纪录片《非洲》 第1期:喀拉哈里沙漠(1)
搜索 复制 Africa. 非洲 The world's greatest wilderness. 全世界最大的荒野之地 The only place on Earth to see the full majesty of nature. 地球上唯一能欣赏大自然神奇魔力的地方 There's so much more here than we ever imag
纪录片《非洲》 第2期:喀拉哈里沙漠(2)
搜索 复制 Our journey starts in the far south west, 我们的旅程始自遥远的非洲西南部 in the oldest and strangest corner of the continent. 是非洲大陆上最古老最人迹罕至的角落 Here, the thirsty land is covered 在这里
纪录片《非洲》 第3期:喀拉哈里沙漠(3)
搜索 复制 Winter. 冬天 Dawn temperatures can fall well below freezing. 清晨的气温往往远低于零度 And that's a problem for this drongo. 低温对这只卷尾燕来说是个大问题 It's too cold for his normal prey, flying insects. 他
纪录片《非洲》 第4期:喀拉哈里沙漠(4)
搜索 复制 The juicy scorpion won't be for him. 可口的蝎子他是没有口福享受了 Then, suddenly, the sound of a sentry's warning. 但突然间狐獴哨兵的警报声响起 No meerkat can ignore that.Sentries never lie. 狐獴们不能无视
纪录片《非洲》 第5期:喀拉哈里沙漠(5)
搜索 复制 It's not really his day, is it? 今天真是诸事不顺不是吗 Some young leopards grow up to be brilliant opportunists. 一些小猎豹将成长为杰出的投机捕猎者 But even they find life hard here in the Kalahari. 但连他们
纪录片《非洲》 第6期:喀拉哈里沙漠(6)
搜索 复制 The Kalahari is the black rhino's last stronghold. 喀拉哈里是黑犀牛们最后的栖息地。 And here, under the cover of darkness,at one secret and very special waterhole, 在这里在黑暗的掩护下,在这个隐秘而特殊的
纪录片《非洲》 第7期:喀拉哈里沙漠(7)
搜索 复制 Out on the open plains, 在开阔的平原上 life must await the chance arrival of rain. 生灵们必须等待着雨水的偶尔降临 When it does fall, it has an extraordinary effect. 当雨真的降临时 会带来巨大的影响 Ea
纪录片《非洲》 第8期:喀拉哈里沙漠(8)
搜索 复制 Humid air rushing to the surface 直冲地表的潮湿空气 gives this place its name, 赋予了此地一个美名 Dragon's Breath Cave. 龙息洞 The shaft descends for 60 metres, until it meets... 峡谷向下纵深60米 直至... ..
纪录片《非洲》 第9期:喀拉哈里沙漠(9)
搜索 复制 Golden catfish, only found in this one cave. 金鲶鱼 全世界只在这个洞穴里存在 They're the rarest and most isolated fish in the world. 它们是世界上最珍稀最与世隔绝的鱼 Life down here is as challenging 要在这
纪录片《非洲》 第10期:喀拉哈里沙漠(10)
搜索 复制 The Namib. 那米比沙漠 A million square miles of sand 一百万平方英里的沙子 exquisitely sculpted by the wind. 历经风的精雕细琢 This is the oldest desert in the world. 此地是世界上最古老的沙漠 Respite com
纪录片《非洲》 第11期:喀拉哈里沙漠(11)
搜索 复制 For four years, the Africa team searched the continent 4年以来 《非洲》摄制组寻遍非洲大陆 for new and surprising stories. 只为找到新鲜奇特的故事 Not only of strange and unfamiliar creatures, 不仅是那些未知
纪录片《非洲》 第12期:喀拉哈里沙漠(12)
搜索 复制 We were lucky enough 我们非常幸运 that we found a male guarding a female. 见到一只雄鹿守护着雌鹿 And out of nowhere, this male came round the corner. 突然之间 又有一只雄鹿出现了 And almost immediately faced
纪录片《非洲》 第13期:喀拉哈里沙漠(13)
And we thought it was dead. 我们以为它死了 We thought this thing was dead. 我们真以为它已无力回天 And it lay there for, it must have been three minutes. 它就躺在那 有足足三分钟 Eventually, this thing suddenly got up, the
纪录片《非洲》 第14期:喀拉哈里沙漠(14)
搜索 复制 A specially-built starlight camera would allow the team 特制的星光摄像机可以让摄制组 to pierce the darkness. 穿透黑暗 It's amazing. 真是太棒了 That's filming something we can't even see. 它正拍摄我们用肉眼都
纪录片《非洲》 第15期:喀拉哈里沙漠(15)
搜索 复制 And what they heard was astonishing. 他们听到了令人惊讶的声音 They're really talkative. 他们可真健谈 They really are having a good chat. 他们聊得可真欢 These guys are far more communicative than elephants, even.
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