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Christmas at the Market

时间:2009-02-10 08:10来源:互联网 提供网友:不许输   字体: [ ]
BBC Learning EnglishLondon LifeChristmas at the MarketJackie: Hello! This is London Life, I'm Jackie Dalton.
  Christmas is approachingand, as usual, I haven't done my Christmas shopping yet –I suppose that’s because I hate doing it: the huge crowds,the annoying Christmas songs being played in shops and mostof all, a complete lack of inspiration when it comes toideas for what to buy people. It seems the shops are justselling the same old thing every year. But there’s hope!
  There are some places in London where Christmas shoppingcan be a bit more interesting and inspiring. These includemarkets. Today we’re going to find out about onewhich is particularly popular for Christmas shopping andthat's Spitalfields. Both visitors and traders love itslively atmosphere. Emily has a smallshop selling unusual home decorations and clothes. Whatdoes she like about Spitalfields?
  EmilyWell, there’s always something quite magical about thisarea anyway.  I think Spitalfields Market has such a longhistory. It’s always been involved with creativity, there’s a lot of artists that live in the area and there’s agreat energy about the place, so, particularly in festivetimes such as Christmas, this really comes to the fore2.
  Jackie: Well, Emily says ‘creativity’ has always been apart of Spitalfields.
  Creativity – the ability to come up with new and differentideas and make unusual things. She talks about a greatenergy at the market. She saysthese things really come to the fore in festive1 times. Whatdoes that mean? If something ‘comes to the fore’, itbecomes more noticeable. ‘Festive times’ are times whenpeople are celebrating some kind of event, like Christmas.
  So Emily reckons that at Christmas you can really see theenergy and creativity at Spitalfields market. Now let’shear about one trader who is being particularly creativefor Christmas. Gary is selling Christmas decorations –‘Christmas decorations’ – things that people put uparound the house during the Christmas period to make itlook nice…things like sparkly candles and tinsel. But Garygoes a bit further. What’s he offering?
  GaryWe try to make each year different.  We’ve got, like,Santa on a spaceship, this is, like, supersonic Santa, andwe’ve got, like, a reindeer3 dressed up quite sassy -Twinkletoes.
  Jackie: Gary likes to make each year different. This yearit’s Santa – or ‘Father Christmas’ but on a spaceship– not something we usually associate with FatherChristmas. Gary also sells models of reindeer, the four-legged animals supposedly pull Santa’s sleigh when heflies through the sky. But they're not ordinary models ofreindeer, they're actually dressed up and they look quite'sassy', he says – 'sassy' – quite stylish4, as if they'reabout to go and have a party. Now let’s hear from Diana,who makes jewellery which she sells at Spitalfields. Whydoes she think the market is a good place to go?
  DianaEveryone knows their goanna get original stuff if they comehere.
  Jackie: Diane says people go to the market because theyknow they can find‘original’ things. ‘Original’ – things that areunusual, a bit different. Diana thinks Spitalfields is notonly a good place to visit; it’s also a good place towork. Why is that?
  DianaThe people that run it are very fair. They always welcomenew people. They always encourage art, they alwaysencourage crafts, they always encourage people that maketheir own things to come in and do it. A lot of businessstarted up here.
  Jackie: Diana reckons Spitalfields is a good place to workbecause new people are welcome and art and creativity isencouraged. She says a lot of businesses started up there.
  Diana also likes Spitalfields because of the kinds ofpeople there. What does she like about them? See if you canidentify three thingsDianaThere's a lot of people around here – they're creative andintelligent as well. And very generous, really. Most peopleare very generous here, really sweet.
  Jackie: Diana says people are creative, intelligent andgenerous – generous – kind to others and willing to helpthem. Spitalfields is, of course, not the only market inLondon. And each market has something different and specialabout it, whether it’s the fascinating antiques ofPortobello Road or the delicious food of Borough5 market.
  But when it comes to creativity and imagination,Spitalfields is certainly one of the best places to go. AndI’m pleased to say that when I went there, I managed tobuy lots of Christmas presents!


1 festive mkBx5     
  • It was Christmas and everyone was in festive mood.当时是圣诞节,每个人都沉浸在节日的欢乐中。
  • We all wore festive costumes to the ball.我们都穿着节日的盛装前去参加舞会。
2 fore ri8xw     
  • Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
  • I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
3 reindeer WBfzw     
  • The herd of reindeer was being trailed by a pack of wolves.那群驯鹿被一只狼群寻踪追赶上来。
  • The life of the Reindeer men was a frontier life.驯鹿时代人的生活是一种边区生活。
4 stylish 7tNwG     
  • He's a stylish dresser.他是个穿着很有格调的人。
  • What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women all over the world.巴黎女性时装往往会引导世界时装潮流。
5 borough EdRyS     
  • He was slated for borough president.他被提名做自治区主席。
  • That's what happened to Harry Barritt of London's Bromley borough.住在伦敦的布罗姆利自治市的哈里.巴里特就经历了此事。
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