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时间:2017-03-21 07:16来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]
I eat half the rabbit as I go, then wrap up the leftovers1 in my
plastic for later. The meat stops the grumbling2 in my stomach
but does little to quench3 my thirst. Water is my top priority now.
As I hike along, I feel certain I’m still holding the screen in
the Capitol, so I’m careful to continue to hide my emotions.
But what a good time Claudius Templesmith must be having
with his guest commentators4, dissecting5 Peeta’s behavior, my
reaction. What to make of it all? Has Peeta revealed his true
colors? How does this affect the betting odds6? Will we lose
sponsors? Do we even have sponsors? Yes, I feel certain we
do, or at least did.
Certainly Peeta has thrown a wrench7 into our star-crossed
lover dynamic. Or has he? Maybe, since he hasn’t spoken much
about me, we can still get some mileage8 out of it. Maybe
people will think it’s something we plotted together if I seem
like it amuses me now.
The sun rises in the sky and even through the canopy9 it
seems overly bright. I coat my lips in some grease from the
rabbit and try to keep from panting, but it’s no use. It’s only
been a day and I’m dehydrating fast. I try and think of everything
I know about finding water. It runs downhill, so, in fact,
continuing down into this valley isn’t a bad thing. If I could
just locate a game trail or spot a particularly green patch of
vegetation, these might help me along, but nothing seems to
change. There’s just the slight gradual slope, the birds, the
sameness to the trees.
As the day wears on, I know I’m headed for trouble. What
little urine I’ve been able to pass is a dark brown, my head is
aching, and there’s a dry patch on my tongue that refuses to
moisten. The sun hurts my eyes so I dig out my sunglasses, but
when I put them on they do something funny to my vision, so I
just stuff them back in my pack.
It’s late afternoon when I think I’ve found help. I spot a
cluster of berry bushes and hurry to strip the fruit, to suck the
sweet juices from the skins. But just as I’m holding them to my
lips, I get a hard look at them. What I thought were blueberries
have a slightly different shape, and when I break one open
the insides are bloodred. I don’t recognize these berries, perhaps
they are edible10, but I’m guessing this is some evil trick on
the part of the Gamemakers. Even the plant instructor11 in the
Training Center made a point of telling us to avoid berries unless
you were 100 percent sure they weren’t toxic12. Something
I already knew, but I’m so thirsty it takes her reminder13 to give
me the strength to fling them away.
Fatigue14 is beginning to settle on me, but it’s not the usual
tiredness that follows a long hike. I have to stop and rest frequently,
although I know the only cure for what ails15 me requires
continued searching. I try a new tactic16 — climbing a
tree as high as I dare in my shaky state — to look for any signs
of water. But as far as I can see in any direction, there’s the
same unrelenting stretch of forest.
Determined17 to go on until nightfall, I walk until I’m stumbling
over my own feet.
Exhausted18, I haul myself up into a tree and belt myself in.
I’ve no appetite, but I suck on a rabbit bone just to give my
mouth something to do. Night falls, the anthem19 plays, and high
in the sky I see the picture of the girl, who was apparently20
from District 8. The one Peeta went back to finish off.
My fear of the Career pack is minor21 compared to my burning
thirst. Besides, they were heading away from me and by
now they, too, will have to rest. With the scarcity22 of water,
they may even have had to return to the lake for refills.
Maybe, that is the only course for me as well.
Morning brings distress23. My heads throbs24 with every beat
of my heart. Simple movements send stabs of pain through my
joints25. I fall, rather than jump from the tree. It takes several
minutes for me to assemble my gear. Somewhere inside me, I
know this is wrong. I should be acting26 with more caution,
moving with more urgency. But my mind seems foggy and
forming a plan is hard. I lean back against the trunk of my
tree, one finger gingerly stroking the sandpaper surface of my
tongue, as I assess my options. How can I get water?
Return to the lake. No good. I’d never make it.
Hope for rain. There’s not a cloud in the sky.
Keep looking. Yes, this is my only chance. But then, another
thought hits me, and the surge of anger that follows brings me
to me senses.
Haymitch! He could send me water! Press a button and
have it delivered to me in a silver parachute in minutes. I
know I must have sponsors, at least one or two who could afford
a pint27 of liquid for me. Yes, it’s pricey, but these people,
they’re made of money. And they’ll be betting on me as well.
Perhaps Haymitch doesn’t realize how deep my need is.
I say in a voice as loud as I dare. “Water.” I wait, hopefully,
for a parachute to descend28 from the sky. But nothing is forthcoming.
Something is wrong. Am I deluded29 about having sponsors?
Or has Peeta’s behavior made them all hang back? No, I don’t
believe it. There’s someone out there who wants to buy me
water only Haymitch is refusing to let it go through. As my
mentor30, he gets to control the flow of gifts from the sponsors. I
know he hates me. He’s made that clear enough. But enough to
let me die? From this? He can’t do that, can he? 
dehydrating 脱水.


