46a、舌后软腭半元音 本单元超值名言: No sweet without sweat. 甜从苦中来。 Ⅰ、每日练嘴单词 1、工资,薪水 WAGE 这个国家的最低工资是多少? Whats the minimum wage in this country? 我得用部分工资支付...
本单元名言: 花上一天的时间,倾听你所遇到的每个人,而不是对他们说话。 Spend a day listening to everyone you meet,rather than talking to them. 第一部分:每日练嘴单词 1、年轻的 YOUNG 这本书老少皆宜。...
第四十八单元 /tr / 每天令5个人微笑,每天令5个陌生人微笑。 Try to make 5 people smile every day. Try to make 5 stranger smile every day. trade 贸易 每年有成千上万的人来参加广交会。 Hundreds of thousands of peo...
亲爱的朋友们,欢迎大家来到第49单元 / dr / 像中文的追。 drive 我通常开车上班。 I usually drive to work. 你会开车吗? Can you drive? 别这么拼死拼活的。 You shouldn't drive yourself so hard. 他快让我发疯了...
第50 单元 技巧 /ts/像中文的次,/dz /像中文的子( 收小腹) 本单元超级名言:A positive attitude will have positive results because attitudes are contagious. facts 事实 我只想知道事实。 I just want to know the fact...
4. 看来这里的食物我吃不惯。 The food here doesn't seem to agree with me. 5. 你有没有看到座位上的钥匙? Do you happen to see the key on the seat? 6. 我懂你说的意思,但我不能同意。 I see what you mean, but I cann...
5. 你们公司让人印象深刻。 Your company is very impressive. 6. 我很幸运没碰上这次交通事故。 I was lucky to miss the traffic accident. 7. 你完成这项工作花了多长时间? How long did it take you to finish this job? 8...
4.这个信息很有帮助。 The message was very helpful. 5.我永远不会忘记那特别的一天。 I'll never forget that special day. 6.新鲜空气和运动有益于身体健康。 Fresh air and exercise are good for health. 7.永远不要让你...
李阳标准美语4b 6.到哪儿都会有害群之马。 There is always a bad apple in every batch. 7.事实上,我认为他很杰出。 As a matter of fact I think he is outstanding. 8.那个人有个坏习惯。 That man has a bad habit. 9.我很高...
李阳标准美语5b 5.再来看我们吧。 Come, see us again. 6.钱不是从天上掉下来的。 Money doesn't grow on trees. 7.闭嘴! Just shut up! 8.我喜欢它只是因为好玩。 I love it just for fun. 9.他真幸运。 He's such a luck...
李阳标准美语6b 4.炎热的太阳让我们口渴。 The boiling sun made us thirsty. 5.我想诅咒工作做的如此糟糕的人。 I want to curse the person who did the bad work. 6.二战比一战更残酷。 World War Ⅱwas worse than World...
李阳标准美语7b 4.越快越好,尽力就是了。 The fast the better, just try your best. 5.我比以前跑的更远更快了。 I can run farther and faster than ever. 6.我情愿做作家也不做演员。 I 'd rather be a writer than an ac...
李阳标准美语8b 3.那不可能。没有什么事是不可能的。 That's impossible. Nothing is impossible. 4.是什么吸引你来中国的? What brings you to China? 5.请允许我介绍一下我自己。 Allow me to introduce myself. 6.我还...
number five: 尽量设法完成这项工作,try to finish the job as soon as possible. number six: 你们能帮我解决这个问题吗?could you possibly help me solve the problem? number seven: 我不想在这等一等天,我还有很多事情要...
李阳标准美语10b 3.你真没有同情心。You really have no heart. 4.你真聪明。You are so smart. 5.打扰一下,请问花园酒店在哪? Pardon me , where is the Garden Hotel? 6.放聪明点,别和他吵? Be smart , don't argue w...