offender罪犯, trial审判, commit犯罪
Early Big Shopping
An offender was brought to trial before a judge. The judge asked him, "What is the crime you have committed?"
The offender said, "I went shopping too early during the New Year."
The judge said, "This is not a crime! Is there a mistake, perhaps? So how early did you go shopping?"
He answered, "The shop was not yet open for business, and I was already inside."
1. offender罪犯。也有“冒犯者”的意思: The offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。
2.trial审判。也可以指“忧虑的原因”: That child is a trial to his parents.那小孩真让他父母伤脑筋。
3.commit犯罪。也有“承诺”的意思: He has committed himself to support them.他答应负担他们的生活。
4.business营业。 business as usual“一切如常,处之泰然”:Apart from being under new management, it's business as usual in the department.除了管理层变了,该部门情况一切如常。