纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第01期 挑战真相
Everybody knows what wiped out the dinosaurs. 所有人都知道恐龙灭绝的原因。 Sixty five million years ago, it came from outer space. 这场灾难来自6500万年前的外太空。 The world changed in an instant, it became an Old Testamen
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第02期 震惊了世界的理论
The hills of north east Mexico are full of evidence of a mass murder, sixty five million years ago. 墨西哥东北部丘陵拥有发生在6500万年前的这场大屠杀的许多证据。 It's a crime that for over a decade, scientists thought they
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第03期 第三纪界线层
The arguments are so bitter because Gerta Keller has re-opened the case which most others considered closed. 辩论相当激烈,因为Gerta Keller又重新提起了大多数人认为已经盖棺定论的事件。 In doing so she has sparked a scien
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第04期 岩熔球
In fact there was so much Iridium, scientists realised the asteroid must have been a staggering ten kilometres in diameter. 事实上,铱的含量非常高,科学家们相信小行星的直径一定大得令人难以置信,至少有10公里。
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第05期 熊熊大火
The spherules were evidence that the fireball had vaporised billions of tonnes of rock. 小球体证明了火球使得数亿吨岩石蒸发。 In outer space the vapour condensed into tiny droplets which fell back all over the earth as white hot sphe
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第06期 蕨类植物孢子
Then there was the final clue from the KT boundary a high concentration of fern spores. 后来第三纪界线层中又发现了最后一条线索,大量蕨类植物孢子。 Ferns flourish whenever all other plants have been killed off by some envi
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第07期 寻找陨石坑
Alan Hildebrand who was based in Calgary in western Canada, was determined to be the one to discover the crater. Alan Hildebrand一直在加拿大西部的卡尔加里从事研究,他一心想找到这个陨石坑。 He knew the spherule layers sho
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第08期 墨西哥勘探
Now they knew where the crater lay, the theory seemed to be proven. 现在他们知道了陨石坑的位置,这一理论似乎得到了证明。 But it wasn't quite so simple. 但是事情并没有那么简单。 At Chicxulub the crater was buried
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第09期 巨岩
It was a massive rock outcrop. 这是一块裸露在地表的巨岩。 It seemed to be exactly the same age as Chicxulub. 它看起来的确与希克苏鲁伯处于同一年代。 At last the whole history of the impact could be read in a rock. 终于,
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第10期 大海啸
Smit believed it was a Tsunami tidal wave like no other. Smit认为原因不是别的,就是海啸。 It would have travelled at hundreds of miles an hour. 它每小时能前进数百英里。 It could have been a thousand feet high. 高度可达10
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第11期 观点中的错误
It's a nice story but when you take a second look, the story just doesn't stack up, 这个故事是不错,但如果你再看一下,你会发现这个故事无法连起来, there is something fishy about it, it just doesn't make sense. 里面有些
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第12期 石灰岩层
So this layer up here has nothing to do with the lower level, 所以这里的上层地层和下层地层丝毫不相干, the two are separated by time, and by a considerable amount of time. 它们因为时间而分隔,而且肯定是很长一段时
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第13期 小球体层
It was a Eureka moment, absolutely. 这是激动人心的时刻,绝对是。 We danced, we jumped up and down, and said we've got it. 我们跳舞,欢呼雀跃,我们找到它了。 They were excited because these spherules were eight metres be
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第14期 第二次碰撞
The Iridium must have come from an asteroid, but it must have been a second impact, three hundred thousand years later, 铱只能来自小行星,但那肯定已是30万年后的第二次碰撞, for which we simply don't know where the crater is 我
纪录片《恐龙灭绝真相》 第15期 采集岩芯
At the end of 2001, an international team of scientists gathered near Chicxulub. 2001年底,一支国际科研小组来到希克苏鲁伯附近。 They used an oil rig to drill down over a kilometre into the heart of the crater. 他们利用石油钻