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 在Discovery系列节目《恐龙的战争》(Clash of the Dinosaurs)中,备受尊敬的古生物学家和科学家将借助先进的电脑绘画技术和生物力学研究,剥开恐龙的皮肤、肌肉和骨骼,发现恐龙如何在一个极其暴力的世界里生存。这是一部有关恐龙解剖结构的权威指南,系列节目《恐龙的战争》还将披露科幻成像领域中的最新发现。

1、极限生存 Extreme Survivors
深入探索庞大壮观的史前三巨头 – 霸王龙、波塞东龙和三角龙,揭示帮助这些巨兽统治地球一亿年的超级生物机能。
2、完美捕食 Perfect Predators
3、顽强防御 Defenders
4、繁衍生息 Generations
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(1) In a world of terrifying creatures, being small means facing danger at every turn. 在恐怖生物林立的世界里,渺小就意味着危机四伏。 If you were a small animal, the Late Cretaceous would have been an awful time to be around. 如果你
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(2) These leviathans are making a journey to nesting sites they've used for generations. 这些庞然大物正在前往它们世代繁衍的筑巢之地。 Developing inside them are hundreds of eggs. 在它们体内,上百个蛋已经发育成熟。 T
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(3) In the Cretaceous Period, plant eaters faced vicious killers. 在白垩纪,食草动物们不得不面对凶残的杀手。 And none has a worse reputation than Tyrannosaurus Rex, possibly the largest land predator that has ever lived. 这其中没有
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(4) Tyrannosaurus rex... When we think about it, we tend to think of the big adult, because that's the skeletons that we see. 霸王龙...当我们想到这种动物时,我们倾向于想到巨大的成年恐龙,因为我们看到的骨架也是如此。
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(5) You can never know how well Tyrannosaurs could count, but I imagine Mom would be a little bit perplexed when suddenly she was down to five instead of six and there was no sign of where it had gone. 你永远无法想象霸王龙会数数,但我可以
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(6) Tyrannosaurus Rex...a skull almost one and half metres long. Up to 60 serrated teeth. 霸王龙,头骨有一点五米长。有六十颗锯齿。 Able to cover 5 metres in a single stride. 上下颚开合能覆盖五米的区域。 This is one of th
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(7) Luckily, a Tyrannosaurus rex on the hunt is guided by some of the keenest senses in the Cretaceous. 幸运的是,这只狩猎的霸王龙拥有着白垩纪最灵敏的感觉器官。 Its eyesight would actually have been very, very good. 它的视力
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(8) T. Rex has a refined array of senses, including an accute sense of smell, that should lead straight to the meal. 霸王龙有着灵敏的感官,其中便包括其敏锐的嗅觉能够引导它找到食物。 Behind the nostrils are large cavernous
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(9) In fact, in the Late Cretaceous, Triceratops outnumbered tyrannosaurs 10 to 1. 实际上,在白垩纪晚期,三角龙的数量达到了霸王龙的十倍。 Their success is down to one reason. 它们成功生存的原因只有一个。 A single
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(10) Sauroposeidon does almost everything by instinct including rearing, or more accurately, not rearing its children. 波塞东龙做任何事几乎都是出于本能,包括抚养后代,更准确地说是,根本不抚养其后代。 It may seem cru
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(11) Sauropods were in a predator-rich environment. 波塞东龙生活在食肉动物横行的时代。 So I'm sure that many, many sauropod nests were found and destroyed by predators before the babies could even hatch. 所以我肯定波塞东龙的窝在
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(12) But for Sauroposeidon, every day spent growing up is a day trying to keep out of the sights of this brute. 对于波塞东龙而言,成长的每一天都要躲开这个小东西的视线。 Deinonychus is a killing machine. Here was a creature that
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(13) Triceratops may be a plant eater, but with a defenseless baby T. Rex around, it'll make an exception. 三角龙也许是草食性动物,但对毫无防备的霸王龙宝宝来说那就另当别论了。 Quetzalcoatlus is the largest flying carnivor
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(14) 50 million years before the first T. Rex walked the earth, Sauroposeidon youngsters are already out on their own. 在霸王龙出现五千万年前,波塞东龙的幼龙就已经独立生存了。 Huge numbers hatch each year. But only 3 out of 10,
  • 纪录片《恐龙的战争》 极限生存(15) Tyrannosaurus rex, though, lives in an entirely different world. 而霸王龙,却生活在截然不同的世界中。 A male devours a Triceratops carcass. Those powerful jaws smash into the meat of the animal. 一只雄龙正在吞食三角龙的尸