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  • 听一分钟英文:War Crime-战争罪行

    I don't think it's just the bad people who are guilty of war crimes. The world's press always pick on the dictators or leaders they have decided are bad. They then make them into monsters and say they are guilty of terrible war crimes. This is probab...

  • 听一分钟英文:War-战争

    War is the worst thing in the world. I've never experienced it. I've never seen it. I never want to. Just looking at it on television is enough. What is war? It's when leaders think they have to be strong so they attack another country and kill more...

  • 听一分钟英文:Walking-走路

    Walking is one of the best forms of exercise you can do. People don't think it is exercise, but it is. If you increase the amount you walk every day, you will be healthier. In fact, it is possible to lose weight through walking, but you have to walk...
