《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(1)
Chapter 1 The river 第1章 河 The Mole worked very hard all morning, cleaning his little home. 鼹鼠整个早上都在辛苦地打扫着他的小屋。 He brushed, and he washed; he cleaned the floors and the walls, he stood on chairs to wash the
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(2)
This is fine! said the Mole. 这真不错!鼹鼠说道, This is better than cleaning! 这比大扫除要好的多! The sunshine was warm on his back and the air was filled with the songs of birds. 太阳照在他的背上,暖洋洋的,四周有
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(3)
A brown little face, with whiskers. 一张褐色的小脸,长着几根胡须。 With bright eyes, and small ears, and thick shiny hair. 眼睛亮亮的,耳朵小小的,毛发厚而亮。 It was the Water Rat! 这是只水老鼠。 Then the two
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(4)
The Mole had listened to all this with great interest. 鼹鼠带着极大的兴趣听完了这一切。 Now he sat back in the comfortable seat and said, 'What a wonderful day this is! Let's start at once! ' 然后,他向后靠坐在那张舒服的座
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(5)
When at last they could eat no more, the Mole lay back and watched the river lazily. 最后他们再也吃不下了,鼹鼠躺倒在地,懒懒地看着河水。 After a while he sat up. 不一会儿,他坐了起来说: I can see a long line of
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(6)
Toad's out, for one, replied the Otter. 癞蛤蟆出来了,算他一个,水獭回答道。 In his shiny new boat. He's got new boating clothes, and everything! 坐在他那亮晃晃的新船上,穿着崭新的划船装,总之,什么都是新的
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(7)
There was just a long line of bubbles in the river. 河面上仅仅留下了一长串水泡。 The Rat sang a little song to himself, and the Mole remembered that it was not at all polite, in the animal world, to say anything if your friends disappea
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(8)
The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all. 鼹鼠用木桨在水面上划过很大的弧度,但双桨根本挨不着水, The Mole's legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on
《风语河岸柳》第1章 河(9)
The Mole made a great dig at the water with the oars, but the oars never touched the water at all. 鼹鼠用木桨在水面上划过很大的弧度,但双桨根本挨不着水, The Mole's legs flew up above his head, and he found himself lying on
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(1)
Chapter 2 The open road 第2章 宽敞的公路 One bright summer morning the Mole and the Rat were out on the river bank, watching the world go by. 一个灿烂的夏日早晨,鼹鼠和水鼠在河岸边散步,欣赏着世界的变幻。 The Rat
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(2)
The Rat looked around him. 水鼠看了看他的周围,说: I see that all the boats are out of the water, 'he said. 我发现所有的船都没停在水里, I suppose Toad has finished with boating now and has some new interest to amuse him. '
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(3)
When they came down the steps again, the Toad was still talking excitedly to the Mole. 当他们再次踩踏脚板下来时,蛤蟆仍兴奋地对鼹鼠说: So you see, everything is ready for when we start this afternoon. 你看见了,一切已准
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(4)
In the end, of course, the Rat agreed to go, and by the evening they found themselves on a lonely hillside miles from home. 最后,当然,水鼠同意去了。傍晚他们到了离家数里的一个孤零零的山坡上。 It had been a golden af
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(5)
Then they heard a noise behind them, and looking back, they saw a small cloud of dust. It made a 'Poop-poop! 'sound, and it was coming towards them very fast indeed. 这时他们听见身后有什么声音,便回过头,他们看见一小团尘雾,
《风语河岸柳》第2章 宽敞的公路(6)
The Toad never answered a word, so they went to see what was the matter with him. 癞蛤蟆不答一句话,因此他们走过去看看他是怎么了。 They found him sitting in the middle of the road, with a dreamy smile on his face and happily w