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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第555期:ask somebody for a favor ask somebody for a favor 请求某人的帮助 I need to ask you for a favor. It's urgent. 我得请你帮个忙,非常着急。 I'm calling to ask you for a favor. 我打电话是想找你帮个忙。 Can I ask you for a big favor? 我能请你帮个
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第556期:ask somebody about ask somebody about 向某人询问某事 I need to ask you about your brother. 我得向你问问你哥哥的事情。 I have something to ask you about the wedding ceremony. 我得向你问问有关婚礼的事情。 Please, don't ask me about this
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第557期:ask somebody to ask somebody to 拜托某人做某事 I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. 我现在不得不要求你离开了。 I didn't ask you to do it! 我没叫你做那种事情! I'm not asking you to set me up. 我不是来要你给我介绍对象的。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第558期:ask (sb) what ask (sb) what) 询问某人某事 Can I ask you what happened here? 我能问问你这里发生什么事情了吗? She will ask me where it came from. 她会问我这是从哪来的。 People ask me why we're not together. 人们问我为什么我们
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第559期:ask (somebody) if ask (somebody) if (向某人)询问某事 You never asked me if I lived in Germany. 你从来就没问过我有没有在德国住过。 He asked me how much I loved my wife. 他问我有多么爱我的妻子。 I want to get this report done befo
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第560期:ask oneself ask oneself 自己问自己,扪心自问 Well then ask yourself this. 那你问问自己吧。 You should ask yourself why you're doing that. 你得问问自己,到底为什么会那么做。 I'd have to ask myself what kind of person would do th
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第561期:ask for ask for 拜托某事 You don't have to ask for my permission. 你不需要得到我的允许。 Why didn't you just ask me for the money? 你为什么没有向我借钱? She didn't really ask for you, she asked for me. 她找的其实不是你,而是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第562期:ask somebody out ask somebody out 申请约会,招待 I asked Sarah out for dinner tonight. 我今天晚上约沙拉出去吃晚饭了。 He asked me out. 他向我提出了约会。 Are you asking me out on a date? 你是在邀请我出去约会吗? Are you plan
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第563期:be asked to be asked to 被邀请来做某事,听某人的话 I was asked to go there instead of Karl. 我接到了替代卡尔去那里的邀请。 I thought you were asked to come home. 我想你应该收到了来我们家的邀请。 I was asked to give thi
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第564期:answer somebody (sth) answer somebody (sth) 向某人回答 Just answer me this. Why did we break up? 回答我的问题。我们为什么会分手? I will expect you to answer me. 我非常希望你能答复我。 Don't answer me. It's your choice. 不要回答我。这是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第565期:answer one's question answer one's question 回答某人的问题 Don't answer that question. 不要回答那个问题。 That didn't answer my question. 那并不等于回答了我的问题。 She'll answer your questions when she's ready. 她如果准备好了,就会回
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第566期:answer the phone answer the phone 接电话,帮人开门 He's not answering his cell phone. 他不接手机。 Will you please answer the phone? 你能帮我接个电话吗? Please answer the door. 帮忙开下门。 Could you answer it for me? (电话铃响时)
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第567期:give somebody an answer give somebody an answer 给某人回复 I thought you could give me an answer to my question. 我觉得你能够回答我的问题。 I'd like to give you an answer after work. 等我下班了,会给你一个答复的。 I'll give you a firm answer
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第568期:think (that) think (that) 认为 I think you have a problem. 我觉得你有问题。 I don't think it's a good idea to leave now. 我觉得现在离开并不是个好主意。 I don't think we're met before. 我觉得我们之前没有见过面。 I think that m
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第569期:Do you think (that) Do you think (that) 你觉得吗? Do you think she'll become a model? 你觉得她能成为一个模特吗? Do you think we should go there? 你觉得我们应该去那吗? Do you think there's a chance I could have a date with Susie? 你觉得我