You see how wet that is already. 你可以看到它现在已经很湿了
Put this underneath1 and just leave it. 把这个放在下面 不用管它了
With a sustainable water resource in place, 我们已经找到了稳定的水源补给
it's time to concentrate on my next priority and look for a place to make camp. 现在要集中精力找到栖身之处 这是眼下的首要任务
Look, this will do under here. 这地方不错
Under this tree, you've got good, natural shelter and also good visibility out to sea still. 这棵树是个很好的天然屏障 而且这里视野开阔 能看见大海
I don't really want to be in the jungle.That's where all the creepy-crawlies and the snakes are gonna be. 我可不想到丛林里去 那里是爬虫 和蛇的天堂
This tropical climate supports a wide variety of flora3 that I can use as building materials for my camp, 这里地处热带 植物种类繁多 我可以用它们来做吊床
and what doesn't grow here is often washed up by the sea. 而海水则会送上"进口"的植物材料
First off, I'm gonna make a hammock by splitting this length of bamboo. 首先 我要把这段竹子切开 做一个吊床
Work your way down it.I'll keep going about the length of my body along here. 一直切 我要切下一段跟我身体差不多长的竹子
I'm cutting the bamboo into several strips which will act as supports. 并把它们切成竹条 这些竹条可以起到支撑作用
And, really, bamboo is the ultimate D.I.Y. jungle material. 竹子绝对是终极丛林DIY材料
It's strong, it's flexible, easy to work with, 它们结实 柔韧 容易加工
and all the fundamentals of survival fire, water, food, shelter,you can get from this stuff. 可以提供生存所需的基本元素 火水 食物和栖身之处 一应俱全
Okay, so let that split,And put a bit of bend in it, splay it out,and that's gonna be the basis of a hammock. 好的 把它切开 然后把它弄弯 让竹条散开 这个将作为吊床的基本骨架
And once suspended,this will keep me safely off the ground. 把它挂起来 我睡上去 身体离开了地面 安全就有了保障

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adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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vt.扔;悬挂;n.挂带;吊索,吊兜;弹弓 | |
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n.(某一地区的)植物群 | |
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