聆听悦耳英音 第1期:Techno Toys (1)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:Techno Toys Spellings 1. Kerb (the edge of the pavement) 2. Bolshiness 3. Wifi 4. Voraciously Idioms 1. The (beach) was beckoning 2. For all the and for all the Questions 1. How long was it before her son got bored with
聆听悦耳英音 第2期:Techno Toys (2)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:Techno Toys Spelings 1. Inveterate 2. Saxophone 3. Seamless Idioms 1. Get this 2. Looking lame 3. New hemisphere The Americas: the new world Questions 1. What does Susan say is dopey, but kind of fun? 2. What did her so
聆听悦耳英音 第3期:外国人过Valentine's Day(1)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:外国人过 Valentines Day! 单词拼写: 1. skeptical: suspiction 存疑 2. commercial: 商业 3. romantic 浪漫的,罗曼史 重点俚语: 1. it hardly seems like. (a year ago): it looks complete difference 完全
聆听悦耳英音 第4期:外国人过Valentine's Day(2)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:外国人过 Valentines Day! 单词拼写: 1. status 社会地位 2. necessarily: next to essential 必要地 重点俚语: 1. in lieu of: in place of 代替 2. get sb. down: make sb. feel depressed 让失望 3. a n
聆听悦耳英音 第8期:有趣的Female Spy! (2)
嘉宾: Debbie 话题: 有趣的Female Spy! (2) 单词拼写: 1. consultancy 顾问工作 2. rationale 原因 3. bogus: fake 虚假的 4. Niger a country in north Africa 非洲国家(尼日尔) 5. Nigeria 尼日利亚 重点俚语: 1. op-ed
聆听悦耳英音 第9期:The First Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft (1)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题: The First Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft 单词拼写 1、manifesto:a plan of faction 宣言 2、liberation: freedom 解放 3、tarnished: 污色,败坏名声 4、laudable: recommended 推荐的,很好的 5、distincti
聆听悦耳英音 第10期:The First Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft (2)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题: The First Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft 单词拼写 1、pedagogue 教师 2、pivotal 中枢的关键的 3、singularly 特别的,罕见的 4、philanderer:playboy 花花公子 5、refurbishing: decorate 重新装饰的
聆听悦耳英音 第11期:英国女演员Olivia Williams谈黑色喜剧表演 (1)
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:英国女演员Olivia Williams 谈黑色喜剧表演. 单词拼写: 1、interval :幕间休息(戏剧,舞台剧等) 2、stamina :How long you can endure sth. 体力,耐力持久力 3、misogyny :dislike of
聆听悦耳英音 第15期:Women and Horses
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:Women and Horses 单词拼写: 1、Blockbuster:重磅炸弹,大片 2、Pin-ups:墙上贴的照片、海报里的人 3、Intuitive:有直觉的 重点俚语: 1、To stir something in the loins: 2、Went by
聆听悦耳英音 第16期:Book "Kiss and Tell"
嘉宾:Debbie Mason 话题:Book Kiss and Tell. 单词拼写: 1、Plimsolls 2、Paperback (A book with a soft cover. As opposed to hardback.) 3、Herd 4、Dominating 5、Grooms People who looked after horses. Used to be men. 6、Welfare How some