Not gonna win, win any prizes. 我们不是要去得奖
Rabbits will eat their own droppings at least once to ensure they're fully1 digested. 兔子至少会食用一次它们的粪便 来确保它们已经完全消化
You won't catch me doing these twice.The landscape is changing roughly now. 这种事我不会再干第二次的 这里的地貌在逐渐变化
Alabama contains large nature swamps but also huge areas of flooded woodland home to a number of nasties. 阿拉巴马有很多的天然沼泽地 和大片被洪水覆盖的森林 这里危机重重
It's all much wetter and much boggier here. 这里更加潮湿 有更多泥沼
That just means we need to keep a bit of a roving eye out 这就意味着我们要眼观六路
for things like alligators3 but also for poisonous snakes, 留神那些鳄鱼 毒蛇这类的生物
things like water moccasins, copperheads. 比如水蛇 铜头蛇
There are six types of venomous snake native to Alabama, 阿拉巴马有六种土生的毒蛇
and alligators up to 15 feet long have been found in its swamps. 在沼泽中曾经发现过长达十五英尺的鳄鱼
See that?Hang on, stay there.There you go. look, a snapping turtle. 看见这个了吗 等一下 站着别动 抓到你了 快看 一只啮龟
see that?just get him out a bit more. 看见了吗 把它从水里弄出来
You want to be a bit careful, careful of these guys. 你对这种生物一定要万分小心
And, look, what you want to be careful of snap down on that and that would tear your finger 看 你要小心这里 它的嘴这样一合就会把你的手指咬断
just clean off close like scissors And it's actually got, pound for pound, 就这样咬没了 就像一把剪刀 如果有测量器测量的话

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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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n.短吻鳄(一种鳄鱼) | |
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n.短吻鳄( alligator的名词复数 ) | |
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n.调子;和谐,协调;v.调音,调节,调整 | |
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