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时间:2014-01-06 06:14来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   INDIANA, like many manufacturing states in the Midwest, has long felt the pain of seeing jobs go overseas. In his seven years as Republican governor, Mitch Daniels's response has been to offer a strong diet of pro-business legislation. In the past few years Indiana has cut its corporate1 tax rate by nearly 25%, established one of the highest R&D tax credits in the country and started work on a $10 billion infrastructure-improvement plan.

  Until recently, though, Mr Daniels had resisted calls to make Indiana what is known as a “right-to-work” (RTW) state. RTW legislation allows employees to decide whether to financially support a union. Without such laws unions can insist that all workers pay dues to help fund the cost of negotiating a contract with an employer, whether or not they wish to formally join the union. Now, however, Mr Daniels says he believes the state needs to sign up as well. The new legislation was passed by the state Senate on February 1st and was signed by Mr Daniels that very day, making Indiana the 23rd RTW state in America—and the first such state in the nation’s old manufacturing belt.
  Proponents2 argue that it is wrong to force anyone to contribute money to a union. Unions counter they face a “free rider” problem whereby non-affiliated workers receive the benefits of union negotiations3 without contributing financially. The governor, meanwhile, says the new laws will simply make the state more attractive to business.
  Evidence from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation suggests that many employers do indeed want these laws. This group says that somewhere between a quarter to a half of companies in the state planning to relocate insist upon going to RTW states.
  Few companies, though, are willing to go on the record to say exactly why they prefer to locate in RTW states though the reason is pretty obvious—in a nutshell, they make for weaker unions. It is a sensitive subject and companies fear picketing4 and other similar reprisals5. However, Remy International, an electrical-engineering company based in Pendleton, Indiana, has stated that it plans to build another factory in America some time next year: but that in the absence of RTW legislation it will not build it in Indiana.
  然而至于准确说出为什么他们更愿意搬迁到通过了RTW的州,虽然理由显而易见---简言之,他们这样做,是为了弱化工会---没有公司愿意始作俑者。这是一个敏感话题,公司也不敢越雷池,害怕遭到类似的报复。然而,位于该州彭德尔顿的电工程公司雷米国际(Remy International)已经声明,该公司计划在明年某个时间国内在建一座工厂:但为了逃避RTW法案,该公司不会将新厂建在印州。
  In an interview with Stateline, a news service that looks at trends in state policy, a vice-president of Remy, Jay Pittas, argued that RTW legislation makes it easier to negotiate flexible work rules, and means that unions are more likely to agree to a merit-based system of employment rather than a one based on seniority. The company, however, now declines to comment further on the subject.
  在一次由观察州政策动态的新闻服务机构Stateline进行的采访中,雷米副总裁jay Pittas说,RTW法案让员工更加容易的把灵活的工作制度 摆到谈判桌上来,RTW立法的存在就意味着工会更有可能会认同以绩效工资为基准的体系,而不会去认同员工资历体系。公司现在并不愿意对这个话题多说上些什么。


1 corporate 7olzl     
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
2 proponents 984ded1baa85fedd6467626f41d14aff     
n.(某事业、理论等的)支持者,拥护者( proponent的名词复数 )
  • Reviewing courts were among the most active proponents of hybrid rulemaking procedures. 复审法院是最积极的混合型规则制定程序的建议者。 来自英汉非文学 - 行政法
  • Proponents of such opinions were arrested as 'traitors. ' 提倡这种主张的人马上作为“卖国贼”逮捕起来。 来自辞典例句
3 negotiations af4b5f3e98e178dd3c4bac64b625ecd0     
协商( negotiation的名词复数 ); 谈判; 完成(难事); 通过
  • negotiations for a durable peace 为持久和平而进行的谈判
  • Negotiations have failed to establish any middle ground. 谈判未能达成任何妥协。
4 picketing 3622c3682ad01d59f573404fdf46f968     
[经] 罢工工人劝阻工人上班,工人纠察线
  • mass picketing of the factory 罢工工人集体对工厂的封锁
  • "And my chaps were also there to prevent picketing! “我的人也是防着女工们要拦厂! 来自子夜部分
5 reprisals 1b3f77a774af41369e1f445cc33ad7c3     
n.报复(行为)( reprisal的名词复数 )
  • They did not want to give evidence for fear of reprisals. 他们因为害怕报复而不想作证。
  • They took bloody reprisals against the leaders. 他们对领导进行了血腥的报复。 来自《简明英汉词典》
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