纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第01期 前言
Patagonia, Argentina. This is dinosaur country, a land where the rocks are rich with fossils. 阿根廷,巴塔哥尼亚。这里是恐龙的国度,岩石中布满了化石 For millions of years, this peaceful land has kept a terrible secret, 亿万
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第02期 科学与科幻的差距
A huge plant-eating dinosaur takes on a massive carnivore in an ugly pitched battle for survival. 一只巨大的植食恐龙遇到了一只大型食肉恐龙,它们将在这个险恶的地方为生存而战 This idea of the two biggest creatures o
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第03期 巴塔哥尼亚
Paleontologists come to the plains around Plaza Huincul searching for clues to a prehistoric world. 古生物学家们来到普拉萨乌因库尔周围的平原,寻找史前世界的遗迹 This place was once home to the most extreme dinosaurs ever
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第04期 阿根廷龙
After many days of back-breaking digging, 经过数日的艰苦挖掘 they had revealed just part of an enormous skeleton. 他们只挖出了这副巨大骨骼的一部分 They hauled whole chunks of rock back to the workshop to free the bones inside
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第05期 植食恐龙
It's an immense plant-eater. It's perhaps 80 to 100 metric tonnes. 它是庞大无比的植食恐龙,可能有80~100吨重 It's the size of a herd of elephants. 换句话说,相当于一群大象 It may be that there are dinosaurs even bigger t
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第06期 霸王龙登场
These giant animals lumbered slowly across the landscape in large herds. 这些巨大的动物成群结队,在陆地上缓慢行走 With tiny brains the size of a golf ball, 它们的脑只有高尔夫球那么大 they were neither quick-witted nor
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第07期 陆地板块的分离
But over the ages, Pangea broke up into two giant land masses, one in the north and one in the south. 随着时代的变迁,盘古大陆分裂为两块巨大的陆地板块,一块向北漂移,一块向南漂移 Probably around 100 million years
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第08期 南方巨兽龙
In fact, in the time of the long-neck Argentinosaurus, scientists could find no trace of any large meat-eaters stalking the continent. 事实上,在阿根廷龙的时代,科学家们尚未发现大型食肉恐龙在这块大陆上的遗迹 But al
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第09期 巨龙之间的较量(1)
Giganotosaurus is 10-15 percent more massive and longer than Tyrannosaurus rex, which for a long time was record holder. 南方巨兽龙比长久以来保持最大纪录的霸王龙还要大10~15% Giganotosaurus was an incredible animal, around 13
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第10期 巨龙之间的较量(2)
Could this really ever have happened? 这种事真的会发生吗 As paleontologists considered the idea of such an epic battle, they immediately saw a problem. 古生物学家认为这种想法是荒谬的,他们立刻指出了其中的破绽 The
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第11期 恐龙的脚印
Angela Milner, like many paleontologists, believes the mega-carnivores were solitary creatures. Angela Milner和许多古生物学家一样,也认为大型食肉恐龙营独居生活 Traditional view of large meat-eaters dinosaurs behaviour was 传统
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第12期 群居的证明
We have meat-eating dinosaur footprints, but all of them seem to be solitary. 我们也发现了食肉恐龙的脚印,但都是单独的脚印 Even when we have a track-way of several footprints in a row, 就算找到一连串脚印的痕迹 we nev
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第13期 同生共死
Sites like these where many plant-eating dinosaurs have been killed in an accident 像这种植食恐龙集体死于意外的地点 lead paleontologists to believe these herbivores were living together in herds when they died together. 使得古生物学
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第14期 推翻观点
But one man was going to change all that. 可是有一个人打算推翻这种观点 Phil Currie is one of the world's most accomplished paleontologists. Philip Currie是世界上最有成就的古生物学家之一 He is one of the few scientists in
纪录片《巨龙的奥秘》 第15期 找出证据
Currie now began to think the idea of large meat-eating dinosaurs as pack hunters was a serious possibility. Currie现在开始认为大型食肉恐龙是群体狩猎者的可能性很大 But to prove his hunch, he needed hard evidence, 但是为了证