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  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第1期 神奇的进化 In an obscure museum in eastern Europe a fossil hunter has made a momentous discovery. 这里是东欧一间昏暗的博物馆,一位化石专家在此有了重大发现 The young palaeontologist was randomly sifting through a collection of drawers
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第2期 寻找化石 Darwin said the answer would lie out there in the rocks. 达尔文说过,答案就躺在岩石堆里 Somewhere there would be fossils that would explain everything. 某个地方的化石应该能解释一切 Palaeontologists would go scurrying all
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第3期 四足动物 We are tetrapods, to whit one, two, three, four. 我们是四足动物,瞧着,1,2,3,4 Every mammal, every dog, cat is, is a tetrapod, four legs. 所有哺乳动物、每只狗、每只猫都是四足动物,都有4条腿 A horse is a tetra
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第4期 泥盆纪 To prove it they thought they needed just two fossils. 他们认为证明这一观点只需要两块化石 They needed the first tetrapod, the very first land walking creature with four legs with five toes 他们需要找到第一只四足动物,第一
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第5期 寻找化石 Finding that fish fossil proved easy. By the turn of the 19th century 寻找那条鱼的化石好像并不难。到了19世纪末 all eyes were on a Devonian group called the lobe-finned. 所有目光都聚集在泥盆纪的一类鱼身上,它们叫做
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第6期 鱼石螈 Some could then have evolved on land. 有的后来在陆地上进化 Their fins became legs, they grew five fingers and toes, they started to walk. 它们的鳍变成了腿,长出了5根趾或爪,它们开始行走 They became tetrapods, our ance
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第7期 寻找鱼石螈 People had been looking for this in a way ever since Darwin, ever since 1859. 可以说自从1859年,从达尔文开始,人们一直都在寻找这只动物 This transition is the one that so intrigued everybody going from the water to the land a
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第8期 一个破绽 But then the doubts crept in. 可是后来一些怀疑的声音却掺杂进来。 Only Jarvik had ever analysed the ichthyostega fossil and you just had to take his word for it, 只有Jarvik研究过这块鱼石螈化石,人们只能参照他的说法
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第9期 过渡型物种 The missing link had to be what Charles Darwin called a transitional form. 进化缺环必须是达尔文所谓的过渡型物种 These lie at the very heart of his Theory of Evolution because they show how one animal can mutate into another. 它们是
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第10期 始祖鸟 But transitional forms are also the rarest of beasts. 不过过渡型物种也是最罕见的动物 By their very nature they were few in number and lived for just a short intermediate time until a wholly new animal evolved. 从它们的性质不难看
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第11期 神创论者 Duane Gish is a scientist. Duane Gish是一位科学家 My Masters degree is chemistry from UCLA 我有加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校化学硕士学位 and my doctorate is in biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley. 还有加利
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第12期 发现腔棘鱼 East London in South Africa. 这里是南非的东伦敦 63 years ago, just before Christmas, 63年前,就在圣诞节前夕 the curator of the local museum was idly sifting through a fisherman's catch down on the waterfront. 当地博物馆的馆长
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第13期 发现腔棘鱼(2) The scientific community was transfixed. 整个科学界惊呆了 For decades the coelacanth had been touted as a possible transitional form between fish and tetrapods, 几十年来,腔棘鱼一直被奉为鱼和四足动物之间的过渡型物种
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第14期 完整的标本 Evolutionists still clung to the theory that a fish evolved into the first five-fingered land walking ancestor 进化论者依然坚持认为因为干旱,鱼进化成了最早的五趾陆行祖先 as a result of drought, even though they knew there
  • 纪录片《进化缺环》 第15期 发现棘螈 By 1987 Clack was off to this apparent goldmine of tetrapods, 1987年,Clack出发前去寻觅这个显露的四足动物宝藏 taking along a student, Per Ahlberg. It was a big undertaking. 随行的是当时还是学生的Per Ahlberg,这是一项艰