talk about your country, Sweden, and what is life like in Sweden in winter? Peter: Swedish life in winter is really harsh, especially, it tends to get pretty cold, especially around December, January, that's when it's really...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】滑雪时吃的食物-Winter Food for Skiing

    Adrienne: So, what's your favorite thing to do in the winter? Lisa: My favorite thing to do in the winter is probably to go skiing. As I said before, forty-five minutes from Montreal is a great ski resort called St. Sauveur. You go up there for the d...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】加拿大冬天-Canadian Winter

    Adrienne: So, Lisa, you're from Montreal. I think when I think of Canada, I think of cold. Is it very cold in Montreal? Lisa: In the wintertime, Montreal gets very cold. With the wind chill factor, which is the scale to measure how cold the wind is,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】厨房安全-Kitchen Safety

    Todd: Now, Rebecca, we're talking about working in the kitchen. I was a waiter and when I would help out in the kitchen, I was always afraid of the big knives and the fires and the burns and stuff, so can you talk a little about safety and maybe abou...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】怎样做一名厨师-How to be a Chef

    Todd: OK, Rebecca we're talking about working in a restaurant. Now you became a chef. Can you talk about the process of becoming a chef? What do you do to get a job in a kitchen? Rebecca: Well, there's lots of different ways, but the most common way...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】一个厨师的生活-A Chef's Life

    Todd: So, Rebecca, now you were saying that were a chef, or you worked in a kitchen in your previous job. Can you talk about that? Like where did you work and what was it like? Rebecca: OK, I worked in a few different restaurants over several years,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】骆驼,考拉和袋鼠-Camels,Koalas,Kangaroos

    Todd: Rebecca, I'm a huge animal lover. I love animals and Australia has lots of wildlife and animals. I was wondering, could you talk about them and starting with, what's the deal with the camels? Why do you have camels? Rebecca: Camels are not real...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】澳大利亚最好的城市-The Best City in Australia

    Todd: Rebecca, you are from Australia. Can you talk about Sydney and Melbourne? Most people know Sydney and Melbourne and if somebody was going to Australia and could chose one city, what city would you recommend? Rebecca: I would recommend Sydney, o...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】澳大利亚-Thoughts About Australia

    Todd: Hey, Rebecca, can you talk a little bit about Australia and just your thoughts about your home country? Rebecca: I guess I spend most of my time in Sydney, but one of the things l really love about Sydney is that it's very multicultural, so it'...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】吃寿司的方式-Sushi Ways

    Adrienne: So how do you eat the sushi? What's the best way to eat it? Hiroshi: I usually use chopsticks but some people, they definitely prefer just using hands. Adrienne: You can eat with your hands at the restaurant? Hiroshi: The restaurant if it's...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】选择哪种寿司-Sushi Selections

    Adrienne: So, Hiroshi, when I go to a sushi restaurant, how do I know what to order? Hiroshi: It depends on the mood I'd have to say cause there is a variety of sushi that you can order. One, I usually think, there's a fatty, really big flavor sushi...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】寿司课-Sushi Lesson

    Adrienne: So, Hiroshi, I need to take some friends out for sushi and I think they're hoping I can tell them what to order, and I have no idea about sushi. Can you help me? Hiroshi: OK. Sushi.. well, if you go to sushi restaurant, you notice there is...
