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  • 【英语趣味课堂】套装-The Outfit

    Todd: Jessica, I see you're wearing a cute outfit! Jessica: Thanks Todd Todd: OK, so where did you get you clothes? Jessica: Well, I got these in the states actually, and if you ever want to borrow them you can? Todd: Thanks, thanks. I think we're ma...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】星球大战-Star Wars

    Todd: So, Travis, what is your favorite movie? Travis: My favorite movie of all time is the original Star Wars. Todd: Yeah, that was a pretty great movie. Travis: The original Star Wars was a fantastic fantasy set in space, with great characters, and...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】都柏林-Dublin

    Marion: So you lived in Dublin for awhile, didn't you Mauve? What's life like in Dublin? Mauve: I think life in Dublin is very different from everywhere else in the country. It's the biggest city in Ireland. It's got a population of about a million I...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】谈论第一份工作-Talking About the First Job

    Todd: OK, hello! Sarah: Hello! Todd: Hi, what's your name? Sarah: My name is Sarah. Todd: OK, and Sarah where are you from? Sarah: I'm from the north of England, Newcastle. Todd: OK, so Newcastle, how far is that from London? Sarah: Um, it's about 30...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】迷路-Lost

    Todd: Now Norman, you've lived in Japan for awhile. Have you lived in any other countries? Norman: Yes, I've lived in Germany as well. Todd: Germany! Norman: Yes, I lived for five years. I had two contracts in Germany. The first one in the seventies,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】纽约-New York

    Marion: Yeah! So you said you went to New York there. How did you find New York? Mauve: Oh, it was great. It was cool. Marion: So what did you do there? Mauve: Well, we went to see the Empire State building, the Statue of Liberty. Took a boat around...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】日本和英国-Japan and England

    Todd: OK, Sarah, how long have you been in Japan? Sarah: I've been in Japan for two months. I came in April. Todd: Again, when did you come to Japan? Sarah: Two months ago. Todd: OK, and what do you think about Japan? Sarah: It's a very interesting c...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】足球-Football

    Todd: Hey, Lois, so what do you think about the World, not the World Cup, the Euro Cup so far? Lois: So far it's been an interesting tournament. I didn't expect to see Greece and Portugal make it to the final. I was a little bid disappointed with Eng...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】奥运会-Olympics

    Todd: So Travis, this summer we have the Olympics. Are you going to watch the Olympics on TV? Travis: I will probably get suckered into watching the olympics I'm sure. It will be on every channel. It will only be on one channel but it will be on the...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】教授计算机课程-Teaching Computer Lessons

    Todd: Norm, you said that you used to teach computers! Norman: Yes! I did at the elementary school back in Canada. Todd: And what was that like? Like how did you actually teach computers. Norman: Actually, I initiated a computer project. We were plac...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】足球粉丝-Football Fan

    Todd: So, Lois have you ever been to a professional football match in England? Lois: Yes, I have. I support a team called Leicester city, and when I used to be at university I used to live in Leicester. I used to go to quite a few of their matches. T...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】吃寿司-Eating Sushi

    Todd: Hey, Jessica, what are you going to have for dinner tonight? Jessica: Tonight is sushi night. Todd: Oh, you're going to sushi. Jessica: Well, actually no. My girlfriend and I, we buy sushi every Tuesdays and Fridays, and those are sushi night....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】喜爱做饭-Like Cooking

    Todd: John, so you're wife taught us how to make tacos. John: She's a good woman. Todd: Can you make anything? John: Yeah, my favorite food is Mexican food. So I can make a pretty good Mexican chicken casserole. Todd: OK, first of all, what are the i...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】最喜爱的橄榄球-Rugby

    Todd: Hey, Shawn you're a big guy. Shawn: Thank you. Todd: Do you play rugby? Shawn: I did in the past. Todd: OK, how does rugby work? Shawn: It's a bit like American football and soccer put together. It's, the ball's about the size of an American fo...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】大学-College

    Todd: Now, Shawn, you were just saying that at your university you're the only male student. Shawn: Yeah, in my program, I'm the only guy in my class, and when I signed up for the program I had known this going in to it, so on the first day I was a b...