1 leftovers AprzGJ     
  • He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers.他能用厨房里几样剩饭做出一顿美餐。
  • She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together.她用吃剩的食物拼凑成一顿晚饭。
2 grumbling grumbling     
adj. 喃喃鸣不平的, 出怨言的
  • She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work. 她总是向我抱怨她在工作中如何受亏待。
  • We didn't hear any grumbling about the food. 我们没听到过对食物的抱怨。
3 quench ii3yQ     
  • The firemen were unable to quench the fire.消防人员无法扑灭这场大火。
  • Having a bottle of soft drink is not enough to quench my thirst.喝一瓶汽水不够解渴。
4 commentators 14bfe5fe312768eb5df7698676f7837c     
n.评论员( commentator的名词复数 );时事评论员;注释者;实况广播员
  • Sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 体育解说员翻来覆去说着同样的词语,真叫人腻烦。
  • Television sports commentators repeat the same phrases ad nauseam. 电视体育解说员说来说去就是那么几句话,令人厌烦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 dissecting 53b66bea703a0d1b805dfcd0804dd1b3     
v.解剖(动物等)( dissect的现在分词 );仔细分析或研究
  • Another group was dissecting a new film showing locally. 另外一批人正在剖析城里上演的一部新电影。 来自辞典例句
  • Probe into Dissecting Refraction Method Statics Processing under Complicated Surface Conditions. 不同地表条件下土壤侵蚀的坡度效应。 来自互联网
6 odds n5czT     
  • The odds are 5 to 1 that she will win.她获胜的机会是五比一。
  • Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once?你知道赢得一次彩票的几率多大吗?
7 wrench FMvzF     
  • He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。
  • It was a wrench to leave the old home.离开这个老家非常痛苦。
8 mileage doOzUs     
  • He doesn't think there's any mileage in that type of advertising.他认为做那种广告毫无效益。
  • What mileage has your car done?你的汽车跑了多少英里?
9 canopy Rczya     
  • The trees formed a leafy canopy above their heads.树木在他们头顶上空形成了一个枝叶茂盛的遮篷。
  • They lay down under a canopy of stars.他们躺在繁星点点的天幕下。
10 edible Uqdxx     
  • Edible wild herbs kept us from dying of starvation.我们靠着野菜才没被饿死。
  • This kind of mushroom is edible,but that kind is not.这种蘑菇吃得,那种吃不得。
11 instructor D6GxY     
  • The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
  • The skiing instructor was a tall,sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。
12 toxic inSwc     
  • The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。
  • There is a risk that toxic chemicals might be blasted into the atmosphere.爆炸后有毒化学物质可能会进入大气层。
13 reminder WkzzTb     
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
14 fatigue PhVzV     
  • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
  • I have got over my weakness and fatigue.我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
15 ails c1d673fb92864db40e1d98aae003f6db     
v.生病( ail的第三人称单数 );感到不舒服;处境困难;境况不佳
  • He will not concede what anything ails his business. 他不允许任何事情来干扰他的工作。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • Measles ails the little girl. 麻疹折磨着这个小女孩。 来自《简明英汉词典》
16 tactic Yqowc     
  • Reducing prices is a common sales tactic.降价是常用的销售策略。
  • She had often used the tactic of threatening to resign.她惯用以辞职相威胁的手法。
17 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
18 exhausted 7taz4r     
  • It was a long haul home and we arrived exhausted.搬运回家的这段路程特别长,到家时我们已筋疲力尽。
  • Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life.珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。
19 anthem vMRyj     
  • All those present were standing solemnly when the national anthem was played.奏国歌时全场肃立。
  • As he stood on the winner's rostrum,he sang the words of the national anthem.他站在冠军领奖台上,唱起了国歌。
20 apparently tMmyQ     
  • An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。
  • He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。
21 minor e7fzR     
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
22 scarcity jZVxq     
  • The scarcity of skilled workers is worrying the government.熟练工人的缺乏困扰着政府。
  • The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.水果供不应求是由于干旱造成的。
23 distress 3llzX     
  • Nothing could alleviate his distress.什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
  • Please don't distress yourself.请你不要忧愁了。
24 throbs 0caec1864cf4ac9f808af7a9a5ffb445     
体内的跳动( throb的名词复数 )
  • My finger throbs with the cut. 我的手指因切伤而阵阵抽痛。
  • We should count time by heart throbs, in the cause of right. 我们应该在正确的目标下,以心跳的速度来计算时间。
25 joints d97dcffd67eca7255ca514e4084b746e     
接头( joint的名词复数 ); 关节; 公共场所(尤指价格低廉的饮食和娱乐场所) (非正式); 一块烤肉 (英式英语)
  • Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains. 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在煤气的总管道上了。
  • Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on steam pipes. 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在蒸气管道上了。
26 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
27 pint 1NNxL     
  • I'll have a pint of beer and a packet of crisps, please.我要一品脱啤酒和一袋炸马铃薯片。
  • In the old days you could get a pint of beer for a shilling.从前,花一先令就可以买到一品脱啤酒。
28 descend descend     
  • I hope the grace of God would descend on me.我期望上帝的恩惠。
  • We're not going to descend to such methods.我们不会沦落到使用这种手段。
29 deluded 7cff2ff368bbd8757f3c8daaf8eafd7f     
v.欺骗,哄骗( delude的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Don't be deluded into thinking that we are out of danger yet. 不要误以为我们已脱离危险。
  • She deluded everyone into following her. 她骗得每个人都听信她的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
30 mentor s78z0     
  • He fed on the great ideas of his mentor.他以他导师的伟大思想为支撑。
  • He had mentored scores of younger doctors.他指导过许多更年轻的医生。
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